After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 163 The winner of life

She went down and poured herself a glass of water. Just as she was about to calm down, she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door?
dong dong dong.

The voice sounded unhurried. Since it was already midnight, Susan seemed very vigilant. She first tried to see the other person's appearance through the cat's eyes?But there was no one in the cat's eyes. It was obvious that the other party didn't want Susan to see her, so Susan became even more wary.

So he warned the person who knocked on the door: "Who is it? In the middle of the night, you deliberately avoid the cat's eyes to prevent me from seeing you? If it's not a guilty conscience, it is the robber who robbed single women recently? Huh! I'm not easy to mess with." Yes, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, I will call the police!"

Recently, there have been many burglaries in the community, coupled with Susan's previous nightmares, she has to be on tenterhooks.

However, the people at the door didn't seem to leave easily because of Susan's threat?She continued to knock on the door, and then said, "Aunt Shan is I, Yi Qing, please open the door."

"Lin Yiqing?" Susan listened carefully again. After confirming that the other party was Lin Yiqing, she was a little relieved, but then she felt very strange. She didn't open the door immediately, but Lin Yiqing from the opposite side. Qing asked, "Why are you here so late? Shouldn't you be sleeping in your room now?"

Susan knowingly asked, it was clear that she sent Lin Yiqing to the bald old man on purpose, but now she deliberately pretended to be crazy and stupid, pretending that she didn't know about it at all, and it was clear that she was acting in front of Lin Yiqing!
And if Lin Yiqing at the door hadn't heard the bald old man say that Susan manipulated all this, maybe she would believe that Susan had nothing to do with this matter?However, she is no longer as easy to deceive as before, won't she easily believe this despicable and shameless woman just because of Susan's casual words?

So Lin Yiqing was at Susan's door, with a self-deprecating attitude, and continued to say to Susan who was unwilling to open the door: "Yi Qing didn't understand what Aunt Shan meant, and Aunt Shan said that Yi Qing should rest in the room now? So is Aunt Shan referring to Mrs. Lin's room? Or the hotel room?"

"This?" Susan immediately shuddered after hearing Lin Yiqing's words. Although she wanted to deny this fact, it seemed that Lin Yiqing had already known the truth?Her tone couldn't help being a lot more awkward than before, but even so, Susan still sneered at Lin Yiqing's experience, and continued:

"How would I know about the good deeds you have done? I originally wanted to take you away at the reception tonight, but you were completely drunk and insisted on hugging Mr. Li and refused to leave. What did you say you found it yourself?" True love? Although I tried my best to persuade you for a long time so that the relationship between you and Qinghan would not break, but you didn't appreciate it at all. What can I do? No matter what happens now, you must not come looking for me Me, after all, this is all caused by you, you can find a way to settle it yourself."

Susan is unwilling to continue wiping Lin Yiqing's ass, and now that Lin Yiqing knows her true face, Susan has no choice but to break with Lin Yiqing completely, anyway, she has already used After Lin Yiqing, even if she gave up, there was no loss for her!
However, Lin Yiqing knew what Susan meant, and she had no intention of leaving. A sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she suddenly looked at Susan in the cat's eyes, and continued in the aisle: "Aunt Shan, you are so smart, you should know Is it true that walls have ears? This is the entrance of your life, Aunt Shan. Now this time also happens to be the most sensitive period for the neighbors to rest. If there is any movement, they will be easily awakened. Guess what, if I make a big noise now If you want to see Aunt Shan after making a big fuss, will these neighbors blame me for their mistakes? Or will it be Aunt Shan who has been a neighbor for a long time?"

This kind of threat from Lin Yiqing is effective for Susan. She has always lived a low-key life here. Although she is not familiar with her neighbors, she always greets her with a smile. If Lin Yiqing If there is a lot of noise here today, if the neighbors hear it, although Susan's reputation will naturally not have a good impact.

Thinking of this, Susan's heart skipped a beat, thinking, what if Lin Yiqing is allowed to enter the house?After all, she is just a weak young lady, and what about her?Having seen the storms of life a long time ago, Susan is not afraid of Lin Yiqing's existence at all. It can only be said that because of guilt in her heart, she wants to avoid meeting her as much as possible, right?
She stretched out her hand to unscrew the door, and looked at Lin Yiqing, whose face was a little pale outside, but her smile made people feel sinister. She frowned first, and then glanced at the corridor to make sure that there was no one there. Yiqing came in without any hospitality, not even a cup of tea. She just perfunctorily let Lin Yiqing sit on the sofa, and then felt very strange that Lin Yiqing came to the door, so she asked in puzzlement: "Although the two of us have been in touch on the phone for a while, I don't seem to have told you where I live in private. How did you find this place?"

"Anyway, I'm also the heir of the Lin family. How could it be possible that I don't know a few private detectives in private? It's not just Aunt Shan who is always on guard against me. Since I see that you don't really want to help me, then I will also make some in advance. Be on guard, what's wrong?" Lin Yiqing was sitting on the sofa, she knew how messed up she looked?But all of this was caused by Susan's selfishness, she just wanted Susan to see herself now, and then looked at Susan's eyes that didn't dare to fall on her, and laughed at her cowardice and despicableness!
As for Lin Yiqing's words, Susan couldn't find anything wrong with her.

That's right, she never really thought about helping Lin Yiqing marry Feng Qinghan from the very beginning, he was just using Lin Yiqing to achieve his own goals selfishly.

Now that she got the money she wanted and successfully got Xiao Kui into prison, she seems to be the most successful winner in life right now!
However, some sacrifices must be made on the road to success. Susan is unwilling to sacrifice herself, so she has to sacrifice Lin Yiqing who has been used by her all the time.

Lin Yiqing didn't know Susan's despicableness before, and she seemed to have made a big mistake in her life after she found out, and there was no room for maneuver.

Therefore, the person Lin Yiqing hates most now is Susan, who pushed herself to this step step by step. Such a despicable woman, seeing that Lin Yiqing is no longer of use value, actually wants to use her she abandoned?
Lin Yiqing clearly knew Susan's intentions, but deliberately didn't expose it. After all, Susan hadn't paid her due price yet, so she looked at Susan, pretended to be pitiful, and poured out tears: " Aunt Shan, what should I do? That despicable use of bullying me, this is not my intention, it's just that I don't drink well, and I drank too much last night, that's why this happened. I don’t know what to do? I dare not tell my second uncle or Qinghan about this, I’m afraid I will be rejected by Qinghan, now Aunt Shan, you are the only one who can help me, Aunt Shan, please help Help me get out of this difficulty, okay?"

"You beg me?" Susan felt a little confused after hearing Lin Yiqing's words. What's going on?Why was it that when she was at the door just now, Susan seemed to feel that Lin Yiqing knew that she was responsible for everything, so this time she came here to settle accounts, but now what Lin Yiqing said didn't seem to mean it?
Just in case, Susan didn't want to be deceived by Lin Yiqing's acting skills, so she looked at Lin Yiqing still crying with a look of temptation, handed her a tissue, and continued to ask: "Oh? Is there such a thing? No way? Although Mr. Li usually likes to do things wrong, but seeing that you are the daughter of the Lin family, he wouldn't go too far, right? Yi Qing, Are you sure you are sober now? Alcohol has been diluted in your system?"

"Aunt Shan, don't you believe what I said now?" After hearing Susan's question, Lin Yiqing seemed to be more aggrieved than before.

Tears also flowed out of her eyes faster than before. She sobbed and continued to whisper: "I am a woman, can I not tell if I have been bullied? Aunt Shan, I really didn't lie to you, that Mr. Li He's not a person at all, he's a scumbag! He took advantage of my drunkenness to attack me, which has obviously been plotted for a long time, Aunt Shan, what should I do? Woohoo."

"Don't worry, I'll help you figure out a way." Of course, Susan knew that she still had intimate photos of Lin Yiqing and President Li in her mobile phone, but she absolutely couldn't take them out and put them in front of Lin Yiqing now, otherwise, wouldn't she Isn't it the same as telling Lin Yiqing openly that everything was arranged on purpose by her?In this way, Lin Yiqing clearly didn't know about it at the beginning, but then she also knew the truth of the matter?

Looking at Lin Yiqing's tears is definitely not a lie, and when she looked at Susan in her eyes, she seemed to trust Susan to help her, which made Susan finally relieve her guard against Lin Yiqing. Standing down, looking at the crying girl in front of her, a sinister sneer appeared on the corner of Susan's mouth, and she murmured:

"Hey, last night's reception was just to thank those who helped us. It was unexpected that such a tragedy would happen. It's just Yi Qing, after so much, do you know where you went wrong?"

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