After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 15 The Strange Waiter

Or the old rules, a quiet private room?There is still the wine you saved before, I am not willing to touch it, should I give you a piece, and have a good drink? "

"You know why don't you hurry up and order?" Lin Yiqing rolled her eyes angrily. She and the bar owner are indeed old acquaintances, not only him, but also Feng Qinghan. They all grew up together, but Lin Yiqing The family background is prominent, and the friends around him are just some ordinary characters.

The bar owner left with a faint smile. No one saw his handsome figure. He came to a secluded corner and quietly dialed a number?
Lin Yiqing is also one of the shareholders of the bar, so there is a VIP box in this bar all year round. Even if the bar is full, she can't use her box to entertain guests. The reason is very simple, because she has a cleanliness habit!

Not long after, the waiter brought in the wine she had stored. There were five or six bottles, all of which were expensive wines. Perhaps most people in this bar had never tried them.

But this was no surprise to Lin Yiqing, she poured herself a glass without even looking at the waiter, but before she could drink, she was stopped by a strange waiter. I saw that he had a gentle face that seemed to be dripping water, especially those eyes, which were like the sea, and one could not help being intoxicated just by looking at it.

But Lin Yiqing is a woman who has seen the world after all, and there are many handsome men around her every day, how could she easily fall in love with a waiter at first sight?After all, the only one who made her fall in love at first sight was Lan Feng, but it's a pity that he is a man who is completely incomprehensible, and it makes people angry just thinking about it!
However, the waiter held Lin Yiqing's hand, and there was no tension or flush on that gentle face, but he smiled and said lightly: "Drinking on an empty stomach hurts the stomach, Ms. Lin, don't you want to order some other appetizers?" ?”

"Miss Lin? Do you know me?" Lin Yiqing looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her with great interest in the box that was not brightly lit, and let others grab her arm, but she did not intend to resist. Maybe it's fun?

Drinking on an empty stomach hurts your stomach?Of course she understands this truth, but she is in such a bad mood now, she has no interest in eating at all, she just wants to get herself drunk with alcohol, so that maybe she won't be thinking about it tonight, but will have a good night's sleep!
It's just that she doesn't know whether the man in front of her with 'good intentions' who stopped her is really smart?or stupid?
The gentle waiter nodded honestly, and finally continued to smile. The arc of that smile was like an angel who fell into the mortal world. The gentle taste was unforgettable for a long time, "It's natural, Miss Lin is the daughter of the Lin family, I'm afraid there are not many people in this bar who don't know you? I know you, is it strange?"

"That's right! What you said is very good. I just said this to you. I don't want to drink this glass of wine. Can I let you drink it?" Lin Yiqing said, and handed over the glass of red wine that was filled just now. This weird waiter.

The waiter didn't go to pick it up, but let go of Lin Yiqing's arm with some reluctance, and responded politely: "I'm sorry Miss Lin, I'm not very good at drinking, and I'm still working , if the boss finds out about drinking without authorization, he may be fired."

"What are you afraid of? Since you know that I am Lin Yiqing, you should know that this bar also has my shares. I can't say that you are not allowed to fire you. Let's see who has such courage?" Lin Yiqing said, patted He patted the sofa next to him, and continued to the waiter: "Come here, have a few drinks with Miss Ben, if you make Miss Ben happy, you will not lose the tip, and your boss will not punish you either. Do not worry."

I don't know if she got used to being bewitched after listening to Lin Yiqing's words?Or was he just playing hard to get?After putting down the plate, the waiter gracefully walked up to Lin Yiqing, took her red wine, handed her a glass, and said with a smile, "Since Miss Lin thinks highly of me, I don't want to drink this glass of wine." How about a toast?"

"Very good! Refreshing!" Lin Yiqing seemed very satisfied with the gentle waiter in front of her. Appeared, when she felt the most wronged and helpless, so it was clear that strangers should refuse, but Lin Yiqing completely let go of her inner guard.

After drinking a glass, the waiter put the wine glass on the table, looked at Lin Yiqing's red eyes, as if she had just cried, continued to smile at the corners of her mouth, and asked softly: "As we all know, Ms. Lin is from a famous family, and Already engaged to the head of the Lan Family Group, is there anything unsatisfactory in this life? Why are you crying?"

"What do you know? You're just a waiter serving customers with a meager salary. Don't you even ask why customers are in a bad mood?" A person who can see through her heart and listen to her grievances. Of course, it's best not to be familiar with this person, so that he can be treated like a trash can, and he can throw it away after talking, without worrying about being betrayed!
The waiter didn't say anything more, but poured another glass of wine and handed it to Lin Yiqing, "If you are unhappy in your heart but don't want to tell anyone, why don't you just say it to the alcohol in your heart? It's better than always It's much more comfortable to hold back and not tell anyone, right? Miss Lin, don't doubt that although I'm just an ordinary person, I don't necessarily have to experience much less than Miss Lin. I was forced to break up with my girlfriend..."

The waiter seemed to be intentionally confiding in Lin Yiqing, and even used the excuse that he had just lost love?Probably the plot is similar?Lin Yiqing was finally not as tight-lipped as she was just now, but felt aggrieved. She finally let go, bit her lips tightly, drank the wine handed by the waiter, and then leaned drunkenly on the waiter's shoulder , sniffing the man's unique breath, like obsessively, slowly said:

"You said that if there is a man who can get me by stretching out his hand, but rejects me at the most critical moment and ruthlessly withdraws my card? What's going on? Is it because I'm not good enough? Or am I not talented enough? charm?"

"I'm afraid these two points don't exist?" The waiter didn't push Lin Yiqing away, and let her lean on his shoulder, as if they were both seeking comfort from each other, and then he continued: "Maybe the other party still Unprepared? You obviously expected to go to the end of your life alone, but suddenly there is another person participating? So you are a little at a loss?"

"It's absolutely impossible." Lin Yiqing lifted her head from the waiter's shoulder in a fit of rage, tears streaming down her eyes at some point, and her sobbing made people feel distressed, "Even if you don't get used to it, half a year The time is not enough to adapt to the existence of a person? This lady does not believe it! This lady is beautiful and comes from a famous family. What is not worthy of him? Why does he always reject this lady thousands of miles away? Or, he There is no place for Miss Ben in my heart? Does he like someone else?"

Apart from this kind of thinking, Lin Yiqing really doesn't know what she should think?She has tried her best to please Lan Feng, but she has not received any response from the other party. She even put down her dignity tonight and handed everything over to him, but she was still rejected?If Lan Feng is not really not close to women, then there is only one explanation, he actually has other women?It's just that he hid it very well, so no one has discovered it all this time?
The waiter seemed to see Lin Yiqing's wild thoughts. He nodded, looked at her sobbing, stretched out his hand to brush away her messy hair, and then lifted her delicate face, and the raised lips seemed to comfort people's hearts "If it's impossible to betray you, has Miss Lin thought about it? Maybe he really doesn't love you in his heart?"

"No love? Then why did you want to get engaged to me?" Lin Yiqing was already a little drunk, so she began to speak freely, without any scruples at all, "Also, why are his shoulders so thin? I leaned on her arm I didn’t feel any heartbeat when I was there? But you, a waiter I just met, made me feel full of security? Hehe, isn’t this interesting?”

Lin Yiqing has never been a sinister and vicious person, on the contrary, her heart is actually very simple, pure and pure like a child, pure and beautiful, making people reluctant to be hurt at all.

However, few people are able to discover this point. Maybe Lin Yiqing just disguised herself well during the day, so that many people can see more of her strong side, but she only left this simple side. After getting drunk?

The corner of the waiter's mouth twitched into a smile, looking at Lin Yiqing, who was still playing drunk, but very cute, and said lightly: "Could it be that you don't actually love him? You fell in love with him, Is it just a memory from 20 years ago? Just the big brother who woke you up in the swimming pool? 20 years have passed, too many things, too many people have changed, but you have no memory of that year Change."

Lin Yiqing was already drunk, she seemed to understand the waiter's words, and she seemed to understand, tears kept spreading.

"I just want to be his wife, so I don't hesitate to give up Lin's inheritance rights, and I just ask him to treat me more gently, but he always treats me indifferently, did I do something wrong? Don't want to answer private calls? It's not that I don't understand, it's just that he doesn't want to reveal it every time because of his face and my face. "

Nestling on the waiter's shoulder, at that moment, Lin Yiqing uttered all her grievances, probably because of alcohol manipulation, it was the first time she let go of everything with peace of mind in front of strangers?

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