But I thought that after a while, this misunderstanding would be gradually forgotten, and she could start a new life again, but she never expected that she would be surrounded by people on the road, wantonly humiliating and making things difficult for her?Don't even have the strength to refute?

If this matter were changed to Xiao Kui two years ago, maybe she would be filled with fear because of the feeling of helplessness?But now Xiao Kui is no longer that poor woman who can be bullied casually!

In the past two years, she has experienced too many things that others can't imagine, so her heart has already become extremely strong, although the current situation does make her very embarrassed?But she won't really sit still and be ridiculed wantonly, so her eyes became stern, looking at the passers-by who were still throwing mocking glances at her, she frowned and said calmly:

"When everyone was studying for a driver's license, didn't a teacher teach you not to make noise and play in the middle of the road? Although I am not the only driver on this road, what everyone has done has seriously affected my normal life. , if you still don’t correct it, then I will let my lawyer find today’s surveillance video, and then call the police!”

"Call the police?"

Seeing Xiao Kui calmly say that he wanted to call the police, some timid drivers really became timid and chose to return to their cars.

But the old woman just now was still refusing to let Xiao Kui go, not only cursing, but even grabbing Xiao Kui's collar?Spit at her, and continued to sneer: "Who are you scaring? Don't you really think I don't know you rich people, it's better to have more things than less things? Now Xiao Kui, you are the most famous in China. Girl, if you are not worried that calling the police will let more reporters know your location, then call the police. At worst, I won’t go to the blind date banquet tonight. If I can be photographed by reporters and become famous, maybe I will take the initiative to come There will be a long queue to find my diamond queen? Hmph!"

"This lady, please respect yourself!" Xiao Kui was still trying her best to maintain her last bottom line of patience. If she broke out, she didn't know what she would do to this obstructive woman?She bit her lips tightly, looked at the woman's stern face, and continued: "I have something important to do, please let me go, ma'am, otherwise, I will not be polite!"

"You're welcome? Okay, now I want to see how you treat me with impoliteness?" After hearing Xiao Kui's warning, the old woman became even more resolute?

She tugged on Xiao Kui's clothes fiercely, and continued to laugh at her, "You think you are really a lady of a famous family if you marry Lan Feng, and you can point fingers at us, who are at the bottom of society? I want to tell you with practical actions that although we have no money, we can't be teased casually by rich people like you!"

The old woman didn't know if she had been psychologically hurt because of money before?In short, she is very surprised by her attitude towards Xiao Kui now, after all, she has never met such a strange person before.

Just when the old woman was still holding on to Xiao Kui, Feng Qinghan's car happened to pass by, did you see this scene?He frowned, wondering why this woman, who has always been low-key, would be on the cusp of such a storm, having conflicts and misunderstandings with others in public?
He subconsciously wanted to help, but when he thought of the fact that Xiao Kui was married to Lan Feng?He stepped on the accelerator and left the scene without paying attention...

And Xiao Kui was entangled by the old woman, unable to move even a step?At this time, a traffic police came over after discovering the situation?After seeing Xiao Kui, he was also surprised, after all, who doesn't recognize this face now?Even the traffic police had read a lot of news about Xiao Kui.

However, the traffic police still saluted the two impartially, and then forcefully removed the old woman's hand from Xiao Kui's clothes?And warned: "Two, please take out your driver's license? Your behavior has seriously hindered my traffic. If the investigation is caused by both parties, then I regret to invite you two They all went back to our traffic police brigade and dealt with it seriously!"

"What? I'm sorry, I really have something important to do. I'll let it go, can you let me leave now?" Xiao Kui realized that he must not really enter any traffic police brigade when he heard what the traffic police said.Otherwise, after the treatment, God knows if Lan Feng would have come out of the operating room a long time ago?

So she didn't want to continue to pursue this matter, she just hoped that she could leave quickly.

However, when the traffic policeman saw Xiao Kui was about to hesitate, the old woman saw the change in the traffic policeman's attitude, and immediately laughed and said: "Finally, you can prove that Xiao Kui is infinitely charming, and now even the traffic policeman who met for the first time bowed down Under your pomegranate skirt? Humph!"

After finishing speaking, the old woman deliberately looked at the traffic police again, and continued to ask: "Or do you think that the Lan Family Group has a big business, so you are extra indulgent to the rich?"

"Madam, please don't talk nonsense, please?" The traffic policeman also felt a little embarrassed when he heard the old woman's questioning, so he glanced at Xiao Kui and continued to say to the old woman: "This matter is not a big deal in the first place. , if you both agree to negotiate a solution, you can apologize to each other and leave the scene immediately, this lady doesn’t know what you choose to do?”

"Me? Of course I hope to be able to return my innocence?" The old woman's attitude towards the traffic police has also changed?So he deliberately said with an aggrieved face: "I originally used the time to touch up my makeup when I was watching the red light, but this crazy woman is lucky, relying on her family's money, she has also seduced several powerful men? Came forward to bully me on purpose, Comrade Traffic Police, so I still need to apologize to her? She should apologize to me, right?"

What the old woman meant was to ask Xiao Kui to apologize to her in public?Because she knew, how many people in the car behind picked up their phones and were filming this scene?If Xiao Qingmo really bowed to her and apologized, then the old woman would undoubtedly become a celebrity right away. How much benefit would this fame bring her?This is beyond imagination for the time being.

However, her words made the traffic policemen couldn't help but frown. Although he didn't intend to favor Xiao Kui, he realized that Xiao Kui was anxious to leave when he walked over, and the old woman was pulling her , making her unable to move?For such an obviously embarrassing behavior, Xiao Kui even asked her to apologize unilaterally?This seems a little too arrogant and unreasonable, right?

Xiao Kui also rejected this way of solving the problem. She pointed to the drivers who were still taking videos, and continued to say to the traffic police: "If you don't believe it, you can just ask them to take out their mobile phones to prove it. They They are all witnesses, they have seen this incident from beginning to end, it has nothing to do with me, why should I apologize?"

"Yes, what Miss Xiao said makes sense, please let me investigate the matter thoroughly..." The traffic policeman nodded, expressing that he agrees with Xiao Kui's solution?

However, before the words were finished, there was a 'pop' from the old woman's cell phone?It turns out that the old woman took a picture of the traffic police talking to Xiao Kui just now?As if she had caught some powerful handle, the old woman snorted arrogantly and said, "See if you can still level the bowl of water now? If you don't take Xiao Kui seriously, I will take this piece of paper right now." The photo was uploaded to my circle of friends, so that everyone can take a good look at how the current traffic police behave in the world? Such an obvious attitude towards ordinary people and rich people? God knows if the Lanjia Group gave you some benefits in private ?”

"Madam, please show some respect! We don't treat anyone differently, but I just saw clearly that it is Madam, you are determined not to let Miss Xiao leave, and it is Madam's actions that have affected everyone's way! "After seeing the old woman taking pictures, the traffic police were immediately enraged. Could it be that this woman is really crazy?In order to be famous, did you even hesitate to challenge the dignity of the traffic police?
But the old woman still didn't accept it. Faced with the scolding of the traffic police, she continued to act willfully and with a faceless face, threatening: "Oh? Really? So what? That's right, it's me. She pestered Xiao Kui not to let her leave. Anyway, a shameless woman like her doesn't deserve to be treated well. She is born with a vicious look. I don't know who will be the next one to be seduced? Who would be so unlucky? Being relied on by her?"

"Presumptuous!" Just as the old woman continued to swear triumphantly, and the traffic policeman and Xiao Kui were both very helpless, suddenly a majestic and fearful voice came from behind?
Everyone subconsciously looked back, Xiao Kui was completely stunned when he saw the man's appearance, it turned out to be Feng Qinghan?
Didn't expect him to be in the sea of ​​cars this time?Seeing the scene of Xiao Kui being made things difficult by the old woman, would you let go of your hatred and come forward to help?Xiao Kui tried hard to control her tears, didn't she feel so wronged before?But after seeing Feng Qinghan's appearance, tears suddenly welled up in his eyes?
It seems that no one thought that this legendary man would have the opportunity to meet so closely?Even the old woman who was still arrogant just now didn't dare to pant loudly anymore, looking at the wind that seemed to be falling from the sky with a surprised face, she seemed a little timid.

And those drivers who got into the car because they were worried that Xiao Kui would really call the police found the opportunity to get out of the car one after another, and continued to collect and shoot videos, as if they were afraid of missing the most exciting scene.

And after the wind display bar appeared, didn't he go to Xiao Kui's side immediately?Did he even intentionally keep his eyes from falling on Xiao Kui once?Just looking at the traffic police on duty.

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