After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 134 The Best Choice

Second Uncle Rou sighed helplessly, he only hoped that the forgiveness this time could really make Lin Yiqing correct, and never make such a mistake again, otherwise, Second Uncle Rou would not know how many times he could protect Lin Yiqing?
Before going back to the room to meet, Second Uncle Rou told Lin Yiqing: "Such a big thing happened, so don't show your face outside for now, even if you are shopping, don't go out. You might startle the snake. Second Uncle will go to find out the situation first." , wait until the light of this matter has passed for a while, and then you will appear in the public eye again?"

"Then second uncle, what about Lan Feng's insistence on regretting the marriage? How should we deal with it?" Lin Yiqing said, biting her lips tightly, with an aggrieved look on her face, and continued: "Yi Qing doesn't want to be the one who is turned down by others. Otherwise, how will Yi Qing marry in the future? The whole world knows that Yi Qing is a woman abandoned by Lan Feng, who else would dare to want me?"

"This?" Second Uncle Rou was so spoiled by Lin Yiqing that he had nothing to do, so he could only reluctantly say to her, "Don't worry, Second Uncle will come forward to resolve this matter. Since it was Lan Shao who unilaterally proposed to regret the marriage, and she is simply a The woman is pretending, and the second uncle will let her know that Lin is not easy to bully."

After Second Uncle Rou finished speaking, as if he suddenly thought of something, he solemnly warned Lin Yiqing, who seemed to have been forgiven, and said, "Also, about the secret of Lan Feng and Xiao Kui's identity swap, just one A test report cannot be strong evidence. At best, it can only prove that Lan Feng has also inherited the disease, so you must not disclose this matter again, because the consequences may not necessarily be yours. What I can bear, you can't continue to be self-willed, do you understand what the second uncle means?"

"Yes, Yi Qing knows that Second Uncle is the person who loves Yi Qing the most in this world, and Yi Qing will definitely listen to Second Uncle's arrangement in everything from now on."

After making these promises, Lin Yiqing went upstairs, but just after closing the door, Lin Yiqing didn't even see Uncle Rou sitting there on the sofa in the hall downstairs with an ugly face, although she comforted Lin Yiqing Yi Qing, but Second Uncle Rou couldn't convince herself to relax. After all, if she was not careful, the future of the entire Lin Company would be involved. As the current general manager of Lin Company, how could Second Uncle Rou relax his vigilance?On the other hand, what made him worry was that he knew it was wrong to defend Lin Yiqing like this, but who made her his niece whom he depended on for life?For her mistake, besides reluctantly forgiving, does Second Uncle Rou have any other choice?
Of course, Lin Yiqing didn't care about Uncle Rou's anxiety and fear at all. Instead, she looked at ease and complacently. After returning to the room, she dialed a phone number with the closest relationship and told her The woman on the other end of the phone announced triumphantly:
"Aunt Shan, look, what Yi Qing said, right? The second uncle usually loves Yi Qing the most. Even if Yi Qing confesses all her actions, the second uncle will definitely want to protect Yi Qing first, hehe, now Well, with my second uncle escorting her without knowing it, Yi Qing can continue to take revenge on those who hurt Yi Qing!"

That's right, Lin Yiqing didn't really swear that she would never do excessive behavior just because she got Uncle Rou's forgiveness. The future of Lin's family, but the one who ignores his mistakes.

On the other end of the phone, after Susan heard Lin Yiqing's triumphant words, a sneer sneered at the corner of her mouth. Of course, Lin Yiqing would never see such a smile, but Susan with a sneer, But he continued to say to Lin Yiqing: "This is the best. No matter what, we must ensure that if our approach is exposed by someone, there should be a willing substitute for the dead ghost, and Second Uncle Rou is the best character." s Choice."

"But Aunt Shan, as long as we are more careful, we shouldn't be discovered, right? No matter what, the second uncle is the relative who raised Yi Qing. Now that I know that Yi Qing made a mistake, it's a choice to let the past go. Forgive me, for such a person, Yi Qing really can't blame him for all her mistakes, whenever she thinks of this possibility, Yi Qing always feels uncomfortable, I'm sorry Second Uncle, Aunt Shan..."

Although Lin Yiqing started to cooperate with Susan and gradually lost her mind, but for taking care of her growing up, and for more than 20 years, she loves her like her own flesh and blood. In order to take care of Lin Yiqing and the entire Lin family, she is even unmarried Uncle Rou, Lin Yiqing would still feel guilty, so she wanted to get a little comfort from Susan, and let her tell her that the matter would not really affect Uncle Rou, but it was just a precautionary measure...

However, Susan gradually changed her tone on the phone. She is not as enthusiastic as before to help Lin Yiqing pursue Feng Qinghan, even at all costs?After hearing Lin Yiqing say that she was reluctant to part with her second uncle, Susan immediately sneered contemptuously on the phone, and continued to say while laughing:

"Okay, then don't implicate your second uncle. If something goes wrong, Ms. Lin can take the blame on herself. If this is Ms. Lin's own choice, then I will never persuade you to change your mind. of."

"This?" Lin Yiqing seemed to be frightened by Susan's tone, she bit her lips tightly while trembling all over, and quickly said to Susan: "No, Yiqing didn't mean that, Aunt Shan, please don't be angry, Yi Qing is just worried that this will be unfair to the second uncle, but in fact, Yi Qing doesn't want to go to jail to take responsibility, Aunt Shan, can you help Yi Qing?"

"Help you? Then you have to give up the good thoughts in your heart first? Have you forgotten how that Xiao Kui bullied you? He kept the secret of disguised as a man from you for two full years, and even knew it clearly. You gave infatuatedly, but still pretended to be completely ignorant, and finally abandoned you cruelly when you were of no use. Think about it, if Xiao Kui really felt half guilty towards you in his heart, what would happen between the two? There are always countless opportunities to explain clearly to you in a year, right? But she didn't do this, but chose to continue to keep you in the dark, and wait until you investigate and discover the truth by yourself, and then admit it reluctantly, you always Said that you feel guilty towards your second uncle? Then why don't you think about it, are other people treating you so kindly? If not, wouldn't it be too stupid for you to waste all your heart to treat others? "

What Susan said left Lin Yiqing with no room to refute. Yes, she believed that if Xiao Qingmo really wanted to explain clearly, there would be many, many opportunities in the past two years, but Xiao Kui took it as a reason to deceive Lin Yiqing. should?This hatred alone is enough to support Lin Yiqing to continue.

Thinking of this, Lin Yiqing squeezed the phone tightly, and said to Susan on the other end of the phone: "Aunt Shan, don't worry, Yiqing understands what she should do? If you want to achieve great things, you must not stick to small details. The truth that my second uncle handed over to Yi Qing when I was a child, that Xiao Kui not only played tricks on me, but also snatched Qinghan that belonged to me? I will definitely make that shameless woman pay the due price! But the premise is that Qinghan If there is a misunderstanding with her, if Qinghan also starts to hate her, then our plan will be more effective, Aunt Shan, are you right?"

"Miss Lin can understand that my good intentions are the best. To be honest, doing these small tricks behind Qinghan's back will not do me any good. If it weren't for your good intentions towards Qinghan and being deceived by others It’s really tragic. For the sake of pity, I will definitely not help you. From now on, it depends on whether you can be obedient and carry out the tasks I have assigned to you. If you can, then our plan can start to celebrate the success in advance .”

Susan pretended that she didn't want to be involved in this matter. Lin Yiqing, who had already lost her backbone, heard her words, and immediately felt a sense of fear. She wished she could hug Susan's tree tightly. Big tree, don't fall into the water, otherwise she might really be doomed, right?
After hanging up the phone, Lin Yiqing looked at the dark moonlight outside the window, and sneered desperately in the room. It seemed that Xiao Kui's shadow had naturally appeared in the room. She looked at the air and cursed: "Xiao Kui, you Don't blame me, you forced me to do all of this! If you hadn't taken away everything from me, I wouldn't take you as a thorn in my side today. I hate you! Very much for what you have done to me! You have to pay a heavier price, otherwise, wouldn't it be too pitiful for me to sacrifice?"

And Xiao Kui, who was driving on the road, suddenly felt an inexplicable coldness on her back. This cold feeling seemed to have penetrated directly into the bone marrow. She couldn't help shivering, but look The actual temperature in the car is 27 degrees, which is normal, and the air conditioner is not turned on. Why do you suddenly feel this way?It made her also feel inexplicable...

In her pocket was the engagement ring that Feng Qinghan gave her before, and when she accepted the ring, Feng Qinghan's domineering oath still seems to be still fresh in her mind, although Xiao Kui didn't understand her own at that time. Feeling for Feng Qinghan?But maybe that memory will really be hidden in Xiao Kui's most precious collection for the rest of her life, let her carefully protect it for the rest of her life, right?
But it is a pity that she and Feng Qinghan are only related by fate. Until now, she has not been able to face her own intentions calmly, because she knows that she will give up sooner or later, and admitting it in time will only cause greater psychological distress. It's just sad.

Finally, the car slowly drove into Feng's villa. The guard seemed to have been notified that she would come, so he had already opened the door.

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