After becoming the president's stand-in

Chapter 125 A sense of admiration

"If Ms. Lin really has something to hide, don't say it. Anyway, I also know my identity. After all, I am just Qinghan's aunt and has nothing to do with Ms. Lin. Ms. Lin chooses to hide the secret from me. I can also understand."

"No, no, Aunt Shan, don't get me wrong, Yi Qing didn't intend to hide it from you, but Qing Han told you about this, and you must never tell anyone." Lin Yiqing still keeps Feng Qinghan's advice in mind until now , but after thinking about it, since Susan is Feng Qinghan's aunt, she shouldn't be considered an outsider in terms of blood relationship, right?Thinking of this, Lin Yiqing simply stopped hiding from Susan, but said frankly:
"To be honest, everything actually stems from a secret recently discovered by Yi Qing. It turns out that the real Lan Feng has been hospitalized for two full years. The Lan Family Group can continue to operate, so Lan Feng took Xiao Kui, who was studying abroad, back to China and used it. In other words, it was actually Xiao Kui who had been running the Lan Family Group for the past two years, not The real Lan Feng! Aunt Shan, I wonder if you can understand what Yi Qing said?"

"So you already know about this?" Contrary to Lin Yiqing's expectations, Susan seems to have known about Lin Yiqing's so-called 'secret', or guessed it?Not only that, Susan also said to Lin Yiqing helplessly: "It seems that there are no long-lasting secrets in this world? As long as one has the heart, will any secret be investigated in the end? Lin Yiqing Miss, it is indeed hard work for you this time, but since it is said to be an investigation, is it possible that Miss Lin has already told Qing Han about this?"

Suddenly I remembered that when Feng Qinghan first entered the study, he looked at Xiao Kui's eyes. It was clearly a look that wanted to see through her. No wonder Xiao Kui also shuddered. Anyone who saw that kind of look would feel creepy huh?

Lin Yiqing did not deny this matter, but replied frankly: "That's right, Aunt Shan, Yiqing thinks that such a big incident happened to the Lan Family Group, and that Xiao Kui clearly concealed his identity from Qinghan on purpose. It has been kept in the dark for a long time, this is really unfair, Yi Qing really doesn't want to see Qing Han continue to be deceived, so she couldn't hold back, she went to Qing Han's office to tell him the secret, Aunt Shan , Did Yi Qing do something wrong?"

"Sure enough, you said it. Qinghan really knows everything, right?" At that moment, did Susan realize how stupid Lin Yiqing was?Now that we have caught such a deadly handle, we should go to Xiao Kui as soon as possible to threaten her, keep her away from Feng Qinghan, and even break off the engagement with him, but Lin Yiqing is lucky, such a big secret is not well used ?No wonder he was too late to regret knowing that he had lost Feng Qinghan!
However, Susan knew that Lin Yiqing still had a certain value to be used. If she was attacked now, it would be extremely difficult to use Lin Yiqing in the future, right?So she comforted Lin Yiqing and said: "Miss Lin doesn't need to regret and blame herself, but although Qinghan knows Xiao Kui's identity, according to my understanding of Qinghan, Qinghan will not give up Xiao Kui easily because of this, On the contrary, Qing Han is an extremely smart man, and the woman he loves has been his competitor for a full year? This is enough to make Qing Han feel admiration for Xiao Kui beyond love. It will only be more difficult to separate the two of them, right?"

"Aunt Shan, you are too predictable. To tell you the truth, in fact, some time ago, Yi Qing bought a little maid from the Lan Family Group, and just now received a photo from that maid. It is Xiao Kui. The photo of Yi Qing wearing men's clothes and hugging Qing Han almost went crazy just now, she really didn't understand why Qing Han forgave that Xiao Kui? But now after hearing what Aunt Shan said, Yi Qing seemed to suddenly realize it. "

That's right, Feng Qinghan is a man who has high requirements for management ability, so he naturally hopes that his future partner will also be a genius with such business acumen, and Xiao Kui just meets Feng Qinghan's requirement, such a woman , how could Feng Qinghan give up easily?

But the more this happened, the more worried Lin Yiqing became. Not only did her approach fail to achieve the expected results, but could it become a bridge to heat up the relationship between Feng Qinghan and Xiao Kui?How could Lin Yiqing be willing to do this?
But after hearing Lin Yiqing's anger on the other end of the phone, Susan persuaded Lin Yiqing not to get angry, after all, it is true that this matter can bring about a good relationship between Feng Qinghan and Xiao Kui , but in a sense, it will also bring bad influence, for example, rumors from the outside world?
Thinking of this, Susan continued to say to Lin Yiqing: "Is Qing Han the one who won't let you reveal Xiao Kui's true identity?"

"That's right." Lin Yiqing felt extremely wronged at the thought of this, "In order to investigate Xiao Kui's identity, Yi Qing even deceived the old professor who treated Yi Qing like her own father, but But still can't grasp Qing Han's heart, let him have half sympathy and love for Yi Qing?"

"That's right. Since Qinghan wants to protect Xiao Kui and prevent you from telling anyone the secret, it means that Qinghan knows it well. If you reveal the secret to Yiqing, it will have a lot to do with it. The range is also enough to threaten Xiao Kui's status in the Lan Family Group. If a man wants to protect his beloved woman, of course he will play some tricks. It depends on Miss Yi Qing whether you can handle it yourself. "

Lin Yiqing was completely convinced by Susan's comprehensive analysis. To Lin Yiqing, Susan was like a robot that could see through a man's heart. Lin Yiqing was sure that if she continued to be intimate with Susan, Maybe Susan will teach her many ways to catch Feng Qinghan's heart?
So regarding this matter, Lin Yiqing quickly expressed respect and asked Susan for her opinion, saying, "Aunt Shan, if the same thing happens to Aunt Shan, what will Aunt Shan do?"

"That depends on what result Ms. Lin wants to achieve? Ms. Lin just wants to win Qinghan's heart? Or do she hope that while being loved by Qinghan, she can eradicate dissidents and completely suppress Xiao Kui under her feet, so that she will never be able to raise her head?" What?" Susan's words strengthened Lin Yiqing's belief.

She almost didn't even think about it, so she replied directly and decisively: "Is there any need to ask? Yi Qing must want to eradicate that Xiao Kui completely, otherwise, if that Xiao Kui exists for a day, even if Qing Han falls in love with Yi Qing, it will not be guaranteed." There won't be a day when Qinghan will return to that Xiao Kui's side, right? Anyway, that woman has a quality that makes men admire, she is simply a natural vixen, hmph! I don't know who she learned from of?"

After hearing Lin Yiqing's words, Susan seemed to understand. She nodded, expressing that she had fully understood Lin Yiqing's needs, and responded, "Well, then I will follow Miss Lin's needs. Let me teach you a way. Sometimes, in order to win a man's heart, but you have to pretend to be a good man, you can only use other people's hands to cause misunderstandings and conflicts between the two. First of all, To let other people know that Xiao Kui has been pretending to be Lan Feng all the time. Of course, let others know that Xiao Kui is not really trying to help Lan Feng protect the Lan Family Group, but out of selfishness and for his own purpose. Lan Feng, can Miss Lin understand me when I say that?"

"This?" Lin Yiqing's eyes widened immediately after hearing Susan's words, yes, to use other people's hands to eradicate Xiao Kui?Why didn't Lin Yiqing think about this before?
She nodded in approval, and determined the target to be used next. If it was him, it should be accepted by more people in this society, right?After all, he is a highly respected person in the eyes of others?

After hanging up Lin Yiqing's phone call, Susan sat in the car and laughed at that stupid woman. It seems that compared with men, women are more likely to lose their minds for love, but they don't care whether it will cause trouble or not. get payback?Just willing to be used.

Once upon a time, Susan was just like Lin Yiqing now, she would not give up until she reached her goal, and she didn't even care if she was being used by others?At that time, in order to get the Wind Sword and become his bride, Susan sacrificed everything that could be sacrificed, but in the end she ended up penniless.

She is not convinced!Why can other people be happy, but she can't?She just doesn't believe in this evil, and swears that those who robbed her of happiness will all pay the price they deserve!Even if they are their descendants, Susan will never let them go!
The next day, after Xiao Kui woke up in women's clothing, he found that the maids in the hall seemed to be secretly discussing something?When she saw Xiao Kui approaching, she quickly dispersed, as if she was deliberately hiding it from her. Xiao Kui felt that something was wrong. Ever since Lan Feng was sent to the hospital yesterday, her nerve cells He became very sensitive, so he would immediately become nervous about the slightest disturbance around him.

It's the same now, Xiao Kui took advantage of a few maids not paying attention, and sneaked up behind them. When he found that they seemed to be discussing a certain photo on the Internet, Xiao Kui immediately frowned in confusion, and asked behind them. Said: "A photo can actually make you put down your work? What is the photo that is so important? Take it out and show it to me."

"Second, Miss Second?" None of the maids seemed to expect that Xiao Kui would quietly come behind them.

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