Then don't blame her for talking casually and letting others see Feng Qinghan's jokes!
If Feng Qinghan happened to be present at this incident, he would definitely be very angry, right?Thinking of this, Yihan felt very happy in her heart.

Lan's villa.

Due to the fact that there are overwhelming reporters under the Lanjia Group building, it is obvious that the reporters who were expelled from the gate of the courtyard before did not give up, so they went to the Lanjia Group together with a tacit understanding, and waited for Lan Feng to show up again. ?
After all, it is a sensitive period now. Lan Feng's appearance too many times will only lead to more topical news. In the hall, he turned off the TV with a tired face. Now almost every news is broadcasting Lan Feng Urgent news about being passed out and taken to the hospital?
She stretched out her hands and rubbed her temples, only to find that the pain here was unbearable, and she remembered that when she left the hospital, the dean said that he would handle everything here himself, including the real Lan Feng?I don't know how he is doing now?This incident made it difficult for him to enter and leave the hospital for a period of time, right?After all, it may cause more gossip news, and his original intention is that he absolutely does not want the Lan Family Group to be too affected by this incident.

"Eldest young master, young master Pingxiang is here." The maid saw that Lan Feng's face was a little ugly, so she didn't need to guess, it must be because of the sequelae of the previous fainting, right?

In fact, even the maid couldn't tell the difference between Xiao Kui who was pretending to be a man, let alone other outsiders. She put a cup of ginseng tea in front of Lan Feng, and said respectfully.

Pingxiang?Lan Feng frowned and muttered the name, she was already feeling upset right now, why did Ping Xiang choose to appear at this time?

Helpless, in order not to let the reporters take advantage of it, Lan Feng had no choice but to refuse to meet with Ping Xiang, sighed, and said to the maid: "Go and invite Young Master Ping in."

After the maid left, she quickly brought Ping Xiang back to the hall. Ping Xiang was so handsome that the maid kept looking back at him, with a shy smile on her lips, but Ping Xiang was not in the mood to pay attention to these things, he just looked at him. Looking at Lan Feng, who was sitting on the sofa with a tired and ugly face, he frowned tightly.

"Please sit down, Young Master Ping." The proper etiquette is still indispensable. Although Lan Feng is really tired at the moment, she still tells the maid: "Help Young Master Ping prepare tea and snacks."

"No need, I didn't come here for tea." Ping Xiang refused the maid to prepare snacks, but looked at Lan Feng with a tired face. He would not admit that this expression was clearly Xiao Kui. It was indeed Xiao Kui who disguised herself as a man.

After dismissing the maid, Lan Feng looked at Ping Xiang who was frowning tightly, and asked in puzzlement: "Since Master Ping didn't come to drink tea, did he also come to see a joke? It's such a long way to drive here. It's really embarrassing for Young Master Ping."

"I'm not here for tea, but it doesn't mean I'm here to see your jokes." Ping Xiang sighed, lowered his voice as much as possible, and said to Lan Feng: "Xiao Kui? You are Xiao Kui, right? Look When I saw the news on the TV, I rushed here. The real Lan Shao was so weak that it was absolutely impossible to just leave the hospital, so the best explanation is that Xiao Kui once again pretended to be Lan. Less?"

Ping Xiang's words were sharp, and he accurately judged who is the real owner of this body under this black suit jacket?

Lan Feng frowned slightly. Although it was true that this was the Lan Family Villa, as the saying goes, walls have ears, and the maids don't even know about his pretense. If they heard about it, the consequences would be disastrous.

So she reprimanded Ping Xiang with serious eyes, and said: "Master Ping, I think you have something very important to talk about this time, and it's not convenient to discuss things in the lobby, why don't you come to my study and talk slowly .”

Although he spoke politely, Lan Feng was very angry with this man. What was his purpose for coming this time?Lan Feng let the past go, but his sharp words were enough to make Lan Feng complain to him.

After finishing speaking, she instructed the maid: "I said earlier that I would prepare tea and snacks for Young Master Ping. There is no need to prepare them. We have important matters to go to the study to discuss. No one is allowed to approach the second floor, understand?"

Yes young master.

The maid nodded in agreement, seeing Xiao Kui's serious expression, the maid really didn't have the guts to ask anything else.

But Pingxiang remained silent, and followed Lan Feng upstairs. When he entered the study, Pingxiang looked at Lan Feng's indifferent back, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that the past two years Did you restore your daughter’s body through this place? Xiao Kui, you have really worked hard, the gossip of the Lan Family Group has never stopped, but you, a woman, have to bear all this by yourself, it is really distressing."

"Master Ping's way of caring for others is really special." Ping Xiang's words did not comfort Lan Feng's mind at all. She turned around and looked at the man who was looking at her bitterly. Evoked a sarcastic sneer, "Others who love others are silently caring, occasionally giving attention and protection, but what about you, Young Master Ping? You actually came directly to Lan's villa to ask me if I was Xiao Kui? Is it because there are others You don’t know that I’m disguised as a man, so it’s hard to spread the word all over the world?”

Xiao Kui is indeed very angry about this matter, Ping Xiang, this man who keeps saying that he loves her, but what he is doing now makes Xiao Kui overwhelmed. Is this the way Ping Xiang likes someone?If this is really the case, then Xiao Kui would rather that Ping Xiang never liked her!

See Xiao Kui misunderstood his original intention?Pingxiang hurried forward, grabbed Xiao Kui's tender little hand, and explained: "No, Xiao Kui, you really misunderstood me. I didn't mean to question you. When I saw the news, it was all about targeting you. Lanjia Group, after the report on Lan Feng, I was really worried about your situation, so I put down my work and came here. I like you so much, how can I bear to see you in trouble? If there is anything I need If you want to help, I will definitely not refuse."

"Oh, is that so?" Xiao Kui got rid of Pingxiang's entanglement, he said that he would do his best to help?Xiao Kui believed this, but now she was so irritable that she wished she could stay calm by herself for a while, and really didn't want to see anyone.

So she pointed to the door, and said to Ping Xiang mercilessly: "If you really want to help me, Young Master Ping, you should leave the Lan family villa now. Now that you know my identity, I will So I won't hide anything from you, to be honest, the Lan family villa is now facing a crisis of scandal, I want to face everything calmly, so I don't want to be disturbed."

"Do you want to solve this by yourself?" Seeing Xiao Kui's eviction order, Ping Xiang was naturally a little sad in his heart, but after hearing Xiao Kui say that he would bear all this by himself, this sadness was replaced by a feeling of distress , he was not willing to let Xiao Kui face these alone, so he stepped forward and continued to persuade:
"Don't be stupid. As the saying goes, people's words are terrible. How could you handle so many things by yourself and block everyone's mouth? Even if you have three heads and six arms, you probably won't be able to use them now. I don’t go to the Lan family, but I know some media. If I buy them now and write some positive reports about the Lan family group, maybe the situation can be saved? Listen to me? I know you have always been strong, but some It's definitely not something that can be solved by being angry. I really feel bad when I see you like this. Can't you rely on me at a time like this? Even if it's only this time?"

rely on?Xiao Kui looked at the sincere Ping Xiang in front of him. If it was Xiao Kui two years ago, she might still rely on others, but in the past two years, she has grown a lot, and she has long since stopped relying on anyone, so she Only I rejected Pingxiang's kindness, "I know that you are kind to me, but I can't rely on this kindness alone to make me rest assured to rely on you. Pingxiang, I am not a simple girl anymore, but a You must protect the members of the Lan Family Group by yourself. Your Menping family is dedicated to medical treatment. If you want to investigate, you should probably understand the condition of the eldest brother. His time is running out. I must let him see the recovery The normal order of the Lanjia Group, of course, the premise of doing so is absolutely not relying on anyone."

Xiao Kui's firmness once again made Ping Xiang very disappointed. Although he had already guessed that Xiao Kui would say this, but now after hearing it with his own ears, he still finds it hard to accept.

Probably in Xiao Kui's opinion, the best way to prove himself is to solve some things alone, right?Although Ping Xiang didn't particularly agree with this aspect, since it was Xiao Kui's own decision, what could he say?

"I can forcefully order anyone, but only to you, Xiao Kui, I never give up and raise my voice to say a word, probably you are the only one who can make me feel this way in this life, right?" Pingxiang can't laugh or cry, he is also the chairman of Pingshi, but he has been attracted by a woman for so many years, and he can't get it even after hard pursuit?Even so, the heart that loves her seems unshakable, Ping Xiang is so willingly attracted by Xiao Kui, out of control.

God knows, how could Xiao Kui not be tempted by Pingxiang's kindness?But she doesn't allow herself to show it, because Ping Xiang is a very good person, such a good person, she must not be contaminated, otherwise it will only cause Ping Xiang unnecessary troubles.

Looking at him, she smiled, with too much stubbornness and helplessness in her smile, "Pingxiang, stop being obsessed with me, I know there must be a lot of Yingying Yanyan around you, the daughter of the right family .”

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