I don't know how to say that this kind of woman is too kind?Or stupid and pathetic?
Susan clenched her fists tightly, and she was silent for a moment, as if she was digesting these words, but then her face gradually regained her composure, and when she looked at Lan Feng again, the tension and panic had long since disappeared: " Well, even if that incident is true, so what? It's not that I begged Xiao Mei not to tell the truth to the police, but she is willing. Anyway, that woman is relying on being pitifully stupid to attract men's attention. Yes, otherwise, how could I have been murdered so badly? Not even a normal marriage? And lost the child in my stomach? "

Even if Xiao Mei had indeed shielded Susan so that she would not be imprisoned, Susan would definitely not forget the hatred in her heart just because of this incident. The hostess could not be Feng Qinghan's mother, but her Susan!
"I've heard Aunt Mei mention what happened back then. It was a misunderstanding. It was you who accidentally fell down and didn't protect the child. It was you who seduced a man who didn't have you in his heart. Aunt Shan, in the past After most of my life, Aunt Mei and Feng Qinghan's mother has already passed away, can't you let go of the past?"

Susan's persistence made Lan Feng feel tired. Why did he keep his hatred in his heart for so many years?If these years were used to live happily, maybe Susan already knew her own happiness by now?

It's a pity that even though Lan Feng tried a lot of persuasion, she still couldn't make Susan realize her mistake clearly.

The smile on the corner of her mouth was full of sarcasm, "That woman Xiao Mei is good at using her pitiful appearance to deceive men, one after another, even the former chairman of Fengjia Group, didn't she also bow down under Xiao Mei's pomegranate skirt Is it? She went and died without any regrets, but completely ruined my life!"

Probably many years ago, there were three sisters with different thoughts. The oldest was Feng Qinghan's mother, Su Ping, the second was Xiao Kui's mother, Xiao Mei, and the youngest was Susan.

The three sisters come from different backgrounds. Su Ping and Su Shan are biological sisters. They were born in a wealthy family. Xiao Mei was the only favorite of the Su family. She grew up in an orphanage without father or mother.

But perhaps it is because she has experienced many things that ordinary people cannot experience at such a young age, so Xiao Mei looks more mature than people of the same age, with curly hair, fair skin, and flickering eyelashes. , Those eyes that seem to be perpetually stubborn always give people a feeling of trust.

Therefore, the relationship between the three sisters is very good. Su Ping and Susan's family have good living conditions, so they will organize gatherings from time to time. They don't mind Xiao Mei's poor background, and treat her as the best sister. Among the three of them, Su Ping and Su Shan Xiao Mei's relationship is the best.

But it was also in that gathering that a man who looked like a prince charming appeared, and that was the head of the Feng Family Group at that time, Feng Jian!
His appearance made the situation even more interesting. Both Su Ping and Susan were fascinated by this handsome man. His every move, even just a slight smile, was enough to make the two sisters fascinated. Due to the shyness of their daughter's family, the two dare not express their admiration. They can only work harder in front of Feng Jian, hoping that he can discover his excellence.

In contrast, Xiao Mei didn't seem surprised by the appearance of Feng Jian. Xiao Mei never told Su Ping and Susan about this secret. In fact, she and Feng Jian had known each other for a long time, and they gradually fell in love. , Feng Jian finally confessed to Xiao Mei who had been in love for many years, and Xiao Mei also shyly agreed, so Xiao Mei invited Feng Jian to participate in this party, and wanted to take this opportunity to formally introduce Su Ping and Susan. .

But who would have thought that two sisters, Su Ping and Susan, unexpectedly fell in love with Fengjian at the same time?

However, Su Jian has long been familiar with the love and pursuit of women, so he doesn't take it seriously. He only has Xiao Mei in his eyes. To Feng Jian, Xiao Mei is like a goddess. Wherever she goes, Feng Jian's eyes will be attracted naturally, and this is all due to Xiao Mei's innate special temperament.

"Give up Mr. Feng, you are not worthy at all, you are just a poor woman, what can you do to help Mr. Feng in the future? Your love is so small and worthless to the business world like a battlefield!" After getting the Wind Sword, he would not hesitate to speak harshly in front of Xiao Mei!
In any case, Fengjian is the man she, Susan, has been looking for since she was a child!Susan has never missed what she wants, and she is also very confident this time!After all, Feng Jian is not only a man, but also the chairman of the Fengjia Group. I heard that the Fengjia Group is facing a big crisis recently. Presumably, Xiao Mei, who has no money and no power, can't help at this time. And it was precisely because of this that it was time for Susan's official performance!
Xiao Mei was heartbroken, she didn't expect to be threatened by her best friend?However, thinking of Fengjian's hard work, day and night, and exhaustion in order to support the entire Fengjia Group all these years, Xiao Mei really felt distressed.

Susan is right, she is just a child from a poor family, she has not even gone to college, and she doesn't pay any attention to things in the business field. Such a person is like a waste in front of Fengjian. , Does it really exist in this society?

Compared with Susan who is domineering and domineering, Su Ping, who is more shining, feels sorry for the love between Feng Jian and Xiao Mei. Although she also likes Feng Jian very much, she never thought of competing with Xiao Mei. Because she adores Fengjian and regards Xiao Mei as her best friend, she wants to be more plundering, and she hopes that they can live happily and happily.

But the most unexpected thing happened. When Susan found Xiao Mei with the test report, she was with Su Ping, and Susan's face was full of pride, she threw the report In front of Xiao Mei, she proudly announced: "Just wait and see! Mr. Feng is about to issue a statement that he will marry me as his wife! I already have Mr. Feng's child in my womb. This is the crystallization of our love." , the position of hostess of the Feng Family Group belongs to me, Susan! Not you, Xiao Mei!"

Not only Xiao Mei was stunned by this scene, even Su Ping next to her didn't seem to expect that Susan would use such a despicable method in order to snatch the wind sword?Seeing Xiao Mei's heartbroken look, she couldn't get angry for a while, she got up and slapped Susan fiercely, turning the smug sneer on her face into surprise and disbelief!
Although Su Ping is her own older sister, in the eyes of the Su family, Susan is lively and lovely, and undoubtedly the most favored, so Su Ping's light is gradually extinguished. Su Ping, who seldom communicated with others and never even touched a finger of her, hit Susan now?

Susan looked up at Su Ping in disbelief, frowned, and said, "Sister, you beat me? Are you crazy? You have loved me since you were a child, and now you beat me because of an outsider." ? Do you believe that I will tell my parents about this now? Let them help me get justice for you?"

"Go! Don't always threaten me with such things as suing! Do you have the guts to tell your parents that you are pregnant with a child?" It was rare for Su Ping not to be afraid of Susan's threats. Su Ping looked menacingly, as if she didn't know Susan at all. Is this the younger sister she once held in her hand when she grew up?Why are you so unscrupulous in order to snatch a man?Even her, the elder sister, couldn't help but feel a chill when she saw it?

Thinking of this, after Su Ping finished beating Susan, she pointed to Xiao Mei who was crying with her head bowed, God knows how heartbroken the assassin was, and continued to reprimand Susan, saying: "It's fine no matter how much you like Feng, but Feng Mr. Xiao is Xiao Mei's lover after all. How can you use despicable methods to follow Mr. Feng and do something? Have you thought about how you will face Xiao Mei in the future? How will you face Mr. Feng? Even if you get married to Mr. Feng as you wished Home, do you feel comfortable in your heart? Or is it true that Mr. Feng will fall in love with you because of the child in his belly?"

"I don't care! I love Feng Jian, so I have to stay by his side regardless. Everything else is not a problem. One day, Feng Jian will forget Xiao Mei, discover my goodness, and then fall in love with me!" Su Ping's persuasion looked like a joke to Susan!
That's right, she really doesn't have the guts to tell her parents about her pregnancy now, for fear that they will think that Susan has ruined the family tradition, but this secret will be known to them one day, when Feng Jian announced that he was going to marry Susan At that time, the parents would not regard Susan as a daughter who ruined the family tradition, but as a person who honored the ancestors, right?After all, the Fengjia Group is not an ordinary small family. If Susan is lucky enough to marry, it will be a great thing for her family to honor her face!

As for what Su Ping said just now, what face does she have to face her friend Xiao Mei since childhood?Susan didn't care about this point even more. She stepped forward, picked up Xiao Mei's long hair, sniffed it, and then deliberately made a gesture of vomiting, and said mockingly:
"Sister, didn't I tell you not to be friends with this kind of poor people? In life, how can this kind of person help you? It's just dragging you back. You know how someone behind the scenes evaluates Are we sisters?"

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