flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 45: Find the Difference

Fu Zexiao is going to have an operation today.

At nine o'clock, Xu Qingqing left home to go to the hospital. When she arrived, the doctor was telling Li Lin that there were things to pay attention to.

Seeing that Xu Qingqing was late, Li Lin felt a little uncomfortable and unhappy, but she still cared about Xu Qingqing's family behind her, so she endured it.

It's just that the words she said were not so pleasant. She looked at Xu Qingqing who had come late, with a long face, and threatened: "Miss Xu is worthy of being the eldest. People say that the protagonist is the last to appear. I didn't expect Miss Xu to be like this in the hospital, it opened the eyes of us little people."

Fu Liangquan standing behind Li Lin stopped her from talking.

Although it was true that Xu Qingqing liked Fu Zexiao, she would not allow her to be insulted by them.

So he immediately sneered and said: "Yes, you also know that I am the eldest lady of the Xu family. What kind of family are we? It's pretty good if I can come, isn't it? Your Fu family is just related to the Zhong family. , my sister-in-law Fu Shixiang still recognizes you, but because of her father, you insult me ​​like this today, have you thought about the consequences? I think you should be very clear in your heart, I, Xu Qingqing, are different from her Fu Shixiang, Fu Shixiang It's my elder brother's woman, and I'm my elder brother's younger sister. Maybe you offend Fu Shixiang, at most it's my elder brother's backer who retaliates against you, but if you offend me, it's against the entire Xu family, so you should think about it Well, it offends me or accepts me, I think you are a smart man, Uncle Fu, you know how to choose."

Fu Liangquan's achievements today are inseparable from his careful planning.

Back then, he was just a poor boy, and with his perfect tongue, he courted the eldest lady of the Zhong Group. Because of this relationship, he became the current Fu Group from a poor boy. He can't compare with Zhong's and Xu's, but for him, it can't be better than back then.

However, he didn't want to go back to the past, so he turned a blind eye to Li Lin's repeated conflicts with Xu Qingqing.

But when Xu Qingqing said this, he couldn't help but glared at Li Lin, and said to Xu Qingqing with a smile: "You are my future daughter-in-law, how can a father-in-law offend his daughter-in-law? It's all a family, don't say that, wait a minute The surgery is about to start, go in and have a look at Fu Zexiao!"

Seeing that Fu Liangquan still had self-knowledge, Xu Qingqing walked into the ward with her head held high.

Li Lin was very dissatisfied.

But what can I do?Her family's company was no match for that Xu's family, and her husband couldn't help vent his anger, and he was still forced to help her son marry the bereaved star. Thinking about it, she felt aggrieved and panicked.

Fu Liangquan knew that Li Lin was unwilling, and was afraid that she would say something inappropriate, so he patted her on the shoulder and said, "Prepare for the operation, so that that kid won't cause any trouble for me, and the company recently I have a cooperation, and I'm busy too, if you can't do it alone, you can either be a nurse, or ease the relationship with her, let her take care of Zexiao, so that he won't worry about what he shouldn't worry about every day."

"What do you mean you shouldn't worry about it? Liangquan, please make it clear. You are talking about your daughter, right? My son still misses your daughter? Who are you helping? Do you think your daughter is not worthy of my son?" , or is my son not good enough for your daughter?"

Li Lin was also a little emotional, Fu Liangquan frowned, but still lowered his voice and shouted a few words.

"Why are you talking so loudly? You're afraid that others won't hear you. Is there something like this in our family? No one is unworthy of anyone. I hope that the two brothers and sisters will be like each other, and they can live their lives in peace. Don't give me trouble. , makes me startled every day, who can bear it like this?"

Li Lin originally wanted to say something, but seeing her husband Fu Liangquan's serious eyes, she swallowed her words.

The operation time was set at eleven o'clock. When Xu Qingqing found out about this time, she negotiated with the hospital and changed it to ten o'clock.

Because she felt that if it was set at eleven o'clock, it would be the time when the doctor was off work, and everyone had gone to eat.

You can't push Fu Zexiao into the operating room, let him stay there alone, and no one is there to accompany him, it's too painful, even though Xu Qingqing and his mother Li Lilin had a confrontation just now, she Concerned about Fu Zexiao, Li Lin should have no objection, right?

The operation lasted for more than two hours. Fortunately, there was no danger. Although it took a little longer, experts were there for consultation, so there were no major problems.

Fu Zexiao came out of the ward, still not awake, but safe and sound.

Unfortunately, not long after, Fu Zexiao woke up, looked around, but did not see Fu Shixiang, and made another fuss.

Because he felt that now that he was willing to have the operation, at least she should show up on the day of the operation.

Who knew that there was not even a single message, which made him feel that her words were all false, how could he be considered a brother?Now there is not even a message, she is completely going to distance himself from him.

Thinking of this, the look in Xu Qingqing's eyes became even more terrifying.

Before that, he was still thinking that if Fu Shixiang regarded him as her elder brother, then he would be her elder brother and protect her.

Fu Shixiang also said that Xu Qingqing was kind to her, so he will remember it, he will treat her well, and live a good life with her in the future, but now, he doesn't think so.

But Xu Qingqing is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He has been in the Xu family for so many years, and he hasn't seen any kind of scene. Don't look at her loving Fu Zexiao for so many years and groveling by his side, but she is not stupid. He still knows who has him in his heart. Well, as the saying goes, if you attack first, you will be strong, and then you will suffer later, so she left the talk here today.

"Fu Zexiao, I'm leaving my words here today. This is the last time I take the initiative to see you. These days I've been thinking, what is our relationship? After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that it is unrequited love. So I decided to end this unrequited love, because it is too bitter, your Fu family is not as good as our Xu family, why should I stick my face to your cold ass? Since you have someone you like, then you can pursue her yourself , as long as you think you still have a chance, in short, this is my official notification that you have been dumped and I don't want you anymore, as for whether our previous marriage should be cancelled, you can decide for yourself, and I'm leaving."

Xu Qingqing ignored Fu Zexiao's shocked eyes, ignored Fu Liangquan's apology for Fu Zexiao behind him, and even ignored Li Lin's surprised eyes.

This time, she left frankly, and she really felt let go.

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