flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 221: You go up and I go down

"Qinwei, what are you rambling about? Jiang Xiao is your husband. He specially invited Xu Yihan to his banquet today. Don't think that everyone is a fool, we won't know about you Purpose?" Zhong Manwen looked at Qin Wei coldly.

Seeing her trembling after listening to his words, she took advantage of the victory and continued to say: "You are also Jiang Xiao's wife after all, so you just create opportunities for him like this? Do you want another woman by his side? Whether you love her or not Love him, this cuckold should be uncomfortable to wear! I really don’t understand why you do this? Is it because he is your husband that you want to help him find another woman to send to him? Then you It's too much!"

Qin Wei listened to Zhong Manwen's words, her words were merciless, but they also spoke to her heart. If she hadn't been forced to, how could she push her husband to another woman?
She sat decadently on the sofa and said in tears: "Zhong Manwen, your reputation is not good, but you can still stand in front of the person you love and let him bring you to this banquet. I really admire you." Yours, and my husband, not only beats and scolds me, but I don’t even have the qualifications to live in this world. Now I want to give up the position of Mrs. Jiang’s family to my idol, are you Don't you think I'm useless? Why am I telling you so much? Even if I regret it now, what's the use? I guess Xu Yihan is already lying on another woman's bed, and you and I will end up in the same way. If Fu Shixiang knew that Xu Yihan had slept with another woman, with Fu Shixiang's personality, she would definitely divorce Xu Yihan. When Jiang Xiao pursued Fu Shixiang again, it would be a matter of course, so in the end, both you and I will It's a miserable person."

Zhong Manwen didn't care what happened to her and Jiang Xiao, she was most concerned about Xu Yihan now.

So when Qin Wei said that it was too late, that Xu Yihan might be sleeping on another woman's body, she couldn't control herself. If such a thing really happened, how would Fu Shixiang bear such a blow?So he quickly pushed Qin Wei away and ran downstairs.

It's just that she has been delayed on it for too long after all, there is no Xu Yihan's voice in the hall at this moment, but she saw that Jiang Xiao was still in the crowd.

So she can't be impulsive, she must find Xu Yihan first, she carefully avoided Jiang Xiao's sight, and searched from room to room upstairs, but this is a hotel after all, and there are so many rooms, how did she find it? finished?

Seeing that more than ten minutes had passed, she still hadn't found Xu Yihan, so she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, she couldn't care if she would attract Jiang Xiao's attention, she had to grab someone to ask now.

Fortunately, when she was about to go down, she saw a man who had been chatting with Xu Yihan downstairs just now, so Zhong Manwen took his arm and asked, "Excuse me, have you seen Xu Yihan? I'm her cousin, I His name is Zhong Manwen, he is the general manager of the Zhong Group, have you seen him? I have urgent business with him now."

The man looked at Zhong Manwen, and had to say that Zhong Manwen's figure caught his attention.

So he stared at Zhong Manwen's chest with his squinting eyes and said with a smile, "Xu Yihan has been with me all this time. Do you want to see him? I'll take you to find him!"

Because Zhong Manwen has been in a hurry just now, running around in every room, looking for people, the amount of movement is particularly large, and she is wearing a low-cut top, so the waves on her chest are shaking even more violently, making the man in front of her wish she could be now Just throw her down.

But he knew that the elevator entrance was crowded with people, so it was not suitable for him to attack, so he led Zhong Manwen to the direction of the stairs, because he knew that there was a grocery room there that was suitable for him to attack.

"Well, where are you taking me? Where is Xu Yihan? Is he really with you?" Zhong Manwen followed him to the stairs, not understanding what he brought her here for, so she was puzzled asked.

Sensing that Zhong Manwen suspected him, the man pushed Zhong Manwen to the corner, stepped forward and took her hand, covering her mouth with one hand to prevent her from screaming.

Afterwards, she was brought to the utility room. Zhong Manwen was covered with her mouth and nose, twisting her body uncontrollably, whining, but there was no response.

The man stretched out his leg and closed the door, turned around and locked it, then looked at Zhong Manwen with a squinting look and said, "He's been with me all this time, but he's very busy now, why are you looking for him? He looks a little better, but there are many little girls around him, but I am different, I have you in my eyes and in my heart now."

If Zhong Manwen didn't notice the man in front of her thinking unreasonably about her at first, then she has already noticed now, so Zhong Manwen ran away.

But she was a girl after all, and she was chased by the man within two steps. The man grabbed Zhong Manwen's hair and threw her to the ground.

While loosening the tie and taking off the suit on his body, he said, "At first I wanted to seek a love between you and me, but now it seems that the strong one should be more romantic."

After talking about the man's clothes being taken off, leaving only a short panty, Zhong Manwen didn't dare to look any further. It's not like she hasn't experienced human affairs, so how could she not see the bulging thing inside?
If she doesn't escape again, she will become this person's plaything, so she has to calm down now, thinking about how to escape, but she can't save Xu Yihan in the end, but also implicate herself.

So she must escape as soon as possible.

Seeing Zhong Manwen lowering her head, not knowing what she was thinking, the man thought she knew she couldn't escape, so she had already confessed, and laughed even more recklessly.

"That's the way to be good. If you love me, I'd rather not get hurt." The man threw Zhong Manwen to the ground and began to tear Zhong Manwen's clothes.

Suddenly Zhong Manwen stretched out her hand, rolled onto the man's body, and said before the man got angry: "Since it's your love, I'm willing, I believe your wife is definitely not as good as mine, why don't I go up to you?"

The man wanted to get angry at first, but when he heard this sentence and thought of the scene she said, he became angry and bloody.

Sticking out the tip of her tongue and licking her lips, she thought she was very romantic and said: "It seems that you have gone through a lot, so come on, do you want me to help you undress?"

Zhong Manwen shook her head. She didn't dare to let her take it off. Anyway, she couldn't run away today. She had to take care of the man in front of her first, so she could run out as soon as possible. And if he was to take off the clothes, I'm afraid it would be over in a while. After that, she couldn't wear the clothes anymore, so how could she go out to find Xu Yihan?

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