flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 217: Something is on my mind

Zhong Manwen heard Fu Shixiang asking about the recovery of her relationship with her grandma, and said with a happy face: "It's much better, at least it's much better than when we first met. When I came just now, grandma told me to be careful when I went out and drive." Slow down, cousin, I really feel that the relationship between me and grandma has eased a lot, thank you, thank you for making me realize how much grandma cares and loves me, which I never dared to think about before."

Hearing what Zhong Manwen said, Fu Shixiang was also relieved. Seeing that the relationship between her and grandma was getting better and better, a big stone in her heart fell down.

"They're all my sisters, no need to say thank you, cousin, there is one thing I hope you can help me with." Fu Shixiang paused, took a sip of plain water, raised his head and continued, "It's like this, it's Xu Yihan's company recently. There is cooperation with Jiang Xiao's company. Jiang Xiao will hold a banquet in a few days, but he asked me to attend, but you also know that I am pregnant and inconvenient. If I don't attend, I am worried that Jiang Xiao will embarrass Xu Yihan. I think Want to go, you are my cousin, it is the best to attend instead of me, what do you mean?"

Fu Shixiang was not sure whether Zhong Manwen would agree, after all, she was originally appointed, if Zhong Manwen was allowed to go, Jiang Xiao would definitely be furious, and Zhong Manwen would also suffer, so she was not sure whether Zhong Manwen would agree!

It's just that Zhong Manwen agreed without saying a word after hearing her words.

"Okay, I'll go there with my cousin-in-law, but you know, cousin, I liked Xu Yihan before, so aren't you afraid?" Zhong Manwen didn't think too much, she just teased Fu Shixiang.

Seeing that Zhong Manwen didn't refuse immediately, but teased herself instead, she couldn't help but blushed, and pushed Zhong Manwen angrily.

"You also said, that was before, besides asking you to go to the appointment instead of me, there is one more thing, Jiang Xiao may frame Xu Yihan, so if Xu Yihan is close to any girl that day, you must watch more Point." Fu Shixiang sat upright, looking at Zhong Manwen with a serious face.

After all, she already knew Jiang Xiao's purpose. He wanted to get a divorce and be with her, and he might be preparing for a second song, so he might give Xu Yihan a woman. If she guessed correctly, Xu Yihan would Once she had a relationship with a woman, she would probably receive a call from Jiang Xiao, and accidentally hear the happy voice of Xu Yihan and that woman.

So she had to tell Zhong Manwen to be extremely careful, lest Xu Yihan be tricked.

Zhong Manwen is not a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, she has doubts about Fu Shixiang's advice, it seems that this Jiang Xiao likes Fu Shixiang, so it is possible to make a move to frame Xu Yihan.

Zhong Manwen knew about this Jiang Xiao. Back then, their family wanted to repay their kindness, but grandpa put the right to repay this kindness in Fu Shixiang's hands, so they did not expect to meet so soon.

"Cousin, don't worry. I haven't seen Jiang Xiao for many years. I will go to this banquet instead of you. I forgive him for not making any excessive moves. But don't worry, I will definitely Follow my cousin-in-law every step of the way, and don't let any woman get close to him. With me in everything, I will definitely bring my cousin-in-law back intact, so don't worry." Zhong Manwen assured Fu Shixiang.

With Zhong Manwen around, Fu Shixiang felt relieved.

After all, she was asking for something from others, so Fu Shixiang wanted to subsidize some things to Zhong Manwen. Thinking of this, she smiled and said: "Let's go shopping together tomorrow night, I will buy you some clothes and jewelry, and I will definitely dress you up." Go to the banquet beautifully."

When Zhong Manwen heard what Fu Shixiang said, she burst out laughing immediately: "Cousin, I'm not here to catch Kaizi, I'm here to protect my cousin-in-law, who will show me how beautiful you are? Besides, you I haven't finished wearing the clothes I bought for me, I really don't need to buy them, anyway, I regard this banquet as a task, and it doesn't matter if I wear them well or not."

After Zhong Manwen finished speaking, she lowered her head, looked at the black tea in the cup, and remained silent.

Anyway, that's what she's been doing all her life, instead of living in a daze, it's better to enjoy the present life, it's enough for Fu Shixiang and Xu Yihan to live happily.

Being able to enjoy grandma's love and care in the rest of her life would not be in vain for her to come back. As for the bad things, leave them to her, and she is willing to fight those devils to the end.

But in Fu Shixiang's eyes, Zhong Manwen is not only an employee, but also her cousin, so seeing her speak in such a low voice, she immediately couldn't stand it.

"What are you talking about? Although I asked you to attend this banquet instead of me and gave you a task, you should enjoy it. Even if we don't show it to others, we should watch it ourselves, don't we?" Just because no one is watching, you don’t dress up? Let me tell you that it’s terrible to have this kind of thinking. I will resolutely correct your problem. Tomorrow night, you will come to my house to find me. You must go shopping with me, and you can’t If you have any objections, I must dress you up beautifully." Fu Shixiang looked at Zhong Manwen with a look of hatred.

And Zhong Manwen knew that she was refusing, and Fu Shixiang would definitely be angry, so she said helplessly: "Cousin, I really can't do anything about you, I really don't know why my cousin-in-law liked you back then, but ah, my cousin-in-law wants to go back on his word, But it's too late."

The two sisters smiled similarly.

For many years, the sisters have never sat together talking and laughing like they are now. If it was the same way back then, those absurd things would not have happened.

Fu Shixiang accidentally saw the bruises in the corners of Zhong Manwen's eyes, and quickly took her hand, and asked with concern: "Cousin, why are the corners of your eyes so bruised? Did you not sleep well every day? Or let's forget about this banquet." , you have a good rest, I'll find someone else to go there."

Fu Shixiang's concern was genuine, after all, she was her cousin, so how could she remain indifferent?What's more, since Zhong Manwen came back, she helped her manage the company in an orderly manner. It would be a lie to say that she was not moved, so she is a little worried about her physical condition now.

Seeing Fu Shixiang's concerned expression, Zhong Manwen didn't care. She smiled generously and said, "Cousin, I'm fine, but I'm a little tired from working overtime these two days. You really don't have to worry about me too much, and you don't need to go to bed about this matter." I'm looking for someone else, I don't think anyone is more suitable for this task than me, well, don't you mean to go shopping tomorrow night? I don't think tomorrow night is necessary, just tonight." After finishing speaking, Zhong Manwen took Fu Shixiang away go out.

Fu Shixiang shook her head secretly, why is this girl so nervous all of a sudden?Is there really something on my mind?

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