flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 206: Full Moon Wine

After Fu Shixiang went back, Zhao Yuhua dragged her over to ask for warmth, but it made Fu Shixiang feel chills. What's wrong with her?
Xu Shi saw Fu Shixiang's embarrassment, so Xu Qingqing took a plate of fruit and explained Fu Shixiang's confusion: "Mom knows that you went to find Zhong Manwen today."

Fu Shixiang understood, probably because Zhao Yuhua was worried that Zhong Manwen would be bad for her, that's why she was so worried.

"Mom, I'm fine." Fu Shixiang said with a smile to Zhao Yuhua while holding a grape.

After many days, Zhong Manwen didn't come to look for Fu Shixiang. Fu Shixiang also thought that she didn't want to come, so she let it go. After all, she was willing to give her a chance. If she didn't cherish it, who could be blamed?
Today is Dong Wenwei's full moon wine. Fu Shixiang and Xu Yihan came to Dong's house early. Because there were more guests, Xu Yihan and the others didn't bother Dong Youchen and Yang Ningfu. They just gathered on the second floor.

Qin Jiuyue was an outlier among the few people. Although she smiled again, she couldn't reach her eyes. Fu Shixiang knew the reason, so she gestured to Xu Yihan and dragged Qin Jiuyue to the guest room.

Seeing Fu Shixiang beckon to him, Xu Yihan knew what she was going to do, so he nodded and discussed some men's matters with Feng Ce and the others.

Because Li Yaozhen was not feeling well, only Feng Ce attended this time.

Fu Shixiang and Qin Jiuyue came to the guest room, looked at Qin Jiuyue, and asked sincerely, "Jiuyue, did you go to the hospital two days ago?"

She went to the hospital for an obstetric examination a few days ago, and happened to meet that Qin Jiuyue was also in the obstetrics and gynecology department. She thought that Qin Jiuyue was also pregnant, so she was very happy to go there, but she heard that she was consulting the doctor about pregnancy.

For fear of embarrassing her, she didn't show up at that time.

That night, Fu Shixiang discussed with Xu Yihan and Feng Ce and decided that the child Li Yaozhen is pregnant with will be named after Jiang Chuxiao, and after Xiaobao's successful operation, the second treasure will be handed over to Qin Jiuyue to raise him.

I just don't know if Qin Jiuyue agrees.

"You know?" Qin Jiuyue looked at Fu Shixiang and said lightly.

Fu Shixiang nodded.

"Feng Ce asked me to tell you that after Xiaobao's surgery is successful, Erbao will be handed over to you to raise, and he will follow Jiang Chuxiao's surname, and he will never recognize Erbao again in the future."

Fu Shixiang hoped that Qin Jiuyue could understand the heart of being a mother, so she knew that saying this would make Qin Jiuyue feel even more uncomfortable, but she still wanted to say it.

Sure enough, Qin Jiuyue looked at Fu Shixiang and sneered, "Give me the adoption? Do you think it's possible? Don't talk about me, do you think Jiang Chuxiao would agree? If it were you, do you think Xu Yihan would be willing to raise someone else's child?"

To be honest, Fu Shixiang didn't know, but she couldn't help it.

Seeing that Fu Shixiang didn't speak, Qin Jiuyue knew that she was only worried about herself, so she said softly: "Fu Shixiang, I thank you, but I don't need charity."

Especially Feng Ce's charity.

Fu Shixiang really wanted to tell Qin Jiuyue that this was not a charity, but she felt that no matter how much she said, Qin Jiuyue might only misunderstand her. Since she was unwilling to accept everyone's kindness, she just didn't mention it.

The two were relatively silent, and the atmosphere became tense.

Qin Jiuyue looked at Fu Shixiang, and took the initiative to open the topic: "Shixiang, I heard that you went to find Zhong Manwen, aren't you afraid that she will fight back at the most important moment? And you put her in Zhong's house, Aren't you afraid that she will be unfavorable to your grandma?"

In fact, when looking for Zhong Manwen, Fu Shixiang also discussed with these sisters, but everyone felt that it was not a good thing for Zhong Manwen to come back, but Fu Shixiang wanted to give her a chance, after all, she was her cousin.

Her nature is not bad, but because she fell in love with Xu Yihan, and she knew that Zhong Yunchuan was not the biological son of grandpa and grandma, that's why she had such a change in her heart.

If Zhong Manwen became like this, the more important reason is that Zhang Huimin raised her to be like this.

Fu Shixiang came back to his senses, looked at Qin Jiuyue and said with a smile! : "Don't worry, she won't come here, because after so long, she still hasn't come to me, maybe now she only has self-esteem that belongs to her, she doesn't want to come back, she is afraid that I will see her jokes, but But she didn't know that my grandma and I never treated her as a joke from the beginning to the end."

Qin Jiuyue could see how depressed Fu Shixiang was when he told her these things. It can be seen that she really treated Zhong Manwen as her own cousin. It's a pity that Zhong Manwen chose this path herself. The relationship can only go further and further.

Qin Jiuyue actually didn't like Zhong Manwen, but she knew that Fu Shixiang grew up with her, so how could she not have feelings?So at this time, she couldn't tell Fu Shixiang and Zhong Manwen to stay far away.

At this time Xu Yihan came to Fu Shixiang and told them that the banquet had come to an end, and Dong Youchen and the others were already seeing off the guests, so they should also leave.

Jiang Chuxiao also took Qin Jiuyue away, and looking at Jiang Chuxiao's back, Xu Yihan pulled Fu Shixiang and asked, "How is it? Did she agree?"

Fu Shixiang shook his head.

How could Qin Jiuyue agree?The two of them probably only want their own child, not to mention that this child belongs to Feng Ce, Qin Jiuyue is even more unacceptable.

On the way back, Xu Yihan felt Fu Shixiang's depression, and knew that she was sad about Qin Jiuyue's affairs, but he couldn't help, so he could only hold Fu Shixiang's hand tightly with one hand, and give her strength.

Apart from this, he really can't help much.

Father and son, looked at Shuihan's hand and smiled, then put the other hand on Xu Yihan's, watching Xu Yihan become more handsome.I'm fine.Just a little tired recently.Grandma's health is much better, and I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to pick her up.After all, the hospital.Although the equipment is very advanced, it is a hospital after all.Let's take him back.

Fu Shixiang was very worried about her grandma's health, but fortunately her physical condition has improved, so she thought of taking her back from the hospital first, and moving to live with her grandma when she gave birth to the child. In this way, she can also take good care of grandma.

I just didn't know if Xu Yihan would agree. Thinking of this, I turned to look at Xu Yihan and asked, "Husband, let's move out when the baby is born. Let's take grandma over. I want to take care of her myself."

Xu Yihan agreed with Fu Shixiang's words very much. Although there are several elderly people in his family, his parents are still there, so he doesn't need to take care of him, but grandma is different, so he agreed to Fu Shixiang's request.

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