flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 185: Sending Xu Yihan Away

Yin Chen knew about this, but he only knew that they had quarreled. He really didn't know what was the reason, so when Fu Shixiang found him, he wanted to bring her to ask Tang Maoyang, and discuss it by the way. What should I do next?
After all, every day Xu Wenyan was in the company, Xu Yihan was in greater danger.

They absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

Since Xu Yilin left the company, Tian Yang had taken his position, so he didn't know the details. The three of them are now working for Xu Yihan, so they discussed with Fu Shixiang.

"Do you know what the reason is?" Fu Shixiang looked at Tang Maoyang and asked seriously.

Others didn't know about this matter, but Tang Maoyang knew about it, because he was also by Xu Yihan's side at the time.

So he pondered for a while and then said: "Xu Wenyan asked Xu Yihan to hand over the Yixiang Entertainment Company to Xu Yilin, but Xu Yihan refused because he said that Xu Yilin was kicked out of the company by his grandfather, so it is impossible for him to hand over another company. The company was entrusted to him, not to mention that the company meant a lot to him, and it was even more impossible for him to entrust Xu Yilin to take care of it, so the two quarreled over this. One day, he must kill Xu Yihan. The two people quarreled until the end, and the words they said were quite unpleasant. After all, Xu Wenyan is Xu Yihan's second uncle, and it is normal to feel a little unhappy. As his wife, you must comfort him He, he needs you very much right now."

Fu Shixiang naturally knew that he needed her.

However, she never thought that Xu Wenyan would be so brazen to make such a request at this time.

Grandpa kicked Xu Yilin out not because of anything else, but because he himself did something wrong. Now, because Xu Yihan didn't help him, he actually wanted to kill him. For this second uncle, she deeply disagreed with her .

"Okay, I understand. You will have to work hard on the company's affairs during this period." Fu Shixiang already had an idea in his heart.

Fu Shixiang returned to Xu Yihan's office just in time to see Xu Yihan wake up.

He just woke up like a child, I saw him rubbing his eyes, looking at Fu Shixiang sleepily, he was so cute and silly.

"Where have you been?" Xu Yihan asked Fu Shixiang in a hoarse voice.

Fu Shixiang walked over immediately, rubbed his hair blankly, until he raised his head and looked at him stupidly, then withdrew his hand, and said with a sneer, "I'm walking around the company, why? Miss me ?”

Facing Fu Shixiang's teasing, Xu Yihan didn't refute. He seemed to be clinging to her more and more.

"Yes, I miss you." Xu Yihan didn't deny it. He hugged Fu Shixiang's waist, feeling that Fu Shixiang had lost a lot of weight recently, and he could hold both of his hands, not to mention, there was still room left.

"Honey, you've lost weight." Xu Yihan muttered.

Fu Shixiang was hugged by him, but he didn't expect him to focus on this, so he couldn't help being a little funny, this person is a little different from others.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yihan was still angry about getting up, maybe he didn't see himself immediately after waking up, that's why he was like this.

"After that, you will be responsible for fattening me up." Fu Shixiang looked at Xu Yihan and said.

Holding Fu Shixiang, Xu Yihan's eyes cleared up a lot, and he gradually let go of her.

Xu Yihan went back to the desk, took out a stack of documents from it, looked at Fu Shixiang and asked, "I'm going out to negotiate a contract later, do you want to go with me?"

Anyway, Fu Shixiang had already arranged everything. Since she said she wanted to work with him, if he sent her back at this time, she would probably not agree. In that case, he might as well follow her opinion.

If it was this morning, Fu Shixiang would have readily agreed, but now she has more important things to do, so she can't accompany Xu Yihan to negotiate the contract.

"I feel a little tired today, otherwise I will wait for you in the office, and you can go and come back quickly."

Hearing that Fu Shixiang said that she was a little out of shape today, he was very worried. He casually put the documents on the table, walked up to Fu Shixiang, and cared for her.

"What's wrong? Did you sleep uncomfortably last night, or you were too tired at home this morning, why don't I take you to the hospital." Xu Yihan looked worried.

Facing Xu Yihan's worry, Fu Shixiang just smiled, and stopped him from worrying about himself: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I just need to rest for a while, hurry up and negotiate the contract, I'll wait for you here."

Time was running out, Fu Shixiang didn't want to waste time, she just wanted to send Xu Yihan away quickly, if it was normal, Xu Yihan would definitely notice the difference in Fu Shixiang, but now he is only busy caring about Fu Shixiang's physical condition, so there is no reason for him to act abnormally towards Fu Shixiang Just didn't find out.

Seeing that there was really nothing serious about her, he thought of going to negotiate the contract quickly, and then hurry back and take Fu Shixiang to the hospital to check it out.

"That's fine, I'll go and come back quickly. If you have any abnormalities in your body, you must call me immediately." Xu Yihan told Fu Shixiang that if he hadn't had to negotiate this contract, he would definitely let go of this contract and immediately Take Fu Shixiang to the hospital.

Fu Shixiang waved at Xu Yihan, signaling him to leave quickly.

Xu Yihan looked back three times, and finally left the company. It wasn't until Xu Yihan left the company that Fu Shixiang opened the office door with a cold face.

She insisted on sending Xu Yihan away today, in order to tell the whole company that she, Fu Shixiang, will be Xu Yihan's strong backing, and if there are some things that Xu Yihan can't come forward in the future, she will come forward to settle them, so that's why she took the opportunity When Xu Yihan was resting, he went to Tang Maoyang, just to tell the three of them that she, Fu Shixiang, would be stationed in the Xu family, and it would be permanent.

When she came out, she saw that Tang Maoyang had called all the board members to the meeting room, and Wen Jie just came to inform her that the meeting was about to start.

Fu Shixiang nodded, and was about to go to the meeting room. Wen Jie was worried that Fu Shixiang would suffer later, so he grabbed Fu Shixiang's arm and tried to dissuade him: "Sister, do you really want to do this? Actually, you can hide Behind Xu Yihan's back, why do you have to stand out?"

Fu Shixiang looked back at Wen Jie, she knew that Wen Jie was worried about her, but now she had nowhere to go, because she was Xu Yihan's wife, not Xu Yihan's daughter, she could hide behind Xu Yihan's back, but she couldn't let her Xu Yihan was getting further and further away from him.

"Wen Jie, when you fall in love with someone one day, you will know that you are willing to do anything for her." After Fu Shixiang finished speaking, he patted Wen Jie on the shoulder, motioning him to follow her, then turned and pushed The door of the meeting room was opened.

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