My boyfriend is a star, the lead film has been filmed and officially released, causing a great uproar.

What the audience thought, Xu Yihan didn't care, but when he saw the pilot film, especially when he saw Fu Shixiang cuddling with other men, his anger level rose.

But after calming down, he felt that Fu Shixiang was just trying to annoy him. He originally wanted to get her back, but reason prevailed, and he couldn't do it. At least now that the film has been shot, Fu Shixiang can't give up halfway.

Thinking of being so angry, but still thinking about Fu Shixiang's affairs, I couldn't help feeling even more annoyed. Therefore, Xu's employees, especially Yin Chen who had to get along with Xu Yihan day and night, really felt the boss's anger. He felt that he was quite innocent, this incident was clearly provoked by Fu Shixiang, but the fire happened to be spread on himself, but he was the boss, so what could he do?

But as a brother, I still couldn't help but sarcasm a few words.

"I said brother, you have emotional entanglements with your wife, I can understand, but can you restrain your temper a little bit, don't take your anger on me, you said that I also take a suit with me when I get off work. Anger, if it happens to Wang Chen, won’t your wife still feel bad? At that time, your wife will feel sorry for her again, and she will vent her anger on you, and then you will be in a bad mood. If we cycle like this, it will be endless It's over."

Seeing that Xu Yihan's expression was not gloomy, Yin Chen answered again: "But the most important thing for us now is how to coax Fu Shixiang back. Of course, she took this variety show, and she won't come back for a few months, but yours Feelings can be wooed, otherwise I will be preempted by others. You must know the emotional world of these stars, but they are not so pure. He doesn’t care whether you are married or not, and he doesn’t care whether you love him or not. It takes a long time to see the truth, and when the time comes, you won’t be able to find a place to cry.”

Although what Yin Chen said displeased him, what he said was quite right.

Actually, why didn't Xu Yihan understand?I don't know what's going on during this time, I always suspect that Fu Shixiang is cheating, they just confirmed their relationship, and they got to this point because of one or two misunderstandings, this is really not what he wants to see, he really wants to change himself, But he just didn't know why he wanted to get angry when he saw her. In fact, he was also very troubled by this.

In fact, Ge Xingzhou knows that he is upright and friendly, and girls like him more. Now that Fu Shixiang is playing with him, he is also afraid that Fu Shixiang will be tempted by him, but now even though Fu Shixiang answers his calls, he is just perfunctory. I don't know if he still has the cheek to see her.

Fortunately, their Xu family also has an artist over there, who can help him keep an eye on it, otherwise he really doesn't know what to do.

Thinking of this, he looked at Yin Chen and asked, "Is there any news from Xi and Ze?"

Yin Chenyao shook her head: "He's just going to film a variety show, and he's not here to help you supervise your wife. I think you should take the initiative to stand in front of her now, and go visit the set if you have nothing to do. It's been a few days, you have Have you ever seen her? I guess other celebrities have many fans standing guard for them. What about your wife? Nothing, just watching other fans shouting other people’s names, you, a husband, actually expressed a little bit nor."

Yin Chen shook his head and left. He had already said what he had to say, and what to do would depend on Xu Yihan's own performance.

Anyway, he had already passed on his wife's words, if Wang Chen hadn't asked him to, he wouldn't have bothered to take this muddy water.

Fu Shixiang's character is not very good, he is strong and loses his temper, so Xu Yihan is not a good guy either, even though he is his own brother, he still wants to say that those who have a bad temper these days don't miss him anymore. He is gentle and gentle, not like he is now, although he would get angry before, but he has never been so prone to anger like now, and he also spread other anger on others, I really don't know what happened to Xu Yihan.

Seeing that Yin Chen had left, Xu Yihan leaned weakly on the chair.

Regarding the ups and downs of his mood these days, he thought a lot, and even thought about whether there was something wrong with his body. He went to see traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, and even went to see a psychiatrist, but the result told him that he was very sick. healthy.

Thinking of what the doctor said, he couldn't help but sneer, what's so stressful?

He knew that this pressure was given by himself. Before that, Fu Shixiang was unwilling to be with him and was only willing to maintain a three-year period, but now that he suddenly agreed to be with him, he felt a sense of worrying about gains and losses.

So this is the pressure of his ups and downs, but what Yin Chen said is quite right, he can't go on like this, he should take the initiative to attack.

Just do what he said, he handed over the work to Wen Jie and Yin Chen, then left the company and drove to Fu Shixiang's filming location, this time he took three days off.

Although chasing his wife is also very important, but the company's affairs can't be left alone. After all, there is still the second uncle's family who are still eyeing him, so he can't take advantage of those people.

Tian Ruo looked at the person in front of her, and she didn't want to deal with her anymore, but the other party was an elder, so even if she didn't want to, she still had to take care of face.

"Second aunt, there is still some business in the company. I may have to leave first. You know, my cousin is going to shoot a variety show now. I have to show her the company." Tian Ruo was ready to go Get up and leave.

But who is Bai Yonghong?How could she just let her go like this?He hurriedly took Tian Ruo's hand, pretended to be amiable and smiled and said, "Tian Ruo, why are you in such a hurry? Although you helped your cousin look after the company, it's true, but everyone has Those who commute to and from work, you still have a lunch break at noon, and the time hasn't come yet, why don't you just stay and talk to your second aunt, and when the time comes, I will definitely not keep you. "

While looking at the time on the watch, Bai Yonghong smiled and pulled him down.

Tian Ruo looked at Bai Yonghong helplessly, she was her aunt after all, so she couldn't leave with a shake of her face, could she?If she really brought that natal nephew to the appointment, she would really do so, but now she just let her accompany her, did nothing, and she couldn't do anything.

She knew that if Bai Yonghong couldn't work out on her side, she would definitely start with her brother, because she had already found out that her natal nephew was a scum, and she could not let her brother fall into this situation. In the pit, they wanted to harm her brother, but she would never allow it.

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