flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 15: Mountain Climbing

The casting of the cast has come to an end, and the weather is good today, so Xu Yihan takes care of the company's affairs and asks Fu Shixiang to go climbing the next day.

Fu Shixiang came across a video yesterday, and couldn't help jokingly asking: "You asked me to go climbing, you won't hurt me, will you?"


Xu Yihan was a little at a loss.

Fu Shixiang smiled, she knew he didn't look at his phone very much, so she didn't know about a video that was very popular on Douyin recently.

"Nothing, just kidding."

The next day, both of them wore sportswear and drove to the foot of the mountain. Facing such a high mountain, Fu Shixiang suddenly didn't want to climb it anymore.

Although she is strong, she finally has a vacation, but it is not a wise move to come to climb the mountain.

"How about we go back?"

Xu Yihan didn't give her a chance to refuse at all, put on his backpack, and stretched out his hand to hold Fu Shixiang.

"Since you're here, don't back down."

Looking at Xu Yihan holding hands, the two of them look like a man and a woman in love, they love each other, as if there is only the two of them left in time.

It's just that there is a contract behind them.

After climbing halfway up the mountain, Fu Shixiang patted Xu Yihan.

"Take it easy, I really don't have the strength."

Xu Yihan glanced at the map in his hand, and then looked around. He had indeed climbed quite a distance.

"it is good."

Xu Yihan took out a tissue, wiped the steps beside him, asked Fu Shixiang to sit down, took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag, carefully unscrewed the bottle cap, and handed it to Fu Shixiang.

Fu Shixiang watched his series of movements and touched his heart.

"Whoever will marry you in the future will be truly blessed."

But she forgot that she was his wife at the moment.

"At this moment, you are my wife, so are you enjoying yourself?"

Fu Shixiang was drinking water and almost spit it out. She looked at Xu Yihan and smiled foolishly.

Although Xu Yihan knew about their contract, she was still his wife after all, so he would definitely follow the husband's role and not let her have any regrets.

What's more, he already understood his own heart.

Maybe it's that simple.

Xu Yihan turned around and looked at the surrounding scenery. It was very quiet at the moment, and his heart relaxed a lot.

Seeing that Xu Yihan didn't speak, Fu Shixiang stood up, but accidentally stepped on the ground, Xu Yihan heard the movement, turned back to see this scene, and quickly hugged him by the waist.

Fu Shixiang's eyes were wide open. At first, she thought that she would definitely fall, and that she would definitely be injured if she fell like this. Not to mention disfigurement, she might even break her leg.

But he didn't expect to be rescued by Xu Yihan, and he didn't expect that because the two of them were very panicked and they were so close, their lips would naturally touch each other.

Fu Shixiang turned his face away awkwardly, feeling his cheeks were hot, as if he had a high fever before.

And Xu Yihan was also very awkward, he was different from Fu Shixiang, Fu Shixiang felt embarrassed, but Xu Yihan felt very beautiful, this kind of beauty was only a few months ago.

He suddenly wanted to make a solid contract, but if he told her now, he might scare her away. Now that he knew what he wanted, he would chase his wife back, so he let go of Fu Shixiang and kept saying sorry.

Fu Shixiang looked at the steps below, and his thoughts drifted to nowhere.

"Are you...have you rested? Shall we continue?"

Xu Yihan's words pulled Fu Shixiang back. Listening to his words, why did she feel that this continuation had a different meaning?
Are you going to keep climbing?
She thought of that kiss, in principle, it wasn't a kiss either.

In order to avoid Fu Shixiang's embarrassment, Xu Yihan continued to climb the mountain by pulling Fu Shixiang as before.

Fu Shixiang looked at Xu Yihan's back and felt that his back was very broad, why didn't he notice it before?
Being dragged up to the top of the mountain by Xu Yihan, she realized how timid she was. She seemed a little afraid of heights.

"what happened?"

Watching Fu Shixiang step back step by step, even sweat broke out on his head.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong with her.

"Or, let's go down the mountain."

"I just came up, are you going to go down?"

The one who spoke was Jiang Tao who didn't know it came out of Nagada.

She cast a glance at Fu Shixiang, with a half-smile: "I never thought that the famous beauty Shixiang would also be afraid of heights."

She pretended to look at Xu Yihan unintentionally: "Yihan, you too, knowing that she is afraid of heights, why do you want to climb the mountain?"

The scenery under the mountain is unobstructed, but there is no blessing to appreciate it.

Xu Yihan finally understood, but he was a little suspicious about Jiang Tao's presence, it seemed that there was a poisonous insect around him.

"There's nothing to appreciate about the scenery."

After Xu Yihan finished speaking, he walked up to Fu Shixiang and bent down: "Come on, I'll carry you down the mountain."

At this moment, Fu Shixiang couldn't bear to refuse, and Jiang Tao was still eyeing her, so she had to obediently obey.

Watching the two go down the mountain, Jiang Tao clenched his fists tightly.


Fu Shixiang didn't know that even her fear of heights would be on the top searches.

By the time she found out, they were already on their way back.

"It's okay if you don't think so."

Xu Yihan was driving the car, and suddenly heard this nonsensical remark, feeling a little confused.

"what happened?"

Fu Shixiang originally wanted to show it to him, but thought he was driving, so she read it to him.

"It's because I'm afraid of heights that it's on the hot searches."

The two of them knew who did this hot search.

Xu Yihan didn't expect Jiang Tao to become like this, since he and Fu Shixiang got married, she really changed a lot.

"Is Jiang Tao doing this trending search?"

Fu Shixiang raised her head and looked at Xu Yihan who had a pity look on her face. She suddenly felt that she didn't want to talk to him, and she did so.

She continued to hold her mobile phone, looking at her trending searches.

Although it was on the hot search, but fortunately, the comments are not bad.

"Oh my god, can people who are afraid of heights still be on the top searches?"

"What's wrong with being afraid of heights? I'm still afraid of heights? Who is so wicked?"

"Could it be the hot search that I bought!"

"No matter what, Xu Yihan treats Fu Shixiang well and loves each other!"

"It looks like a husband and wife."


"Who took the photo? It can't be because I can't see others!"


There are also some black fans in the comments, saying that even big stars are afraid of heights, it's pretentious.

She chuckled, what kind of star is she?But even if you are a star, what if you are afraid of heights?Is this contrived?
"You're angry?"

Fu Shixiang kept ignoring him, and he felt terrified.


Back in the urban area, Fu Shixiang was going to visit his grandmother and grandfather. He was worried that Fu Shixiang was still angry with him, so he decided to go to see them too.

"What are you doing with me? I told you, I'm not angry. "

Xu Yihan shook his head, took out a box of unknown items from the trunk, and followed her.

"I know, how can you be so angry with me for so long?"

Suddenly wearing such a big hat, Fu Shixiang laughed angrily, she suddenly felt that this man was quite discerning.

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