flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 140: Missing

When Fu Shixiang and Qin Jiuyue left, it was already dark. Qin Jiuyue wanted Fu Shixiang to call Xu Yihan to pick him up, but she refused. She wanted to send her back in person, but Fu Shixiang said She is also a girl, so it is so troublesome to send it back and forth, so the two of them go together.

It's just that as time went by, Fu Shixiang always felt that something was wrong, because the two of them drove two cars, so the phone was always connected.

"Jiuyue, do you feel that we are being followed?" Fu Shixiang looked through the rearview mirror and saw a black car behind them, closely following their car. If their car slowed down, the cars behind would also slow down. When they get off, the faster their car is, the car behind will catch up, so she feels something is wrong.

Hearing Fu Shixiang's words, Qin Jiuyue also became cautious. She glanced at the back casually. As expected, Fu Shixiang's guess was correct, because the car behind was indeed not quite right.

"Shi Xiang, what should we do then? Let Jiang Chuxiao and Xu Yihan come over." Qin Jiuyue was very scared. If they were desperadoes, wouldn't they be very dangerous?

Fu Shixiang didn't think so. If the two of them were allowed to come over, they might startle the snake. Not only would they not be able to save the two of them, but Xu Yihan and Jiang Chuxiao would be implicated in it. But now that Qin Jiuyue is still here, she is really worried. The important purpose is to lure the car behind. She is not sure whether the purpose of the car behind is mainly because of herself. If it is because of herself, it is okay to say, but although she does not know, she can still try it out.

Thinking of this, Fu Shixiang said to Qin Jiuyue: "Jiuyue, I will drive in the opposite direction later, and I will lure them away. When you get to a safe place, you can call Xu Yihan and the others."

Faced with some statements like Fu Shixiang's, Qin Jiuyue would definitely not agree, and it was impossible for her to let Fu Shixiang take risks, but Fu Shixiang was determined not to listen to Qin Jiuyue's advice.

Before Qin Jiuyue refused, she drove the car in the opposite direction. As a last resort, Qin Jiuyue could only follow Fu Shixiang's plan.

Wait until she is safe before calling Xu Yihan.

Facts have proved that Fu Shixiang's guess is correct. The goal of those people is her own. Fu Shixiang's car drove in the opposite direction, but those cars still turned around and followed her car.

As Fu Shixiang changed the route, she suddenly found that there were more and more cars following her. It seemed that the other party had played a ruthless hand, and this time she must make herself pay the price. Fu Shixiang had no choice but to speed up .

She took a look just now, and there were no less than a dozen cars following her.

I don't know who made such a cruel move and hated her so much. A dozen cars surrounded her.

It was impossible for her to drive the car to the bustling area, and she was forced to drive to the suburbs. Fu Shixiang didn't know how long she drove until the car ran out of gas, and then stopped.

Although the car stopped, Fu Shixiang didn't dare to open the door, because she saw that the people in the dozen or so cars got off with sticks and other tools in their hands.

She didn't know if she was going to die here, but what she wanted now was that Xu Yihan would come and save her quickly, she didn't want to die yet, she still had grandma to take care of her.

Only one of the men was heard shouting, "Smash it on me."

Several big men smashed the windows of Fu Shixiang's car with sticks. A man stretched out his hand and opened the car door. It was too late for Fu Shixiang to escape. Her hair was grabbed by a man fiercely. After being dragged out by her, Fu Shixiang's scalp was pulled so badly that she had no choice but to follow her strength and get out of the car.

The man pushed her to the ground, and Fu Shixiang looked at the few people in front of him in horror. Their faces were very strange, and he had never seen them before. It seemed that they were also hired.

Thinking of this, he said, "Who sent you here? How much did you pay? I'll pay double, no...I'll pay triple, I'll give you whatever you want, let me go, okay?"

But Fu Shixiang was too naive, these few were desperadoes, how could they just listen to Fu Shixiang's words and give up?
A man stretched out his finger and waved it, and then another man squatted down with a handkerchief, and before Fu Shixiang could react, the man put the handkerchief on Fu Shixiang's mouth, and within three seconds, Fu Shixiang completely fainted.

When Fu Shixiang fainted, she also vaguely heard a man say: "Take it away, and clean up this place for me."

No matter how Fu Shixiang was treated, Xu Yihan didn't know about it now.

He just received a call from Qin Jiuyue, and he was extremely anxious. He was afraid that Fu Shixiang had fallen into the hands of those people. If it was kidnapped and blackmailed, it would be fine. As long as the money was in place, Fu Shixiang would be safe, but what if it was her enemies? , They hated Fu Shixiang so much that they might not be able to guarantee their safety.

Thinking of this, how could he sit still, and quickly sent his own people to look for it.

But the place is so big, how to find it?Following the route pointed out by Qin Jiuyue, he has sent several groups of people, but there is no clue.

At this time, after receiving a call from Qin Jiuyue, Xu Yihan immediately asked, "What's the matter? Do you have any clues?"

Listening to Xu Yihan's anxious voice on the phone, Qin Jiuyue knew that Fu Shixiang hadn't been found yet. She understood that now that Fu Shixiang hadn't been found, Xu Yihan couldn't fall down, because maybe Fu Shixiang was still waiting for him to rescue her!
So Dang even comforted her and said: "Xu Yihan, don't think too much, Fu Shixiangji has his own aura, and he will be fine. You can't fall down at this time, she is still waiting for you to save her, she At that time, no one was looking for her, so I asked me to call you, which shows your position in her heart, and you must find her."

Hearing Qin Jiuyue's words, how could Xu Yihan not understand?

Fu Shixiang has no clue so far, and the other party has not called. It seems that it is not just as simple as kidnapping.

"If you have any news, you must inform me as soon as possible." Although Qin Jiuyue said that he was still very important to Fu Shixiang, he just couldn't be happy at the moment.

In fact, after knowing that Fu Shixiang was being followed, the first person he suspected was Jiang Tao, but before there was no definite evidence, it was really hard for him to trouble Jiang Tao.

Now I can only talk about finding Fu Shixiang first.

At this time, he received a call from Yin Chen, saying that he had picked up an earring on a small hillside in the suburbs. He had seen Fu Shixiang wear it before, because the earring was a gift from Wang Chen, so he was familiar with it.

Hearing the news, Xu Yihan walked out and said, "Okay, I'll go there right away."

As soon as he heard about the small hill, he felt uncomfortable. He was very worried that something would happen to Fu Shixiang on the small hill. When he thought of this, his heart couldn't be controlled, and he jumped very hard. He couldn't help comforting himself in his heart. Nothing will happen.

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