flash wedding sweet and warm

Chapter 127: Things change

On this day, Fu Shixiang arranged for Fu Liangquan to meet Zhao Junlu, but before Fu Liangquan's arrival, she was waiting for an unexpected visitor, who was her stepmother Li Lin.

Seeing how she was kneeling in front of her and weeping bitterly, she turned around and stood on the other side, but Li Lin never let her go, she moved as much as she moved, no matter how Fu Shixiang turned around, Li Lin would never let her go. Lin knelt in front of her.

In desperation, Fu Shixiang was about to open the door and go out. Seeing this, Li Lin quickly stood up and said, "Shixiang, even if you and Zexiao are not destined to each other, even if he is a stranger, you can't just leave him alone." ah!"

Fu Shixiang turned around and looked at Li Lin, she didn't know what she meant by this sentence?What is Fu Zexiao going to do again?
"What do you think?"

Hearing Fu Shixiang's question, Li Lin wiped away her tears indiscriminately. If she was not in a hurry, why would she come to beg her?
Thinking of her son's appearance, she broke down in tears: "Shixiang, Zexiao's legs are not bad after surgery, but the doctor also said that if he doesn't take good care of them, even if a god is alive, his legs will be damaged. There is a possibility of being disabled, but for...for you, he didn't take good care of his body, and now he doesn't go to the hospital for rehabilitation treatment, and he said that he won't go if he can't see you in the future. Is it because of anger? If it’s just anger, it’s fine, but he really did it, Shi Xiang, can you help me persuade him? As long as you persuade him to the hospital, let him do rehabilitation treatment , don’t worry, I’m willing to do whatever you ask me to do.”

Fu Shixiang didn't expect that Fu Zexiao would use the same routine to trick himself. He just believed that he would not die, so he forced the old man in his family to beg him. It seems that he really underestimated him before. The demeanor of a modest gentleman has long been completely forgotten by him. How can he be compared with the past?
Unfortunately, when Xu Qingqing came to visit Zhao Junlu, she happened to see the scene of Li Lin begging Fu Shixiang on her knees. She didn't expect that Fu Zexiao was with her during this time, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, but now she is still using her legs secretly. , came to threaten Fu Shixiang, she couldn't help suspecting that Fu Zexiao's real purpose was to occupy herself, and she didn't want to let Fu Shixiang go?
Li Lin also saw Xu Qingqing, but she didn't have time to explain to her now, she just hoped that Fu Shixiang could persuade Fu Zexiao as soon as possible. After a long time, he was afraid that something might happen to his legs. Let alone Xu Qingqing, she was just a daughter of an ordinary family. , I am afraid that she is not willing to let her marry Fu Zexiao.

"Shi Xiang, for the sake of him being your brother, you can help me persuade him, okay?" Li Lin used her identity to persuade Fu Shixiang, but she didn't see the light in Xu Qingqing's eyes.

Xu Qingqing felt that they were brothers and sisters, and this matter would not change. Even if Fu Zexiao had any ideas, so what?They will only stop there.

Fu Shixiang suddenly felt very tired. She didn't worry too much about work, but this matter about Fu Zexiao made her very annoyed.

The other's mother begged her in front of her, so she could only let go of her dissatisfaction with Li Lin and agreed: "I can promise you to persuade him, but there is no need to meet him."

After finishing speaking, Fu Shixiang took out his mobile phone and called Fu Zexiao. Neither Xu Qingqing nor Li Lin left, they both wanted to stay and hear the final result.

Li Lin hoped that the result would be good, but for Xu Qingqing, her mood fluctuated up and down, even she didn't know, she hoped the result was good or not.

"Shixiang? Is it really you? Did you call me?" Before Fu Shixiang could speak, Fu Zexiao knew that it was Fu Shixiang who called, and he was very happy.

But Fu Shixiang was silent for a few seconds, and finally said: "Fu Zexiao, can you stop being so naive, the legs belong to you, if you continue to make fun of your body like this, I will never see you again, don't say yes There are no phone calls or messages, and you are not young anymore, can you stop expressing your emotions on your parents? Can you not vent your anger on the elderly at home, you were not like this before."

After hearing what Fu Shixiang said, Fu Zexiao didn't speak for a long time. He didn't expect that Fu Shixiang called him to reprimand him. She didn't come to care about him at all.

Thinking of this, his emotions were completely exposed: "Shixiang, you are the only one in my heart. As long as you come to see me, I promise to continue my rehabilitation training. I just want to see you. What's wrong with me? I I thought that if I reconciled with Xu Qingqing, I could see you every day, but what happened? You broke up with the Xu family, and I won’t be able to see you after the Xu family. My ultimate goal is to see you, since If I can't see you, why should I care about them? If you don't come, I will commit suicide, so don't force me, okay?"

Fu Shixiang stretched out her hand helplessly, and pressed her forehead. She really wanted to curse, Fu Zexiao was on the edge of a horn, and she couldn't persuade him, so she gave him the last piece of advice: "Fu Zexiao, I will talk to you at the end. Let me just say, this is the last time I will call you. Whether it is your mother or my father who will persuade me, it will be impossible. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me. Your own body Take care of yourself!"

After Fu Shixiang finished speaking, she hung up the phone. She didn't know what choice Fu Zexiao would make, but she didn't care about it anymore.

"How? Because the phone was not hands-free, neither Xu Qingqing nor Li Lin could hear clearly how Fu Zexiao agreed on the phone, so Li Lin couldn't wait to hold Fu Shixiang's hand and asked.

Fu Shixiang withdrew his hand calmly, looked at Li Lin and said, "I've already said what I need to say. I'm not very clear about what he's going to do. You can go back and have a look now."

After hearing these words, Li Lin didn't even say thank you, and left in a hurry, walking in front of Xu Qingqing and almost bumping into her, she didn't even apologize to her.

Seeing Li Lin's back, Xu Qingqing slowly walked in front of Fu Shixiang, but she didn't speak.

Seeing her like this, Fu Shixiang was heartbroken. She is also a girl, and she also needs love and care, but Fu Zexiao...

I don't know when they will be able to come out. Thinking about it, I stretched out my hand, held her in my arms, patted her on the back, and told her softly: "Qingqing, if it's possible, I hope it's better for you to separate. You are really reluctant, don’t ask anything for now, don’t say anything, just quietly accompany him when you don’t want to go into a dead end, wait for him to come out quietly, let him have you in his heart, like that Time is when you are the happiest."

Xu Qingqing seemed to understand but raised her head, looked at Fu Shixiang, saw his serious face, and listened, but she didn't know if she could wait until that day.

Although she didn't say anything, she was very grateful to her sister-in-law Fu Shixiang.

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