Sitting at the desk, Li Mo listened to Secretary Ye's report on the situation of Su Li, the president of Hongji.

A few years ago, when Su Li took over the position of general manager of Hongji, some old employees deceived him that he was young and new, and they always obeyed his orders.

At that time, his position was still in jeopardy.

However, Su Li didn't show courtesy first, and directly killed chickens to make an example of monkeys. Regardless of nepotism, he changed the company's employees.

Not long after, he reversed the situation and expanded the assets of the enterprise several times, with industries spread all over the country.

The year before last, he created a brand of his own, which involved a variety of industries, and each industry has spawned many branches.

Catering and entertainment are also flourishing.Recently, it was reported that he dabbled in real estate and was ambitious.

While the sales volume continues to increase, the benefits of the company's employees will also increase accordingly. No one will oppose the banknotes. Since then, the support and voice of employees for Zuli has become louder and louder.

Li Mo nodded, thinking in his heart, he is really courageous at such a young age, otherwise he would not be able to reach this position.

The gathering a few years ago was the first time he saw Su Li, and it was also the only time in these few years.

At that time, Su Li was still an unlearned and incompetent rich boy in the eyes of everyone, but he was not.

Occasionally, Li Mo was surprised when he heard about his legendary deeds.

Xiao Zhengyu, the former head of Hongji Enterprises, disappeared shortly after he retired.

The second largest shareholder, Su Anxun, moved abroad with his family and has disappeared without a trace in recent years.

Conspiracies of minority shareholders were nipped in the bud.

The rumors were all made by Su Li, who had a sudden change of character. This person has extraordinary means, completely eradicating internal turmoil without leaving any hidden dangers.

If this is the case, this man is not only cold and ruthless, but even more ruthless.

"Manager Li, Su Dongruo of Hongji has a good relationship with Ms. Gu, so why don't we..." The second half of her sentence actually wanted to say: If it is possible, why don't we use it?But did not dare to speak out.

Mr. Li asked her to inquire, and she learned that Gu Ziyang and Su Li were old acquaintances, and they still have a relationship bond!
After hearing the news, she was very excited. The general staff didn't know about Mingsen's situation, but she knew that the root had rotted long ago!
Li Mo raised his chin slightly and looked at Ye Wen. She used to call Gu Ziyang by her full name, but now, she changed her name.

"Secretary Ye." Seeing that she had spoken halfway, Li Mo asked, "How about we?"

Attaching to Su Li or using Gu Ziyang?
He laughed to himself, he couldn't do it.

"Manager Li, I have no other intentions." Ye Wen knew that Li Mo understood in her heart, she thought for a while and organized her words, and then said: "I just want to temporarily relieve the company's crisis."

"Secretary Ye, every employee has their own freedom. I will not go against the wishes of the employees. If our company can't afford to protect even one employee, then how can everyone be willing to guard the company during the years of ups and downs?"

Ye Wen curled her lips, thinking to herself: There are so many reasons, even the employees have moved out!

"Manager Li, I don't mean anything else, don't get me wrong. I just think that if there is some friendship, Mr. Su will take care of him. Other employees don't dare to speak up if they know it. Maybe it's better for Ms. Gu. After all, Ms. Gu is here The company..." She looked at Li Mo's frown that was getting deeper and deeper, and she didn't finish her sentence.

She thinks that Li Mo knows it well, the company is rumoring that Gu Ziyang relies on a man to get his position, and this man is you, Li Mo!
Li Mo sighed faintly, the competition in the workplace is very dark, intrigue, all kinds of conspiracy theories, slander and slander, full of fighting without gunpowder smoke, it is really commonplace.

A woman like Gu Ziyang, who is not a top student, has no clear background, and is promoted quickly is easy to be pushed to the forefront as cannon fodder. After all, there are hundreds of employees, and there is only one high position on each level!
Why is it so difficult for this woman, struggling to survive in an ugly world?
"Manager Li, our situation is really besieged on all sides." Ye Wen was so anxious that she felt a little anxious, so she had to remind her.

"Ye Wen, you are my most trusted partner. We have worked hard together for these years. We have not experienced any wind and rain. There is no need to worry. Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you. Go out and do things first."

"Manager Li!" Ye Wen stomped her foot angrily.

"Get out." Li Mo waved his hand, "Let Gu Ziyang come in."

Ye Wen said before closing the door: Li Mo, you can treat someone endlessly, as long as it is worth it.

Leaning quietly on the chair, Li Mo pondered quietly, whether it was worth it or not, he didn't know, but he knew that he would not regret it.

Li Mo felt a little depressed for a moment, walked around the office a few times, lit another cigarette, and stood by the window.

He reached out and opened the window a crack, took a breath and then extinguished it, watching the people coming and going downstairs. If Mingsen's board of directors continues to suck blood, he is not sure that he will spend energy on revitalizing the company.

"Boom-boom-boom-!" There was a knock on the door, Li Mo opened the window wider, sat on the office chair, "Come in."

As soon as Gu Ziyang entered the office, he could smell the faint smell of cigarettes. Seeing Li Mo leaning on the chair, he didn't feel as energetic as before.

Does he smoke too?Gu Ziyang has known him all these years, and he has never seen him smoke a cigarette.

What's the matter?Are you in a bad mood?Sometimes when Gu Ziyang saw that he was not happy, she would ask, but the other party would always shake his head and say he was fine.

Li Mo was always like this, no matter what happened, he never said anything, he always carried it on his own.

"Sit down and chat." Li Mo pinched the bridge of his nose and sat up straighter.

"Manager Li, what do you want me to do?"

"Drink water." Li Mo made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you."

"Is the piece that you were familiar with the day before yesterday still handy?"

Gu Ziyang shook his head, "Not very familiar yet."

Li Mo smiled, "Take your time, this is a good opportunity to exercise yourself."

Gu Ziyang smiled and said, "I also have to thank Manager Li for giving me the opportunity to develop in an all-round way."

Li Mo smiled gently, "Boss Chen asked you to go to his office at 5:[-]. I don't know the specifics, but his secretary revealed that it was about work."

"About work?" Gu Ziyang repeated these words, thinking in his heart, they are not in the same department, so why don't you come to her directly?

Searching for the fragments of contact with Mr. Chen in his mind, he couldn't help thinking wildly.

"Be careful." Li Mo stood up suddenly and pulled her arm to one side, avoiding the boiled water spilled from his hand, "Why are you so absorbed in thinking, the water has been spilled."

He withdrew his hands calmly, neither too intimate nor abrupt.

The water spilled on the office desk and left it on the floor, which wetted the documents on the desk. Gu Ziyang quickly took out a piece of paper to wipe it off, "Sorry, sorry."

"It's okay, call the cleaner to clean it up, you go out first, and go to Mr. Chen's place at 5:[-]."

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