"Let go of me!" She had never been so hysterical, she struggled desperately, and wanted to confirm it herself, but her brother still held her tightly and wouldn't let her move.

Turning his head and biting Gu Zihao's arm, the bite was bloody.

Big tears dripped from her brother's eyes, and she let her bite him, his face turned pale from the pain and he refused to let go.

He still said, "Sister, you rest first."

"What's wrong with Jiang He?!" What did Gu Zihao want to hide from her?
Gu Ziyang slammed her brother's arm away, and quickly pulled out the needle in her hand. The blood overflowed from the capillaries, and she rolled and rolled out of bed, her body was as dilapidated as an ice doll and fell to the ground.

"Don't go." Gu Zihao rushed forward and hugged her struggling body.

He remembered that day, Jiang He's mother wanted to tear Gu Ziyang apart, if the police didn't stop him, he would be really afraid.

"Why? Why didn't you let me go!" She roared angrily and slapped Gu Zihao hard.

Her brother still held her tightly, "Sister, calm down, calm down, you can't get too excited!"

After the madness, Gu Ziyang's eyes were dim and confused.

Between opening and closing her eyes, she hoarsely pleaded softly, "Brother, sister please, this is the first time my sister begs you."

Gu Zihao could no longer say the words of admonition.

"Please, I just want to make sure he's fine, as long as he's fine." She buried her head on Gu Zihao's shoulder, and tears fell into his clothes.

Finally Gu Zihao patted her on the back and said softly, "Sister, I'll accompany you."

Uncle Jiang was usually kind and friendly, and he got along well with his neighbors. The incident about his son Jiang He caused a sensation in most of the village, and many people came and went to visit him.

The abdomen was stabbed, the aorta was injured, and he went into shock.The abdominal viscera ruptured and the mesentery was injured, and he barely recovered his life, but he was accompanied by a series of sequelae throughout his life.

Gu Ziyang stood in front of the path leading to Jiang He's house, digesting the news that Gu Zihao had inquired about.

But in my mind, I remembered the scene that happened here a few years ago, as if it was yesterday.

The father of the Gu family went to jail, and the mother was seriously injured. After being taken back to her natal home.

Jiang He's mother strictly prohibited her son from having any contact with the Gu family. They are all honest people, how could they have contact with their daughter who is in prison?
If this matter gets out, how can they stand up among their relatives and friends?
But Jiang He was unwilling, he used a hunger strike to protest, and must follow Gu Ziyang to go north to work.

Uncle Jiang was furious and burst into tears. He held his son's body and slapped him continuously, "Unfilial son, you unfilial son, who has raised you for so many years, left as soon as you said, what should we do when you leave?"

Aunt Jiang cried, cursed and threw out the package again, "You go, don't come back after you go, pretend we never raised you."

Jiang He knelt down and kowtowed to take care.

Gu Ziyang was at home, and he heard it clearly, tears streaming down his face.

A few minutes later, she saw Jiang He who pushed the door open with joy on his face, "Sister, let's go together."

She shook her head to persuade her, she doesn't want it, she knows that the road ahead will be more and more difficult, she doesn't want Jiang He to suffer this kind of suffering with her, but this man is determined to be with her and Gu Zihao, and he won't say anything listen.

No matter what, if Jiang He hadn't gone all the way with her, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. It was her fault.

"Look, isn't that the eldest girl of the Gu family? Why is she back?"

"Need to say it, he must have come to pester Jiang He again, and he still has the face to come back, he's a villain! I'm pissed!"

"That kid from the Jiang family must have owed her in his previous life, otherwise how could such a thing happen."

In an instant, all the villagers gathered around, pointing at the siblings and cursing, and when it came to resentment, they wanted to raise their fists.

While protecting her, Gu Zihao explained, "You misunderstood, my sister is not, it's not what you said, don't talk nonsense."

"I beg you, step aside a little bit, we are just here to see Brother Jiang, we have no malicious intentions."

It's really sad, no matter how many explanations, it can't cover up the angry scolding of everyone.

Suddenly, a woman rushed forward, "Slap!" A loud slap broke the noisy shouting.

"Why are you here?!" Seeing Gu Ziyang, Mother Jiang's face instantly turned from grief to anger and anger, and a sharp cry came from her throat.

"Aunt." Gu Ziyang's face was turned to one side.

The woman in front of her seemed to be getting older again, but she was only in her early 40s. Her hair had already turned gray, her sunken eye sockets were bloodshot, and her eyes were filled with tears, as if they were endless.

Mother Jiang rushed forward frantically, "You killed my son! Why didn't you get hurt! Why?"

The villagers quickly stopped, "Calm down, calm down, aunt, you have high blood pressure, so don't get too excited."

"Auntie, I..." Gu Ziyang was stuck in his throat for a thousand words, unable to speak.

"Don't call me aunt, you don't deserve it." Mother Jiang's nerves on the verge of collapse were about to be pushed into the abyss, "I don't want to see you, but you still dare to come, you have killed my son, I have no hope for the rest of my life, you This is a badass, a badass."

Her eyes were bloodshot, she couldn't control herself, and rushed up again.She wanted to beat this woman to death. Her son didn't know what to do for the rest of his life. The surrounding villagers tried to dissuade her and tell her to take care of her health, and some even persuaded Gu Ziyang to leave quickly.

Jiang's mother sat paralyzed on the ground and couldn't stop crying. She covered her face and wailed loudly. The village name Ladu couldn't get up. She still cried and scolded, "Why bother him? If it weren't for you, he would have been married a long time ago. I have already hugged my grandson!"

Gu Ziyang bit her dry lips, her mouth full of fishy smell, "Auntie." She heard her voice hoarse and rough, "I just want to see him."

"No!" Mother Jiang stared at her viciously, wanting to make a blood hole in her body, her fingernails were deeply embedded in the skin and the blood came out, and she spat out from her mouth through gritted teeth, "Please, get out of here. "

Gu Ziyang's body was thin and crumbling, he fell to his knees with a plop, and kowtowed helplessly, "Auntie, I beg you, please, Auntie, I just want to see him, please."

"Shameless, the Jiang family has made such a big deal for you, and even asked for it."

"Girl, leave quickly, Aunt Jiang is not in good health, do you want to force her to death?"

Gu Zihao kept explaining, "It's none of my sister's business, you guys misunderstood..."

His explanation was drowned out by countless saliva.

Jiang's mother had already endured to the extreme, and couldn't bear it anymore, "Get out, get out, I don't want to see you again, don't show up again, or I will kill you!"

The woman rushed forward, her teeth were clenched, and the anger in her eyes was undisguised.

Gu Ziyang knelt down and let the fists and feet fall, she deserved it.

Crying, shouting, screaming, and all kinds of discussions were like countless sharp knives cutting Gu Ziyang's eardrums.

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