"Okay." Lin Shutong gave Su Yi a sideways look, and interrupted him. She understood what this man was thinking, but she just couldn't like him. He was obviously a villain, but he still acted like a gentleman all the time.

After she finished speaking, she yelled at Su Li who was not far away, "Su Li, I don't care how you act when you are out, but don't get too involved!"

Su Li couldn't listen to the big truths Wu Ze said, he wanted to pinch Lin Shutong's neck and remind her that they have nothing to do with each other, who is the one who got too involved? !
Lin Shutong is the eldest daughter of Lin Shi in G City. The marriage between business and government was decided half a year ago. He refused again and again, and his family members were more inclined to Su Yi, and this crazy woman didn't know what style she was playing, so she kept pestering her.

Well, sometimes he thinks that what Wu Ze said is right, who is it different to be with the one he loves?

But things changed unknowingly, a confused child broke into his life, occasionally obedient, occasionally pouting angry, and biting you twice when pressed, the important thing is that the child has a sincere heart .

Wu Ze looked at Su Li's eyes like sharp knives, and wished he could poke a few holes in Lin Shutong's body. When he sensed something was wrong, he quickly grabbed him, "Su Li, what are you doing, you haven't made enough trouble yet?"

What is their purpose?The original plan was not like this, he said angrily softly: "The part of the arrangement is that they dog ​​eat dog!"

He also said: "Although I deviated from the track, it's enough to achieve the effect. Please wake me up."

Gu Ziyang stood there, feeling uncomfortable.

Yes, she may have had expectations in her heart, but she always felt that they were not that strong, so let everything take its course.

But at some point, her heart was unknowingly out of control, and she was indulging in warmth. Her heart ached so much that she subconsciously looked at Su Li.

Su Li frowned, his side face was indifferent, Wu Ze was whispering to him, he pursed his lips and listened, and suddenly the two seemed to be arguing about something, he didn't have too much emotion on his face, and he didn't look back.

In a trance, it seems to have fallen into darkness.

If Lin Shutong's insults burned her skin like a branding iron, and the revealed truth pierced her heart like a knife, then Su Li's attitude directly drove her into the abyss.

"I'm sober." Su Li said firmly, he turned his head, the grief in the woman's eyes pierced his heart and lungs, there was a bit of acid, bit by bit penetrated into the heart, and the tingling sensation traveled through the whole body.

What is he doing?It hurts this woman, this woman who has never turned back for him!

No one else will treat him like this again, I really want to hug her.

Gu Ziyang took two steps back, wearing a white dress, his body shook slightly, like a butterfly about to flutter its wings, so beautiful.

No, he can't, Su Li snorted, strode forward, pinched Gu Ziyang's shoulder, anxiously trying to explain something.

Wu Ze yelled angrily, "Su Li, it's fixed, this Friday, it's time to end!"

Su Li's heart froze, ten thousand words that he wanted to explain stuck in his throat in an instant, he was walking a road, a very dark road, he couldn't drag her, it was unfair to her, a sense of exhaustion burst out in his heart , the hand hangs down weakly.

There were accusations and ridicules, the corners of the woman's lips turned pale, her throat was choked, and hot liquid was about to overflow from her eyes.

No, she can't cry.

That woman is right, the tears of the poor are worthless, these people want to see her make a fool of themselves, why should they satisfy them?

"Take care." She turned around and said softly, and walked out without hesitation.

Su Li stared straight at her, seeing that she walked out peacefully, without crying or scolding.

The subtle smile told Jue Ran, his thin body was still upright, and the determination between his brows made him freeze in place.

The hand by his side was clenched and loosened several times, it was the first time in his life that he was so weak.

Forget it, let it go, there is already a huge gap between them, it's good that everything is over.

However, the current him would not know that the scalding hot water of the woman who seemed to leave resolutely was about to be overwhelmed.

He also didn't know that when Gu Ziyang turned to leave, the smile on the corner of Gu Ziyang's mouth would bloom in his dreams every night.

Maybe he himself didn't even think that before this night, maybe earlier, he had already given his heart to Gu Ziyang.

This is the case with everything in the world, and the cessation of fate is actually the origin of fate.

Under the persuasion of some people, Lin Shutong left first, and she dialed the phone after getting in the car, "Did you find out the woman who asked you to check last time? And the people around her, let me check! I'm going to kill her! Now !immediately!"

Quick, faster, she ran quickly on the road, sunken puddles, dirty water stained her trouser legs, she didn't mind.

Emptyness and weakness filled all the gaps in my heart. I didn't know how long I ran until my calf was sore and weak, I squatted down and curled up to the side.

A strong wind blew up at the quiet street corner, and the coldness invaded the bottom of my heart, like frost sweeping over every part of my body, I stretched out my hands to hug my shivering body.

Why do you want to provoke her?You already have a fiancée, why bother with her?

She was deeply imprisoned, unable to extricate herself, and clenched her arms tightly.

Touching her red eyes, what was she thinking?What are you mad about being sad?

She had never been with that man at all, she had fallen into it unknowingly, and she was still sad on this side.

Misunderstood, abused, attacked, and then put an end to this relationship that has not yet happened.

After a long, long time, the phone in her pocket rang again, and she pressed to answer.

"Where?" The other party's tone was anxious and fast.

"Xie Qing?"

"It's me, it's me, where are you?"

She looked up at the street sign, "I'm on Jiangnan Street."

"Something happened, come here quickly." There was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Waves of bad premonitions hit her head, and she slowly sweated on her forehead.

"Don't ask, the door of the Mei club, come immediately! Hurry up."

Gu Ziyang hurriedly stopped the taxi at the intersection and hurried away.

Su Li propped his head up and shook his head, he felt very confused because of the intricate problems entangled him.

"I'm very tired, I'll go back first."

Wu Ze didn't dissuade him, Su Li was emotionally unstable, he had to stare, "I'll be with you."

The staff found Su Li's location, respectfully handed him a small gift bag, and asked him to pass it on to Ms. Gu.

Su Li opened the bag suspiciously, lowered his head, and inside was a medal, a certificate, his mother's bracelet, and a note.

There is a row of beautiful small characters written on it: Please don't forget the original appearance, and don't let down the love and sunshine.

Su Li tremblingly closed her eyes, she understood, she really understood.

His eyes were swollen and painful with the thorns on the top of his head, and his mind went blank. At that moment, he really wanted to chase after her desperately, find her, and hug her.

But he was stopped by reason, and in three days, he was about to leave, and he didn't show anything in the end.

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