He wiped the sweat from the child's forehead, and the panic in his eyes was replaced by Jingyi. Gu Ziyang pursed his lips, "I saw Mr. Xiao in the toilet just now."

"Xiao Shengrui?"

"Yes, it's him." Gu Ziyang nodded forcefully, the man's vicious and violent behavior has long been deeply ingrained in her heart.

Su Li laughed, "My child, you are quite good at finding a backer."

She stuck out her tongue, "Su Li, I only know you here."

Su Li's eyes narrowed, his eyes became dark, he caressed the child's stiff back lightly, "Don't be afraid, he can't hurt you."

Wu Ze came a bit late, his female companion Xue Yang is the youngest daughter of the Xue family, and he wasted an hour just waiting for this young lady to choose jewelry.

He did have some headaches, but he had no choice but to accompany him with a smiling face. After all, marriages between power and business had always been like this in this circle.

And Xue Yang is the girl chosen by his family. If you want to say how much affection there is between the two parties, after greeting many dignitaries hand in hand, Xue Yang went to chat with her little sister.

He saw Liu Honglin and Gao Jun on the side of the sofa. Next to Gao Jun was a girl with short curly hair, who should be the girlfriend introduced to him by his family.

"Come on, sit down." Gao Jun beckoned to him and then turned to talk to the girl. It seemed that he was quite satisfied with the girl.

As soon as he sat down, Liu Honglin teased, "Two days ago, Wu Ze kept saying that he shirked not meeting Miss Xue, but he came together just now. A man's mouth, tsk tsk...Gao Jun, do you think so? Almost holding hands."

Gao Jun smiled, "Sooner or later, it's better to get in touch more now."

Wu Ze was upset by what he said, he turned his head and glanced at Xue Yang walking towards him, and made a mouth shape, do you think I am willing?

His father is also here, how dare he confront his father, he is afraid of being suspended, afraid of being kicked out of the house!
Liu Honglin raised his middle finger at him, "Our uncle Su dares!"

"What?" Wu Ze felt puzzled, "Where is he?"

Gao Jun raised his chin, Wu Ze glanced at the balcony, Su Li was tall and conspicuous.

He was a little annoyed by Xue Yang, and said to Liu Honglin: "Miss Xue will come later, tell her that I have something to do, and tell her not to wait for me."

Liu Honglin took a sip of his wine and rolled his eyes, "What business can you do?"

Wu Ze turned slightly and saw Xue Yang behind him. He hurriedly got up, went to the terrace, and saw this scene. Su Li and that woman were very close, even holding hands...

Astonishment flashed across Wu Ze's eyes, he frowned, and suppressed the thought of asking Su Li why he brought this girl here.

The daughter of the Lin family also received the invitation and came to the meeting place. Because of this, he discouraged Su Li many times and accepted the marriage.

Judging from the current situation, using the status of the daughter of the Lin family to make a fortune can save a lot of effort and means.

If Su Li is sincere to that girl, he doesn't agree with Su Li's pursuit of true love, but he thinks it's not worth it.

As far as Su Li's current situation is concerned, an ordinary girl will only drag him down, not to mention what kind of long-lasting love is there in this world?At least he never believed it.

From his point of view, women are in power by themselves, and it is good to cheat at home, so are you afraid that there will be no red flags flying outside?

To deceive Lin Daqian and gain power, what kind of woman do you want?
On the other hand, Su Li was good, he was indifferent to Lin Shutong, he always refused the marriage, and he had the intention of pushing the big daughter to Su Yi.

Although Lin Daqian is obsessed with Su Li and has the attitude of not marrying anyone who is not Su Li, how long is the shelf life in his opinion?

He thought for a while and finally fell silent, giving up the idea of ​​reasoning with Su Li.

There was a sound behind him, he turned his head sideways and saw Xiao Shengrui chasing after him in a hurry, he glanced at Gu Ziyang several times, thought for a while, and took a big step to the side, maybe this is the right time.

Su Li blocked most of the woman's body behind him, and the armor next to him whispered to Xiao Shengrui, and he suddenly realized, "Brother Su, I said this woman looks familiar, so it was the last time I held a party at my house..."

"Brother Xiao, I can't remember clearly, it's better to forget it earlier." Su Li interrupted Xiao Shengrui's words, his eyes were lazy and cold.

Xiao Shengrui is well aware of Su Li's temper. In his opinion, the two of them are like-minded, and his father and Su Li's father both hold shares in Hongji.

But after understanding the other party's temper, he was interrupted, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry, "This woman..."

"This girl, I'll take pictures now." He had a high nose, thin lips, and an irresistible air of pride exuded from his whole body.

"Damn it!" Xiao Shengrui was interrupted again, and angrily smashed the wine glass in his hand with a "bang-", his facial muscles twitched slightly, and he was on the verge of erupting.

There was a lot of movement on the terrace, which attracted many people's attention. The two notorious young masters were fighting. Most people chose to stand by and watch, and no one would easily get themselves involved.

"Su Li, you have such a big heart. If you are poor and have no money, you will take care of such a woman?"

"The mouth is really dirty." Su Li kicked over.

"Fuck!" Xiao Shengrui suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the side in embarrassment.

He fell to the ground, rubbing his sore stomach, still in disbelief.

He never thought that Su Li would dare to hit him, and when he came to his senses, he looked at Su Li in disbelief, "You fucking dare to hit me?"

In City G, no one has dared to oppose him so far, let alone in this kind of occasion, some individuals would have some concerns, after all, his father is the chairman of Hongji!
Su Li is really crazy. When he looked up, Su Li turned his ankles and curled his lips and laughed, "The skin is so thick, brother's feet hurt from kicking."

Wu Ze spat secretly, "It's good if you didn't beat you to death, it should be done, who told you that your mouth is dirty." Even if he didn't like Su Li with that girl, he still didn't like Xiao Shengrui's nonsense. .

Liu Honglin and Gao Jun even silently applauded Uncle Su in their hearts. They thought about this kind of thing but they didn't dare, and they had scruples no matter what.

A and B hurried forward to help Xiao Shengrui up, "Young Master Xiao, are you all right, is there any pain there?"

"Hit him for me." Xiao Shengrui pointed to Su Li.

A and B looked at each other. They are both subordinates of Hongji Group. They usually don't have much ability.

Even if they dared, they probably knew Su Li's skills, but they couldn't beat them, so they stood there hesitating and dared not move.

Seeing that the two of them didn't move, Xiao Shengrui lost face, "All of you, you usually speak nicely, but at critical moments, farts are useless!"

A and B lowered their heads in shame.

There were more and more onlookers, Chen Fudong came here panting, he is one of the shareholders of Hongji, and he was familiarizing himself with the speech script in the locker room, and his head exploded when he heard the news.

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