Both Yuan Bao and the child looked at him with pleading eyes, Su Li smiled, walked out without saying anything.

Knowing that he agreed, Gu Ziyang quickly took the leash and fastened it around Yuan Bao's neck, and led it outside.

It's just after get off work. After 5 pm every day, the vegetables, meat, and fruits in the supermarket are discounted, and there are huge crowds of people who come to the supermarket to buy things.

Gu Ziyang was pushing the shopping cart to buy products, while Su Li was holding Yuan Bao in one hand and followed behind with the other hand in his pocket, he was a little uncomfortable.

Household items are taken care of, and food and drink are delivered to the table.The places where people are pulled out for shopping are shopping malls and counters.

Places with a high attendance rate are bars, restaurants and other places. I have never been to such a place full of life.

It was also the first time for Yuan Bao to come to the supermarket, and when he saw the dazzling array of shelves, he grinned happily and stuck out his tongue.

Seeing it walking slowly, Su Li hugged it into the shopping cart and sat there. At first Yuan Bao was not used to this strange environment, he looked around blankly, looking a little silly.

Gu Ziyang was overjoyed, it was obvious that the ingot had followed its owner, and Su Li looked like it was his first visit to the supermarket, he was a fool.

She stopped in front of a container and tiptoed to reach for seasonings on the top shelf of the container.She reached out her hand to hook it twice, and she almost missed it. She turned to look at Su Li, "Help me."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Anticipating that Su Li was about to speak harshly again, Gu Ziyang hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, if you can't eat dinner, you can only eat supper."

Su Li laughed, reached out to take the seasoning and put it in the cart, and then pulled the cart and followed Gu Ziyang. Seeing the child's carefully selected appearance, he teased, "I've lived a small life, and I'll use it in the future." Whoever marries you will be blessed."

Gu Ziyang intended to cook a few specialty dishes, but Su Li followed and asked him, "What do you usually like to eat?"

Yuan Bao also turned to look at him. Su Li bent down and rubbed its big head, "I'm never picky."

The two shuttled among the shelves, Gu Ziyang took a few dishes and put them in the corner of the cart, and asked, "What are the taboos?"

Su Li looked at the box full of mushrooms, winter melons, and yams, with a clear and lazy expression, "Although I don't pick anything, I don't want to be light."

Gu Ziyang glanced at him, "What do you like to eat?"

"Fish, I like any fish."

Gu Ziyang went to the aquatic product area again, and picked out two fish, one with chopped peppers and the other with braised sauce for tomorrow.

Walking to the side dish area, Su Li picked up several boxes of chili peppers, red, green, small and medium.

Uh... Gu Ziyang was dumbfounded, can Su Li eat spicy food like that?

Su Li took Yuan Bao to the pet supplies area, which was full of snacks and toys.

Yuan Bao's expression lit up instantly, and he grinned so happily that he was almost drooling.

"Snacks!" Seeing Yuan Bao so happy, Su Li picked out several bags of dog food, as well as nutritional products, such as calcium supplements, resistance boosters, vitamin supplements, and probiotic powder.

After buying food for it, he turned to the toy section and saw all kinds of toys, Yuan Bao was obviously more excited, almost stood up and jumped out of the shopping cart, and came out to have fun.

"What do you want?" Su Li took out toys one by one and looked at Yuan Bao's expression.

When the screaming chicken was pressed down, it made a noise, and Yuan Bao also screamed.

"The hobby is quite special!" Su Li put the Screaming Chicken into the shopping cart, and Yuan Bao immediately stuck out his tongue, grinned, and started playing with the Screaming Chicken.

Gu Ziyang went shopping again, bought some daily necessities, and when he put the items into the shopping cart, he found that Yuan Bao buried his head and fell asleep in the cart, sleeping soundly, even snoring.

When it was time to check out, Su Li took out his wallet and prepared to pay the bill, but Gu Ziyang stopped him adroitly, "I'll come, I'll come." After so much trouble, you can't be sloppy when it's time to take out the money.

Su Li is used to going out to pay bills. It was the first time a woman took out money in front of him, and he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He was stunned for a few seconds, and the child had already taken out his mobile phone to scan the code. He smiled, " good."

As soon as the two arrived at the door, Yuan Bao jumped out of the car with the screaming chicken in his mouth as if he had sensed it.

Su Li opened the door, took out the big and small bags from the car, and then notified the supermarket to buy the cart, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'll come, I'll come." Gu Ziyang had gotten used to it all these years, doing everything by himself.

Yuan Bao ran over again with the dog bowl in his mouth. "Are you hungry?" Su Li unpacked the newly bought dog food and various nutritional products, dug out two spoonfuls and put them in Yuanbao's dog bowl, and stored the rest in the cabinet specially for dog food.

Just as the dog bowl was placed in front of Yuan Bao, the phone rang. He picked it up and saw the caller ID, frowned impatiently, and immediately hung up.

He went upstairs, blowing the cold wind on the balcony for a while, and the cell phone in the bedroom was still ringing.

The dry branches on the roadside dance wildly in the wind, making noises from time to time, and the flowers and plants on the roadside hang their heads listlessly, trembling in the strong wind, and also make rustling sounds.

The biting cold wind cut across Su Li's face like a knife, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and there was an expression of boredom between his brows.

Su Li just stood like this, letting the howling cold wind blow him to the core. After a while, he felt that the boredom in his heart dissipated. When he went downstairs, there were already bowls on the dining table in the dining room. chopsticks.

One plate was the chopped pepper fish he ordered, and the other was boiled pork slices. Millet porridge was being cooked in the kitchen, and the air was filled with warmth and fragrance.

He paused, and childhood memories kept flooding out of his mind: "Wash your hands first, you'll be fine soon, and there are two vegetarian dishes."

"Xiao Li, wash your hands and get water all over the place."

"You're picky again, you want to eat all kinds of food? Back then, when there was a famine, it was good to eat something, but you're still picky."

"Eat more, eat more, be careful not to grow tall."

Su Li smiled in a trance, this meal really felt like home.

Gu Ziyang took off his apron, washed his hands in the sink and wiped them clean, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mixed with cold cucumbers, and served them on the table.

The hot porridge warmed her heart, and it had been a long time since she had cooked a regular meal.

After savoring two mouthfuls, Su Li nodded in satisfaction, "It tastes good." Then he took a plate, scooped out a spoonful of chilli mixed with coriander, and ate it with sesame oil...

Gu Ziyang was dumbfounded, she didn't believe that there would be someone who could eat spicy food like this before, but she was very surprised when she saw it today, she couldn't ask him how he felt after eating it.

Su Li was still asking her how the cucumber was bland and tasteless, how could she eat it?

Gu Ziyang curled his lips and said in his heart, well, you eat more, and when you go to the toilet tomorrow, Chrysanthemum will teach you how to be a human being...

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