Lin Shuya knew through various means that it was a few days before Su Yi went to prison!She felt the uncontrollable anger running around in her body, and smashed the things in the house like crazy, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak for a while.

She had reminded Su Yi many times to delete the conversation between them after each chat, and she didn't know if she did it? !

She yelled into the air: You idiot!Nothing can be done well, and there are still loopholes left!idiot!You deserve to be in jail!
After scolding for a long time, Lin Shuya was also tired.

She slumped on the sofa and slowly calmed down her anger.After pondering for a while, she thought, this matter must be resolved quickly!If Su Li finds out, it's over!Her life is over!
What should she do next?A person appeared in her mind, and she thought about making a call. A thick voice came from the other end of the phone, and the corners of Lin Shuya's mouth slowly curled up.

The girl in front of her was wearing a white dress, her appearance was haggard, and she was more sickly than before, pure and gentle.She covered her face and sobbed softly. In the past, Ji Hao was either indifferent or walked away silently.

Although he felt sorry for Lin Shuya, he had no position, he was just an ordinary friend.

The woman's face was full of tears, her charming appearance was pitiful, she kept whimpering, her voice was hoarse and low, "Brother Ji, can't you really help me to meet Sister Gu?"

Ji Hao took a tissue from the table and handed it to Lin Shuya, his throat was blocked with thousands of words, he couldn't!

He pursed his lips, and finally only said: "Don't cry."

Lin Shuya raised her head and took the tissue without wiping it off, letting tears hang on her face.She bit her lip, her eye circles were still red and swollen, "I have a lot to say to Sister Gu, if you can't help me, no one else can help me."

Ji Hao hesitated, sighed, and vetoed: "Lin Shuya, it's not that I won't help you, I think it's better to forget about it. If you meet Miss Gu in private and Mr. Su finds out..." He paused, organized his words and said, "It's not suitable for you to meet."

Lin Shuya looked at him in astonishment, her face full of disbelief, "Brother Ji, I can understand that Brother Su has concerns about me. We have been good friends for so many years, don't you believe me? Are you worried that I will hurt her? "

She smiled bitterly and said: "I won't do anything to Sister Gu. I have loved Brother Su for more than 10 years. Although this time he left me to pursue the person he loves, I never blamed him for anything! How could I Hurting someone he likes, I won't make his heart hurt, I won't."

As she spoke, her tears rolled down again.He wiped his face carelessly, opened and closed his pale lips, "Please believe me, I just have something to say to Sister Gu."

After what happened to Su Yi, Su Li increased the number of security personnel around Gu Ziyang, and emphasized safety issues many times to further strengthen management.As long as he has not found out who is behind the scenes, everything will not let up.

"Let's do this." Ji Hao pondered for a moment, and said, "If you have anything to say, I can convey it to you, or you can call Miss Gu."

"Don't you believe me?" Lin Shuya asked in a low voice.

Ji Hao was silent, yes, he was very defensive towards people.He doesn't believe in people's hearts, and people's hearts are fickle.

Her slightly parted lips trembled slightly, "You really don't believe me."

Ji Hao insisted: "Miss Lin, I think you should call Miss Gu, if she wants to see you..."

"Will Sister Gu meet me?" Lin Shuya interrupted.

Ji Hao was taken aback for a moment, he knew that Su Li might not agree.But Lin Xiaoqian can contact and try first.

"Brother Ji." Lin Shuya suddenly threw herself into his arms, crying loudly, like a wronged child, crying heartbreakingly.

"I just want... I just want to wish my sister happiness face to face. You don't even give me this chance. You don't even give me this chance. What do you think of me!"

Ruanxiang fell into his arms, and Ji Hao was stunned for a moment, thinking of the first time he met this girl in his mind.

He and Lin Shuya first met at a party hosted by Xiao Shengrui, when she was a little girl.

The little girl walks with her older sister and is easily overlooked.Lin Shutong has a beautiful appearance, and this girl is plain and not tall.

Raised by one parent, Lin Shutong has a domineering personality, and this girl is gentle, and the two sisters are the representatives of the two extremes.

Lin Shutong wandered among the various elites, while this girl sat obediently in the corner by herself.

She didn't have the arrogance of a young lady in her bones. The waiter accidentally splashed the wine on her snow-white clothes, but she smiled and said it didn't matter.

At that time, Ji Hao noticed this girl because she was really different from other celebrities. She was very kind and had no temper.

"Don't, don't do this." The scent of hair wafted into his nostrils, Ji Hao carefully pushed her away, but his heart felt a little loose.

Lin Shuya lowered her head, kneaded her wrists twice, and said, "I don't even know why, I was the one who was abandoned, but why did I become a sinner! Everyone avoids me like that!" Plague! I only have you as my friend, Brother Ji..."

Ji Hao watched her movements and the watch on her hand.For some reason, scenes from many years ago suddenly flashed in his mind.

At that time, Lin City had not yet collapsed, and Lin Shuya gave him a gift once on a trip. It was a Swiss brand watch, and he accepted it after a long time of evasion.

Since then, Lin Shuya bought him two watches successively.After he wore one out, he didn't want to wear it any more, and kept it in the cabinet at home.

When exactly?There seemed to be a subtle change in his mind towards Lin Shuya.There are really some things in the world that cannot be stopped, but he understands his identity and never surpasses it.

Scenes of time flashed before my eyes, as if I had an unreal dream.He never thought that such a daughter standing on the clouds would become so embarrassed, and he never thought that Lin Shuya would hug him and cry unscrupulously.

Her past warmth is still vivid in his memory, Ji Hao gently shakes his head and puts the picture on hold.It was at this moment that he wanted to do something for her.Nothing will happen, he will accompany Miss Gu, nothing will happen.

He said, "I'll try."

"Really?" Lin Shuya looked up at him with joy in her red and swollen eyes.

"Lin Shuya, I can't give you a definite answer, things will always change, I can only try my best."

"You can, Brother Ji, you can definitely." Lin Shuya rushed forward excitedly.

Ji Hao couldn't bear to soothe her emotions, took a step back and said, "Okay, I promise you."

If he can promise, he will not break his promise.

The coffee has cooled completely, but the woman's soft touch is still on the fingertips.Ji Hao stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, strengthened his determination, and dialed a series of numbers.

"Why is it so far away?" Gu Ziyang sat in the back seat and looked out the window, seeing emerald green everywhere.

The car was getting farther and farther away from the city. The car had been driving towards the suburbs for more than half an hour, and the surroundings were getting more and more remote. She asked Ji Hao, "How long will it be?"

"It should be here soon. The farm owned by my friend is located a bit out of the way, but the environment is still good."

"Okay." Gu Ziyang didn't doubt him, so he didn't say anything.

The corners of Ji Hao's lips were tightly pursed, and he didn't expect to be so far away. At this moment, his heart was beating "bang bang", and his sense of uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger.

A few days ago, he promised Lin Shuya that he would help to ask Miss Gu to meet, but he couldn't find a good reason.

It wasn't until yesterday that he heard Gu Ziyang and Su Li talking about wanting to come out to play in the office, and a few people organized a barbecue and picnic, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

That night, I approached Gu Ziyang in private, and suggested a good place, and first took her to see if the venue was satisfactory.

He also reminded her not to tell Su Li, but to give Su Dong a surprise, but he himself did not expect that the location would be so remote, Lin Shuya also told him the farm's rhetoric, it was too biased!If you drive any further, you will almost reach City H.

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