Wu Ze snorted a laugh from his nasal cavity, his thin lips parted slightly, "Where's that fake celebrity in your family? Why don't you take her out for a walk?"

Ye Zitan didn't come today, Wu Ze could guess the reason with his toes.When he called Liu Honglin at that time, he had already asked him to attend by name and told him not to bring irrelevant people with him.

At that time, he heard Ye Zitan say on the phone that he would not come, and he had already rejected her coming so clearly, Miss Ye would not be so shameless, so she must follow her in a shameless way.

Liu Honglin: "..." Are you speaking human words?He even took her out for a walk, and it wasn't because he had a dog. He glared at Wu Ze, "She didn't feel well in her stomach today, so she didn't come."

Gao Yu exclaimed, "Could she be pregnant too?"

Seeing him angry, Wu Ze wanted to tease him: Mr. Liu's stick has not been used for more than [-] years, it must have rusted long ago!But when she suddenly saw the tips of his ears turning red suddenly, she couldn't help being taken aback, and narrowed her eyes slightly, could it be that she was really pregnant?

Liu Honglin didn't know what Wu Ze was thinking, he had been talking with Ye Zitan for quite a long time.But she didn't even kiss Xiaozui, not because of Miss Ye's innocence, she herself deliberately created several opportunities, such as getting drunk and having a fever, to keep him at home.

But he has no feelings for Ye Zitan at all, and the only purpose of being together is to find a marriage partner sooner, and the two hit it off right away.

He suddenly heard Gao Yu say this, and he felt a little depressed. If he was heard by the love prodigal son Wu Xiaoye, he would probably laugh at him for being a little virgin again!

"No, how could it be so fast!" He said perfunctorily.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wu Ze, caught the fleeting trace of irritability in the other's eyes, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Wu Ze seldom showed such an expression, he gave everyone the impression of carelessness, daring to love and hate.

Just as he was about to say a few words, Su Li took Gu Ziyang out of the elevator.

"Uncle Su, I haven't seen you in half a year." Gao Jun took a step forward and put his arms around Su Li's shoulders, but his eyes fell on Gu Ziyang, "Who is this?"

"I really suspect that you are living in the 2G era. Didn't you see the hot topic recently?" Wu Ze immediately changed the expression on his face, so fast that Liu Honglin thought that what he saw just now was an illusion.

Of course Gao Jun had seen it, how could he not know about the sensational event in City G?Some time ago, a boring writer wrote a novel about this matter, and Yuanzi followed that novel as a TV series!It didn't stop for a while until it was found out that I was pregnant!
He has only known Su Li for so many years, and he has never seen Su Li bring any girl to a party. He forgot the news that caused a sensation in G City for a while, and said that he was bald.

"So it's sister-in-law, sit down quickly. I'll just wait for you two." Gao Jun led them forward.

Gu Ziyang blushed, "Thank you."

"Shameless?" Wu Ze touched Gao Yu's arm.

"Ah?" Gao Yu turned his head, puzzled.

"Does it count as seniority?" Wu Ze said dissatisfied: "Uncle Su is a few months younger than me, and you are two years older than me. If you call him brother, where do you put me?"

Gao Yu, "..." He was speechless for a while, and then said, "Brother, you are all my brothers."

"That's more or less the same." Wu Ze raised his jaw slightly, with a rather smug look on his face.

"Children's temper." Sitting beside him, Liu Honglin muttered.

After the group was seated, Wu Ze toasted with everyone.

As soon as he sat down, Gao Jun asked softly, "You and Xue Yang are really separated?"

"Can this kind of thing be faked?" Wu Ze has been running around for this matter these days, and everyone is forcing him. He is really exhausted.After finally getting rid of Xue Yang, he hurried out to invite his friends to play.

Gao Jun worriedly asked: "Will the Xue family..."

Wu Ze understood what he meant. Needless to say, Xue Yang's father would definitely trip him up.He had this feeling in the dark that the next day would be difficult.

It was the first time he had such a strong desire to stay away from this woman since he saw Xue Yang's crazy performance at the station.Fortunately, I didn't marry this woman, and I didn't touch her!

Xue Yang is an only daughter, so there is no need to fight for power internally.But her father is old, which one of her uncles and brothers is not a jackal?They all pointed at her marrying an ordinary family.

When the news of the engagement with the Wu family was spread, these uncles and brothers stopped for a while.The Wu family has a strong background, which increases the bargaining chip for the Xue family, and can also punish those who want to fight for power and have malicious intentions!

This time, after he went back and talked to his father about breaking off the engagement, his father was a man of great loyalty, and he even helped Xue Yang's father overtly and secretly, trying to set up checks and balances.

But Wu Ze gradually grew, and his father could no longer control him.Thinking of this, Wu Ze withdrew the cup calmly, took a tissue and wiped his mouth naturally.

He lit another cigarette, his long legs were casual, and his attitude was lazy and casual. He said: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover."

While talking, the mobile phone on the table rang.After seeing the number, Wu Ze hung up the phone neatly, threw it on the table, and curled his lips impatiently, "Look, the phone is coming after you again."

He still had a smile on his face for such a big event, and Liu Honglin listened to their conversations.He whispered: "If you have anything to say, I will help you as a brother."

Wu Ze turned his head to look at him, Liu Honglin's eyelids slightly lifted, his pupils were also dark, and his pair of black hairy eyes were as deep as a deep pool, and he looked at him motionlessly.

His eyes seem to be able to suck people into deep whirlpools, in Wu Ze's eyes he is like a docile kitten.I couldn't help but want to reach out and rub his black fluffy head.

In the end, he just smiled slightly and said, "Thanks, brother."

There was a lot of noise at the dinner table, and Gao Yu’s phone rang, so he could only increase his volume and shout, “Okay, okay. I’m having dinner with my friends, and I’ll send you the bill. I’ll call you as soon as possible about the money. Really? Then I will send it to you now."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention. Young master Wu has been in the court of romance for many years, and reminded: "Did you fall in love? And keep asking you for money? Don't be fooled!"

Gao Yu suddenly stopped his movements, "No way."

"Stupid, people like you are best lied to."

Wu Ze's words resonated immediately, and Gao Jun said, "My wife is too, and my credit card is maxed out! Xiao Gao, you really have to pay attention, some women cheat money to make a living, and we can talk about it after we get married. "

While the men were talking, Su Li suddenly asked in a low voice, "Why hasn't the money on the card I gave you been moved?"

Gu Ziyang smiled at the end of his eyes, "It's not necessary."

"We spend a lot of money on weekdays, why can't we use it?"

Wu Ze suddenly asked: "What are you muttering about?"

"It's nothing, I gave my child a card, and it hasn't been touched at all."

When Su Li said this, there was pride in his words.

Everyone: "..."

"Oh, so proud."

"Nice cry from a single dog."

"Eat, eat." Su Li curled his mouth calmly, peeled the shrimp and put them in Gu Ziyang's bowl.

It was rare for a few people to get together, and they all opened up to chat, and the atmosphere on the table became more and more enthusiastic.

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