Seeing his mother coming, Su Yi had hope in his eyes, hurriedly got up, hugged her waist, and cried loudly, "Mom, hurry up, save me quickly. Brother, he is going to kill me!"

As soon as he spoke, he spat out blood foam and couldn't speak clearly.

"Don't be afraid, mom is here! No one dares to touch you!" Ding Yi protected her son behind her, staring at Su Li viciously.

Su Li looked at the woman standing in front of Su Yi, turned his head slightly, a contemptuous and sarcastic sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ding Yi couldn't help but looked at Su Anxun and looked at him fiercely, "Your eldest son is going to kill your younger son! Are you just watching! You are dumb! Say something!"

"Su Li, you, why did you do this, he..." Su Anxun was in distress, he didn't know what unforgivable mistake Su Yi made to be beaten like this.

His hands hung on the side as if they had no bones, and his entire face was swollen like a pig's head.If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that it is his son.

Before Su Li could speak, Su Yi hurriedly cried and explained, "Dad, I just, just wanted to invite Miss Gu to have a cup of tea. I have no other thoughts, and I didn't do anything else. My brother misunderstood. Mom, help me quickly." I'm talking..."

When Su Anxun heard this, he knew that things would not be so simple.He has read a lot of news about Gu Ziyang and Su Li's relationship recently, and he knows that the two are deeply in love!Deep enough to give up everything for both parties!
This idiot has been lying on the bed every day and has lost his head, and he can always do something that makes people fly into a rage!
It's crazy!I don't have the ability, but I am very courageous!It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke Miss Gu!

But this is his son, what can he do?He silently read a few words: my own!biological!biological!

He took a deep breath, "Su Li, no matter what wrong things he did, he is your younger brother after all, so just let him go!"

Ding Yi quickly continued: "Yes, please let your brother go, he is still young and not sensible."

"Let him go?" Su Li smiled, "Who will let me go!"

He waved his hand to the bodyguard to pull Ding Yi away, and slowly approached, "Three years ago, I didn't kill them all, and now he is the one who doesn't let him go. Even my wife wants to defile me. I have been ignoring you for the past few years as a brother." No, I didn’t teach you how to be a human being!”

Ding Yi kept struggling and cursed, "Are you doing human affairs! You still teach others how to be human, your mother..."

Suddenly Ding Yi's shouting stopped abruptly.

Su Li's ice-like eyes swept over her, and a cold current rushed into her heart.The blood faded from her face, and her lips trembled.

Su Li's bottom line is his mother, and Ding Yi, like her son, is always on the verge of madness and can't pull back.

Her voice trembled, and she said softly: "Please, please. He is your biological father's son! You are related by blood! Just let him go this time!"

Ding Yi broke free, wiped away her tears and was about to kneel down.

Su Li seemed to have noticed it a long time ago, and turned his face expressionlessly, "You can't bear kneeling like a junior. You should have knelt in front of my mother's grave long ago and begged her to forgive me."

Ding Yi was stunned for a moment, she couldn't help thinking of something, and her whole body went limp.The bodyguard dragged her by the arm to keep her from falling.

Su Li's deep voice came again, "Ding Yi, I should have accounted for the fact that you forced my mother to death many years ago, so many years too late."

Ding Yi's body couldn't help trembling, his pupils dilated inch by inch, he still remembered this man!At that time, he was just a child, and he had been hiding it quietly for so many years.

What does he remember!Remember what!
"What account? What happened?" Su Anxun's puzzled eyes fell on her face, and when their eyes met, Ding Yi quickly moved away.

"What's going on?" That guilty look made Su Anxun vaguely guess something.He walked forward, his eyes were full of anger, and he stared at Ding Yi closely.

For a moment, the atmosphere was weird.

He always thought that his ex-wife's house accidentally caught fire. Could there be something else hidden about this matter?

"It's been so many years, it's too late to find out the truth now?" Su Li looked at him expressionlessly.

Su Anxun felt a pain in his heart. When he was young, he went back to his hometown.At that time, his son's eyes were full of stars.Since when did those deep eyes have a depth that doesn't match his age, and all this is caused by him!

He looked away guiltily, pointed at Ding Yi with trembling hands, "Tell me! What happened back then! Tell me!"

Ding Yi has never seen the fierceness between Su Anxun's eyebrows. He has a good temper and has been with him for decades. He is honest and honest, and rarely gets angry.

Thinking that he was angry because of that woman, Ding Yi immediately lost his composure and screamed loudly, "Don't ask! Su Anxun, don't ask!"

At first, Ding Yi tried his best to separate Su Anxun and his ex-wife, forbidding them to have any contact with each other, and forbidding to help the mother and son.

But Su Anxun was always very busy during that time, the company was already on the right track, why would he be so busy?Ding Yi felt strange in his heart, and secretly followed him several times.

I found that he always used the excuse of company business and customer treats, and often went back to his hometown to visit Su Li's mother and son and bring money and items!
Ding Yi was so angry that he wanted to rush forward and grab Su Anxun by the collar to make a scene.

But her friend stopped her, and said that her actions would push Su Anxun further away, making his future actions more subtle, and no matter how hard she tried to catch him, she would never be able to catch him!
So what to do?That woman was good-looking, and she was afraid that Su Anxun would rekindle their old relationship with her.

After conspiring with her friends for a long time, she came up with a good idea.She recruited a group of people to spread rumors in the countryside with the intention of ruining the woman's reputation.Said that Su Anxun separated from Su Li's mother only because she was pregnant with someone else's low-born.

This vicious rumor quickly spread in the countryside, one spread to ten, ten to hundreds.

Not long after, the wind turned!

Those who originally sympathized with the woman became the number one attacker.Said she deserved it, called her despicable.

A few men really thought she was a casual woman, and wanted to sneak into her room to take advantage of it when it was dark.Every time after being typed out, there are always more dirty words spread.Said that she intends to seduce, but they are all upright gentlemen, and they are not in trouble.

There were men coming and going in and out of the house at night, which further confirmed the rumors.The women called her a vixen, alienated her, and hated her.

The men called her mean and called her a nympho!

The villagers saw her pointing, but she always passed between them without saying a word.

The incident became more and more serious. Many villagers said that she often walked alone on the path with unkempt hair and hair, and often went to the clinic with a bag of medicine in her hand. She suspected that she had a mental problem.

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