Liu Honglin: "..."

He obviously called Ye Zitan, but Wu Ze not only agreed, but also took his arm and walked quickly to the back door.The mouth kept urging: hurry up, hurry up and walk away!Don't fucking ink blots!faster!
Holding Liu Honglin with one hand, he walked extremely fast, like stepping on a hot wheel, leaving Ye Zitan and Xue Yang messed up in the wind.

Ye Zitan glanced at Xue Yang, who was also staring at her with a man-eating look, she trembled, and quickly trot to catch up, "Honglin, don't run, wait for me, wait for me!"

Today, President Hongjisu's engagement venue has long been closed, and non-invited people are not allowed to enter. Reporters from various newspapers and magazines were all stopped a hundred meters away by numerous bodyguards and were not allowed to approach.

Everyone waited patiently outside the venue, just to be able to keep a little bit of the inside story of the engagement ceremony, which can be used as an explosive scoop.

It was midsummer noon at this moment, and the scorching sun was scorching the earth. Some reporters were tired from standing and slumped on the lawn. Under the sunlight, they couldn't even open their eyes.

They held their fans and watched the entrance keep fanning the wind. No matter how much they complained in their hearts, they had to stick to it. Everyone wanted to get the exclusive.

Some reporters simply chatted with the bodyguards beside them, just to get some special topics.

A beautiful female reporter handed the bodyguard a bottle of mineral water and said politely, "Oh, handsome guy, it's so hot today. Are you hot? Drink a bottle of water."

The tall bodyguard gave her a cold look and did not reply.

"It's okay to drink something." The reporter unscrewed the bottle cap and brought the water to his mouth.

The bodyguard couldn't stand her soft words, so he refused with one hand, and at the same time replied: "No drink."

Seeing him talking, the beautiful reporter was delighted, and quickly asked: "Little handsome guy, what kind of personality do you Dong Su usually have? Is it the cold type? Can you tell me if he has any hobbies? "

"It is rumored on the Internet that Chairman Su is engaged to the Lin Shi family's two thousand gold today. Is this true?" Another reporter also came over.

Earlier, there had been some rumors on the Internet, and all kinds of gossip were overwhelming, but the media collectively lost their voices.The official website of Hongji Enterprises neither denied nor agreed with this incident, but downplayed it.

This kind of statement made the public more sure that President Su was going to get engaged. For a while, it was revealed that the betrothed was Lin Shuya.Later, some reporters wanted to be confirmed, but they kept their tongues shut as if they had been instructed one by one.

When Lin Shi was imprisoned, some media workers even wrote an article implying President Su's shady hands, but was taken down by the superiors half an hour later.

Although the article only survived for half an hour, and no one knows the truth.

But the media people who made up this article have always been strict with their professionalism.It is conceivable that this matter is [-]% true and [-]% false.

Therefore, when news spread that Su Li was engaged to the youngest daughter of Lin Shi's family, it caused an uproar on the Internet.Unless Su Li is out of his mind, what kind of woman is he looking for and can't find it?Why do you have to find a woman who has a grudge against you at home?
The person next to my pillow has a grudge against me, so it's writing a novel!
I don't know where these reporters got the news, they all came rushing in, everyone wanted to capture the explosive news.

At this moment, the bodyguards responsible for the security of the site were very professional. They all stood with their hands behind their backs, staring ahead, motionless.

If you are really annoyed, the answer will always be only four words: "I don't know!" "Don't come near me!"

They didn't lie about this, they really don't know.

Su Li is a very down-to-earth president. He never travels in a big way or puts on airs on weekdays. They were all arranged to come here only two days ago after receiving a notice.

The bodyguard was entangled with the reporter, and another gentle-looking man wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses also asked to see Su Dong.He did not have an invitation card, but insisted that he was a guest invited by Zuli, and said that the invitation card for the ceremony was left on the road.

The bodyguard saw that he was dressed and dressed very well, and his image was very gentlemanly. He spoke and behaved in a gentle manner, so he reckoned that he was indeed a guest invited by Director Su.

Worried that he would offend the VIP by inadvertently, he had no choice but to call out Gao Yu, Su Dong's personal secretary.

After the two met, they shook hands and said hello to each other.Secretary Gao did know this man, quite acquainted.

After negotiating with each other, the bodyguard was entangled by the reporters and hadn't reacted yet. Unexpectedly, the man strode inside, and Gao Yu's short legs hurriedly chased after him...

"He didn't have an invitation, why can he go in!"

"You are bullying honest people!"

"Yes! Let us in!"

The reporters started to make noise again, and even two reporters took advantage of the chaos and rushed inside, trying to get away with it.

President Hongji got engaged today, and all the media came to the scene. There were so many people, the bodyguards could only stay to maintain order, "Back, back!"

"Why can he enter without an invitation!"

"We're going in too!"

Dozens of journalists were outraged.

After more than ten minutes, the bodyguards finally drove the angry reporters aside, and their emotions gradually stabilized.

A reporter was panting heavily, pointing at a figure in a white suit running at the gate of the banquet hall, and shouted, "Look quickly! Who is that man!"

"Su Dong?"

"It's him, it's him, it's Dong Su!"

Several reporters jumped up from the grass, but Su Li ran out with a purpose as if he didn't see anyone else.

As the protagonist walked away quickly, the crowd boiled up.The reporters all smelled something unusual, they knew it was big news this time!

"What happened?"

"Whatever happened to him! You'll know if you catch up!"

"Exclusive! Exclusive big news!"

"Quick, hurry up!"

Many bodyguards looked at each other in blank dismay, still hesitating, the reporter had already broken through the restricted area and rushed towards the direction where Su Li left.

So there was a funny scene of chasing each other on the street...

The gossip news about Zuli has always sold well, and some reporters were sadly urged by the bodyguards who rushed to stop them outside the station and were not allowed to enter.A few witty people sneaked to the back door and saw this scene.

Su Li put a suit on a woman in a T-shirt. After seeing the woman looking up, the reporters rushed up and frantically pressed the shutter on her.

He frowns to block the camera, and protects Gu Ziyang behind him. The bodyguards are coming one after another. They are surrounded by reporters and cannot leave for a while.

After Chairman Su was appointed, he was never photographed by reporters entering and exiting with any women.At this time, on such an important day as the engagement ceremony, he was entangled with two women at once, which is simply explosive news.

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