It's better for him to go first, "Uncle Su, take me for a walk with the dog..."

He quickly followed Su Mo's pace, turned around and went out the door.

The soft light and the breeze brushed Gu Ziyang's face, she took a deep breath of air, with the fragrance of flowers and plants, refreshing.

Slowing down, every flower and every grass in this huge campus is her most beautiful encounter.

The sun shone down from the lush branches, casting mottled light and shadows. From time to time, there were students running past laughing and full of youthful vigor. She couldn't help sighing that the university is so good, and she would like to continue learning knowledge if given the opportunity.

Cheers came from the basketball court from time to time. At a glance, among the chasing classmates, the man in the hooded sweater was outstanding. His school trousers were rolled up to his knees, and his white clothes were soaked in sweat.

A turning hook layup broke the 0:0 deadlock.

"Wow, the ball went in, the ball went in!"

"Gu Zihao, that's great!" The students cheered loudly.

Gu Ziyang was infected by this happy atmosphere, she cheered: "Zihao, Zihao!"

The woman's voice broke into everyone's ears, and the students looked in her direction. She was startled and stood there awkwardly.

Gu Zihao shook his hair, his face was flushed after exercise, he shook the wet front of his clothes, wiped the sweat off his face with his hands, and turned his head to wave to Gu Ziyang.

A little girl with braids handed him a bottle of water, he unscrewed it and took a sip, and said something to her with a smile, the little girl listened quietly, looked up at Gu Ziyang again, and nodded obediently .

The classmate next to him hooked his neck, and the two talked about the conversation with a smile, he patted each other's shoulder with a smile, and strode towards Gu Ziyang.

The boy showed his white teeth, "Sister, why are you here so early?"

There are still drops of water on his face, his hair has been sun-tanned into a fluffy and soft chestnut color, and the expression on his face looks lively.

"Well, I came to pick you up earlier." Gu Ziyang smiled and took out two candy wrappers from his pocket and handed them to him, "Here, jujube cake."

"Sister, how old am I, you still treat me like a child." Although he said so, he tore off the wrapping paper and stuffed it into his mouth. The sweet and sour taste in his mouth soaked into his heart, and he said with a smile : "Sister, it's so sweet."

Gu Ziyang reached out and rubbed his hair, and said, "No matter how old you are, you are still a child in my sister's heart."

Before he knew it, this kid was half a head taller than her.She still remembers holding this kid's hand and running all over the mountain. This kid is very mischievous. He loves chasing chickens, chasing dogs, fighting geese and making trouble, but he changed later...

The boy puffed up his cheeks, gulped down a bottle of mineral water, moved his head closer, rubbed Gu Ziyang's shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Yes, what my sister said is right."

"Are you on leave?"

"Well, the counselor approved it." Gu Zihao looked at her, and said solemnly: "Sister, last month, my classmate contacted me for a job as a tutor. Tutoring English for a third-year junior high school student, this summer vacation If I go, I also have the ability to make money, I am a big man, and I can share some for you, so don't work so hard."

Gu Ziyang froze for a moment, his eyes turned red, and he said softly, "Okay."

This boy is introverted and shy and not good at communication. I don't know when it started. The boy has grown up and matured.

"Sister, where's Brother Jiang He, is he going back?"

"Brother, he went back last week, and I haven't seen anyone else recently. I've been busy with Mr. Cai, but it's a good thing to be busy."

Gu Zihao nodded.

"Little brother, when you were playing, there was a braided girl cheering you on and handing you water. Is that your girlfriend?"

Gu Zihao coughed uncomfortably, and turned his face away, "No way, my junior, we are ordinary friends."

Gu Ziyang smiled and said, "My little brother is blushing."

"That's because my sister always likes to tease me, sister, do you have someone you like?"

Gu Ziyang smiled and hit him twice.

After several twists and turns, the siblings embarked on the bumpy path to their hometown, and memories rushed over their faces.

There is never a shortage of topics in the countryside. For a while, Gu Ziyang became the disaster star in everyone's mouth, and various weird versions were circulated in the countryside.

Her father was in jail, and her mother was seriously injured. The rumors all started because of her.

The fragmented family is worse, lonely, homeless siblings, and relatives avoid them like rats and plagues.

Gu Zihao only had steamed buns and pickles for three meals, and his body became thinner and thinner day by day.Things in the family were fueled and spread in the countryside, and the ridicule of his peers made him autistic. Gu Ziyang made up his mind to give him a new life and take him away.

To the aunt, the uncle promised to send living expenses every month. With the insistence of the old woman, the mother finally found a place to live.

Under the scorching sun above his head, Chen Jianzhou rolled up his trouser legs and planted seedlings in the field shirtless, with his curved back and sweat flowing.

"Uncle, uncle."

"Who is it?" Chen Jianzhou stood up slowly, leaned his back and turned his head to look.

"Zihao, Ziyang," he waved at the siblings in surprise, "Why are you back? Hurry up, you're tired from driving, go back first, uncle will be back as soon as he finishes his work."

My aunt was drying clothes in the yard. She was plump and had inverted triangular eyes.

Seeing the two siblings entering the door, they were slightly taken aback, looked them up with sideways eyes, and then looked at the sky, yin and yang said strangely: "Hey, let me take a look, did the sun come out from the west today? Busy people have time too Come back."

Gu Ziyang showed a light smile at the corner of his mouth, and said hello, "Auntie, I'm so sorry, I've been too busy at work recently, and it's hard for me and my younger brother to get a day off, we..."

Zhang Feng clicked his tongue twice and interrupted: "Busy, how busy are you? Are you busy enough?"

Gu Ziyang smiled awkwardly, "We brought you something, come, Zihao."

Gu Zihao hurriedly brought the big and small bags forward, "Aunt, my sister bought special products, and bought toys for my little nephew."

The light in Zhang Feng's eyes flickered, and he immediately changed his expression, "Oh, what are you bringing back, please put it in the house."

"Okay." Gu Zihao put down his belongings and walked to the front room.

Zhang Feng shouted from behind: "By the way, your mother has moved to the back room, go and have a look."

The back room used to be a place where sundries were piled up. It was dark and damp, with no tiles to keep out the rain. There was a bed with a few pieces of worn-out furniture, covered with cobwebs, and many sundries were piled up in the corners.

Gu Ziyang looked into the house through the window glass. The old woman was sitting by the bed, her temples had already turned gray, her face was dull, and her face was covered with wrinkles. Holding her mother's hand, she was talking.

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