Gu Ziyang's emotions surged up in an instant, just like her tears, which caught her off guard, and her tears collapsed again!

She ran to the bathroom, leaned her back against the door, covered her face with her hands, and squatted on the ground with her legs curled up, thinking of what her younger brother said over and over again, tears streaming down her fingers.

She chatted so many things about Su Li with her younger brother, all in a normal tone, but it was the younger brother's sentence "how desperate he must be" that made her lose control of her emotions and collapse for a moment...

These words pierced tears in her eyes and pierced into her heart, piercing her heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

But what can she do?
Want her to abandon her relatives?

With that old man's temper, the little brother might really have an accident!It might be her mother next, or it might be her.

If it was her who was hurt, she would not give up easily.But the people around her, she doesn't want to, and she can't let the people around her get hurt because of her.

When she got the news that the old man's plan to escape from G City failed, she was very happy at that moment. Su Li and his company would no longer encounter difficulties.

When she was still harboring her dream, it was already too late, Su Li was going to marry someone else.

He is not wrong!If someone is injured to a desperate situation and waits again and again, how humble it would be!

He must also hate himself very much, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten married so soon.

Hearing the intermittent and suppressed crying sound coming from the bathroom, Gu Zihao stood still, feeling a dull pain in his heart.

He never thought about which sentence of his crushed his sister's emotions, which sentence became the last straw that crushed her psychological defense.

Hearing his sister's plain tone, he never thought that she loved him so deeply, but why did she break up with him because she loved that man so much?Do you really think there is too much difference between the two?
Obviously his sister didn't tell the truth either, since she didn't want to tell the truth, no matter how much Gu Zihao asked, he couldn't get the result.

He knocked lightly on the bathroom door, "Sister, are you okay? I came in?"

"Don't come in, I'll come out right away." The crying inside stopped abruptly, and there was the sound of water.

A few minutes later, Gu Ziyang came out, she tidied up her emotions, except for those slightly red and swollen eyes, if you don't look carefully, you won't find that she just cried.

"Ni'er, Haohao, what are you doing in there? Come out to eat some fruit, Mom cut up the watermelon." There was a knock on the door outside the bedroom.

"Mom, come now." Gu Ziyang smiled at the younger brother, patted his shoulder, "Go out."

The breakdown of adults is often instantaneous, but no matter how sad you are, life must move on.

The manager of the HR department recently gave Ji Hao a difficult problem, which troubled him a lot.Gu Ziyang typed a resignation application. If he agrees or disagrees, the labor contract will be automatically terminated after 30 days.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he decided to tell Su Li about this matter and ask for his opinion on whether he should stay or agree. He can't make his own opinions, he wants to consult.

Office of the President of Hongji Enterprises.

There were a lot of people in the office, after Ji Hao was allowed to come in, he sat on the sofa and waited quietly, and Lin Shuya was sitting opposite him.

The person in charge of the public relations department and the manager of the legal department were standing at their desks, following up and reporting on the false news about Su Li's engagement spread online.

Seeing Ji Hao coming in, the manager of the PR department nodded and greeted him, and continued, "Dong Su, about your engagement, there are currently some articles on the Internet that are taken out of context, and many false reports have been hyped up.

Whether to require certain platforms to withdraw false information, and if some users upload defamatory content, require publishers, platform reviewers, etc. to apologize. "

Su Li's deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he said indifferently, "Whatever you want."

He had a nonchalant attitude on his face, the person in charge of the public relations department and the manager of the legal department looked at each other, as if someone else was engaged, as if those rumors and slanders were about someone else!
The manager of the public relations department frowned, "This online upload is too outrageous!" Someone found out that Lin Shuya was Lin Shi's daughter, and Lin Shi was imprisoned, and it was reported that Su Li was responsible for this marriage. Described as a conspiracy theory.

Su Li's thin lips curled up, provoking a sarcasm. For him, no matter how outrageous the rumor was, there was no disturbance in his heart.

The manager of the legal department went on to say: "Yes, false rumors are flying all over the sky, and a boring person actually made a novel."

This morning, they saw these slanderous news and used positive information and legal statements to eliminate and reduce the crisis.

And directly on the company's official website and negative information platform, it responded to a large number of positive information or legal statements in a targeted manner, trying to overwhelm the influence of public opinion.

For those who maliciously slander the information, whose content is suspected of insulting or defaming, they will publish it on third-party platforms and crisis public relations replies: they emphasize that they will pursue legal responsibility and file relevant civil lawsuits.They use these methods to guide the direction of public opinion.

"Novel?" Su Li seemed to be interested, his eyebrows raised slightly, his usual indifferent expression softened a bit, "What's the name, I'll take a look when I have time."

The public relations department has also prepared a set of contingency plans, and even the content of the public relations response has been written. At this time, the attitude towards Su Dong is a little unpredictable.

"Su Dong, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

Su Li suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Shuya, and the latter immediately showed a surprised expression when he saw him.

A strange feeling rose in her heart, as if Su Li knew that she had released the news.

That's right, it's her!But so what, they were about to get engaged, she was just stating the facts.

She didn't know that things would get out of control.

Of course, Su Li knew the consequences of not making a statement and getting worse. He looked away and said, "Show me the statement you have made so far."

Lin Shuya turned her gaze, she smiled and said to Ji Hao: "Brother Su is just too good, the more good a person is, the easier it is to be criticized, slandered, and criticized."

Ji Hao nodded, and the news about Su Dong will be magnified dozens of times if there is any trouble in the news, which has always been the norm.

"Brother Ji, what are you doing here today?" Lin Shuya blinked, with the tails of her eyes slightly raised.

Her gentle, sweet smile will always make people forget the tiredness of the day.

Ji Hao smiled, "I have some business matters that I need to consult with Chairman Su."

Lin Shuya was thoughtful, "Business? Is there any important matter for Hongsen Company?"

"No, I just came over to have a chat with Mr. Su." As he spoke, Ji Hao shifted his gaze to the tea table, and saw that there were many layout designs of wedding photos on the table, and there was a thermos cup beside the table. bursts of fragrance.

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