After a long time, she took a sip of water and suddenly smiled, "It will be a matter of time before he gets engaged. I have already separated from him, so we can get together. It's not because of him. I went to a new city and a new environment to challenge myself."

The bitterness between the brows and the forced smile all fell into Li Mo's eyes, is this letting go?

If he wouldn't have said anything before, but now he felt agitated and asked persistently, "Are you going to City A, are you sure you don't regret it?"

Li Mo frowned and stared at her, as if he wanted to see something from her expression. He didn't regret it after asking her, and he didn't want her to redeem him. He thought he was not so great.

In his eyes these days, Gu Ziyang is like a walking body, lifeless.

The so-called letting go is just an appearance, this girl just doesn't want people around her to worry about her and be infected by her emotions.

Since then, the girl has never smiled from the bottom of her heart.She is suppressing pain, suppressing emotions, is she really seeing through everything, can everything be kept indifferent or is it out of helplessness?
"Of course I won't regret it." She said without any hesitation and even showed a faint smile, which contained the feeling of comforting others.

"Gu Ziyang, if you have any unhappy things, you can tell me." Li Mo's voice is very magnetic and steady, giving people a sense of security and solidity.

"No, I don't." Gu Ziyang turned sideways, avoiding his gaze, a tear slipped down the corner of his eye and fell into his hair.

Many people are like this, they would rather lick their wounds quietly by themselves than hear the comfort of others, otherwise they will feel even more sad inside.

"I'm leaving first." Gu Ziyang said, picked up his bag and walked out.

At the split second, Li Mo saw the red circles under her eyes, and he stood where he was, but he couldn't move his footsteps.

He watched the back of the woman walking further and further away, what should he do?
If it was 10 years ago, maybe he would have stepped forward to stop her without hesitation, comforted her, hugged her, and told her not to cry, but now he hesitates.

Gu Ziyang, do you know?In fact, there is a big gap between me and what I present. I am a very selfish person in my heart.

Many years ago, starting from the charity dinner held by Hongji Enterprises, I saw you being hurt by Su Li, and saw you crying with a man in your arms at the door of the bar. At that time, I had an illusion of empathy.

I found you through some means, I took you with me, taught you workplace knowledge, and taught you how to improve yourself, but I just felt that you were so similar to me, in G City we were both sick and sympathetic, we were both wounded to the point of despair.

And what about me?Experience failed marriages, failed investments, and friends who stay away.In order not to worry my elderly parents, I survived by myself, step by step, and no one knew my pain.

When I help you, it seems that I am comforting myself, comforting my original self.The world is warm and I'm not alone.

As for the situation of Mingsen Group, the general trend has long been the trend. When I heard the news of the acquisition, my first reaction was to think of any idiot willing to acquire this kind of mess. It must be the idiot son of the landlord's family.

It was only later that I found out that the acquirer was actually Su Li, the president of Hongji Enterprises. Under the pressure of being condemned by the entire board of directors and being bound by public opinion, he risked his failure to acquire the company.

Maybe he only has a simple idea, he just wants to keep the place where you stayed for three years, keep the place where you grew up, that's all.

And I never told you the truth, and even deliberately induced you to think in other ways.

Over the years we have worked together, I can see that you are unresolved, and he came to you after he bought Mingsen. I thought that Su Li was just new to you, this kind of successful person surrounded by Yingying Yanyan. , in this kind of environment, who would be somewhat infatuated, so I didn't keep it, and I didn't tell you.

Even the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone came to mind, I was waiting for him to hurt you to the bone, waiting for you to leave with a broken heart.

I cruelly and urgently want you to see the reality of this society clearly. From then on, you will give up on him.

It will be like three years ago, like the first time we met, even if we can't be together, we can accompany each other and become the only true friend that both sides can talk to.

Not long after, I saw the news. I didn't expect him to fight with his life for you. How many people in the world can do this?

I panicked, and I asked myself countless times if it was me, what would I do?I don't necessarily have the courage, and I don't necessarily have the ability to do it.

Someone once asked me if I love you or not, I just smiled, I don't know, I really don't know.

I can't read my heart, do I love you?I'm lost, I'm not sure, I just want to be with each other.

Maybe I'm just a coward, I was hurt before, but now I can't get out of the cage, I dare not say love, I can only be friends.

Not long after, there was a big wave in G City, and it was rumored that Su Li's grandfather had returned, that man who used to be an all-powerful man, was well-known in Europe.

Controlling the financial lifeline of the market, the powerful head of the Su family, his appearance is a turning point, a turning point for many people.

Although for some reason, you broke up, and you came back again, I was surprised and pleasantly surprised. I have repeatedly speculated that even if this kind of family loves another person, how can the marriage be decided by oneself?

In the stairwell, I deliberately hugged, deliberately created a false appearance, let things go round and round and returned to the original point, so that only I can rely on you in your world, just like many years ago.

But I was wrong!
There is a place in your heart for a person, that man has long been preconceived and occupied the deepest part of your heart, and filled your heart to the brim, it can no longer hold other people, and no one can walk in.

For so many days and nights, I never saw you smile again, and you even thought of staying away from this city.

It turns out that your feelings for him have long been deeply rooted and indestructible, and you are trying to numb yourself by leaving.

Li Mo!He used to have countless opportunities to pursue this girl. If he had more courage and less worries, he would not hesitate as he is now.

In this situation, Li Mo's heart was cut like a knife, and his heart was twisted like a knife.

He had no position to persuade her, and one scene after another kept flashing in his mind, the scenes of them giving each other for each other.

He sighed silently, the more he experienced, the more cowardly he became, he was still the same as before, handsome and elegant, peaceful and indifferent.

His eyes followed the girl's thin body, until it slowly disappeared in front of his eyes, and the scene seemed to return to that clear voice three years ago: here you are, I brought two umbrellas.

He didn't rush over to comfort him, didn't hug her, and kept his emotions well hidden.

Gu Ziyang insisted on leaving, but Li Mo still did not persuade him to stay.

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