In the hallway of the clubhouse, there were hurried footsteps.

"What about the dead thing?"

"Mr. Zhu has taken a fancy to her. She shied away saying that it was inconvenient for her aunt to come. Mr. Zhu let her go, and she must be punished today."

"Isn't she usually very talkative! A man can't handle it! This day and night, there is no one who can worry about it. She can't handle even a little thing, so I will make trouble for my old lady!"

"Miss Hua, calm down, don't get angry because of some trivial matter."

"Bobo, this group of guests is no different than before. They have business dealings with Brother Cai. I can't explain why I messed up Brother Cai. You are our number one card. It's up to you. You have to give me the money owner to accompany you." Good!"

"Sister Hua, what are you talking about? In terms of appearance, who among us can compare with you?"

"Tsk tsk, your little mouth is so sweet!"

As soon as Gu Ziyang put his hand on the doorknob, he was pulled away.

"The ones in front, don't get in the way."

Gu Ziyang was pulled staggeringly, the glass on the tray fell to the ground, rolled twice, and landed at her feet, she bent down to pick it up and just looked up, the door was closed forcefully.

Half of the edge of the glass was smashed, but luckily the wine was fine, she let out a sigh of relief, and brought it back with a new glass.

As soon as Sister Hua entered the box, she immediately changed her face, moved to the short man on the left, and dragged out her voice: "Boss Zhu, I haven't been here for a long time, you miss me so much."

The fat and short man looked unhappy, and said in a choked voice, "Boss Hua, you can keep us waiting!"

"Apology, apology. I just informed the bar that all drinks in box 9 are free today. I will punish myself with three drinks first."

"Wait a minute." The thin man on the other side pressed Sister Hua's hand holding the wine glass, "Miss, if you offend us, let's let Mr. Zhu just let it go?"

Sister Hua put down her cup, her white breasts rubbed against the thin man's shoulders, she coquettishly said, "Boss Li, what to do, of course it's up to you!"

Boss Li put his arms around Sister Hua's fat waist and squeezed it twice, then pushed away in disgust.

Sister Hua leaned over again with a charming smile on her face, and the skinny man snorted softly, "I don't dare to say, the ladies you have trained are all over the top, and this kind of stuff is still there? I think this club is also open. It won't be long, let's go out of business earlier."

Sister Hua scolded in her heart: What kind of onion are you, you are not worthy of carrying Brother Cai's shoes!After barking twice with the owner, I really regard myself as a rare breed!
Flattery on the face: "Yes, yes, yes, don't worry, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

As she said that, she got up and walked to the corner. Doudou curled up aside and shivered. There was a deep knife mark from her forehead to the corner of her eye, and blood continued to ooze out.

When she first came from the road, she also heard that Doudou and Shishi had been at odds for many years, and it was only when Shishi got worse that things got worse.

What a pity!Such a good face, she sighed regretfully, get this dead thing out first, don't make a big mess out of life.

Sister Hua twisted Doudou's ears tightly, and gnashed her teeth and cursed: "Look at the good things you have done, it is not too much to kneel down and kowtow a hundred heads! Get out of here and see how I will deal with you later!"

Bobo withdrew his eyes, Doudou was crying softly before, but now he didn't make a sound, didn't beg for mercy, his anger was as free as silk.She sighed, and looked away.

After Sister Hua asked someone to drag Doudou away, she twisted her waist and sat in front of the man in the main seat: "Boss Zhu, you have a lot of adults. I brought you the most popular girl, are you satisfied?"

A pair of long-legged shorts lined up one after another, and Sister Hua beckoned: "Bobo, come here."

The lady in the tulle dress, with her breasts half exposed, sat obediently on the left side of Boss Zhu.

"what's your name?"

Bobo gently blew into his ear, "I'm Bobo."

"Bobo?" Zhu Qiang squinted his eyes into a line, scanned the woman's tall breasts, and praised: "A man lives up to his name!"

Bobo thumped him shyly, "I've heard Mr. Zhu's name earlier, and I'm honored to meet him today. He's really heroic. It's Bobo's honor to sit here and chat with Mr. Zhu!"

Zhu Qiang was not without complacency, "Boss Hua, you are hiding something! This is the first time I have seen such a good-mouthed and beautiful girl after so many visits!"

Bobo blinked slightly, then moved closer, and softly called out: "Mr. Zhu, then you will often come to praise me in the future!"

Her mouth was sweet, with a fragrance, Zhu Qiang laughed loudly, hugged Bobo's face tightly and smacked, and moved his lips to the neck again.

Bobo held the wine bottle and smiled affectionately at him, "Mr. Zhu, don't worry, let's drink first!"

Gu Ziyang changed the wine glass, and just after turning the corner, he heard the deafening noise of the No. 9 box.

She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. The room was filled with smoke, and the men and women inside were noisy and excited.

Coughing due to the strong smell of smoke, she glanced at the source of the sound, but couldn't see clearly from the flickering lights.She withdrew her gaze and put down the wine, just about to close the door and leave.

"Who is this chick?" The music was suddenly turned off, her footsteps stopped in place, and it became quieter behind her.

"Look, she's still wearing an apron. Could it be the cook? Haha, it's so funny."

"Did this chick go to the wrong box?"

Hearing this, Gu Ziyang raised his foot and wanted to leave.

"Hey, have you been told to leave?" The voice behind him was tinged with anger.

Gu Ziyang had no choice but to turn around and glance at the people in the box.Except for the man who was sitting in the corner hiding in the dark, the others got together in twos and threes.

In the end, she looked towards the center, "What else can I order?"

The voice was cold and clear in the box.

A lot of eyes focused on her, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

Those present here are all used to being in the fireworks field. They are surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan on weekdays. They are used to seeing ladies with heavy makeup. The girl with ponytails and no makeup looks more pleasing to the eye.

"It's really unprofessional to bring wine without pouring everyone a glass of wine." A man looked her up and down.

"Little girl, quickly pour a glass for our President Zhu, and make our President Zhu happy, and you will be of great benefit." Another man echoed.

"No, I'm not..." Gu Ziyang was taken aback, waved his hands, and stepped back.

"It's nothing, come on, come on, little girl." Shishi, who was sitting on Boss Li's right side, got up with a smile, and strode forward to grab Gu Ziyang's hand.

Gu Ziyang broke free while explaining.

Not only did Shishi not let go, but she also dragged her to Zhu Qiang, pressing her shoulders and forcing her to sit down.

The man beside him has a big waist, wide eyes and thick lips.He grinned jaggedly, with yellow and black teeth, the air was filled with the smell of garlic, and a few nose hairs came in and out of the nasal cavity with his heavy breathing.

Zhu Qiang didn't have that kind of thought at all, there was already a top-quality beauty sitting on his left side, but under the booing of everyone, he had the idea of ​​one dragon and two phoenixes.

Seeing that she couldn't explain it, Gu Ziyang was anxious and angry, and the loud music sounded again, shaking her mind into chaos and she was at a loss what to do.

Forcing myself to relax, I moved a little to the side, and I can only play by ear at the moment.

"Ouch, old girl, what are you hiding from? My brother is a little short-sighted, so you can see clearly when you look at it this way."

Zhu Qiang also leaned towards her, sizing her up with a pair of perverted eyes, indeed elegant, compared with the charming Bobo, two extremes.

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