Gu Ziyang was stopped by Liu Weihong on the way after taking the medicine, "Uncle Liu, are you okay?"

"To fetch medicine for Xiao Li?"

Yesterday, Liu Weihong burst into tears, and kept blaming himself for not taking good care of him. His affection for Su Li was like his own son, and he was no less worried than anyone else.

He is over 60 years old this year, waiting at the door of the operating room, without closing his eyes all night, refusing to rest, staring at the door of the operating room without moving.

After Su Li woke up, he was persuaded by his wife for a long time to go back to sleep for a few hours, and he came back again with worry, and now his face was still exhausted.

"Well, uncle, do you want to go up together?"

"Wait for a while." Liu Weihong took a deep breath, "Miss Gu, do you have time now, let's go to the small garden for a walk."

Looking at Gu Ziyang's suspicious eyes, he said again, "There are a few words I want to tell you."

"Okay." Gu Ziyang nodded and followed him to the garden on the first floor.

They found a corner and sat down. After the surrounding was quiet, Liu Weihong said in a low voice: "Miss Gu, there is a sentence that I have always kept in my heart, and I can't vomit it. Only I know about it. None of Xiao Li's friends Know."

Gu Ziyang sat on one side, listening quietly.

"Xiao Li, he..." Liu Weihong said a few words, his eyes filled with tears, he choked up and said, "Xiao Li's mother was burned to death in front of him."

Gu Ziyang's heart twitched suddenly, and he looked at him in surprise.

Liu Weihong was a policeman before retiring. One day, the police station received a report from a resident that the house next door to her house had caught fire.

A group of police officers and firefighters rushed to the scene and only rescued a little boy. When he broke in, his mother was already in flames.

The neighbor's old lady patted her thigh and said, "Oh, it's a crime, this boy's mother was going to drag him to die with him, but I didn't open the door no matter how hard I knocked, I don't know what his mother thinks.

Such a well-behaved boy actually wanted to kill him, but fortunately his mother pushed him out again and locked the door again. This boy is destined to die, God bless him!

Liu Weihong asked: "Grandma, are there any other family members in their family?"

The old woman said: "No more, his father, who killed a thousand swords, has long since ignored the two of them."

Liu Weihong asked again: "Can he be contacted?"

"I don't know about this either. The one who killed Qiandao already has a family outside, and he has children. He should be about the same age as this kid. I have never seen him come back!"

The old woman wiped her tears and said: "Comrade policeman, let me tell you, this kid from the Su family is very obedient and sensible. His mother has a problem, and this kid was only five or six years old at that time. He can cook and wash by himself." Clothes, he is still a child!

Once, when he hurt his hand with such a big kitchen knife, he didn't cry or fuss, and wrapped it with a cloth. His mother didn't even know.It was the grandson of my family who said, what kind of long sleeves my younger brother wears in summer, only then did I find out.

His cruel father never cared about their mother and son.In winter, the kid from the Su family wears a ragged padded jacket, shivering in the cold, and I always wear my grandson's clothes for him!
What does that kid do now?Are you sending him to a shelter?My family already has a grandson, otherwise I would like to take him in.Otherwise, I will ask my son if he can be brought home to raise him. "

Liu Weihong said: "This is against the rules. He has a biological father. What should this little boy do? Let's talk to his father first."

The old woman was crying again and again, and Liu Weihong could only offer a few words of comfort. He turned his head and saw the young Su Li, staring at the burnt house, without moving.

After that day, the police failed to contact his father, so Su Li was taken to Liu Weihong's house to stay temporarily.

Although there is a safe haven, Liu Weihong knows that this child cannot sleep with his arm on his pillow every night. Every time he wakes up, there are traces of dried tears on the pillow and chest.

Not long after, his father took the initiative to contact him.

In the evening, a fashionable woman came to pick him up in a luxury car. Su Li refused, hugged Liu Weihong and refused to let go, and was dragged and dragged into the car by the woman.

"Let me go!" Su Li slammed his head against the glass mercilessly, and kept hitting, blood flowed down the glass.

The woman got angry and slapped her, "Be more honest!"

Su Li turned his head, eyes full of hatred.

The woman slapped him again, and said viciously, "You brat, don't look at me like that."

Liu Weihong backtracked on his plan to leave, and he couldn't bear it. After negotiating many times, he took Su Li back home until his biological father came to pick him up.

Liu Weihong wiped away his tears, and said again: I haven't seen that child for several years, and then I was promoted to G City to visit his father.

I remember that day, the weather was so hot, the temperature in the room was higher than 40 degrees, and Xiao Li sat on the bed without moving, without using the air conditioner or even turning on the ceiling fan.

When he saw me, he just turned his face away. That child has changed. He hates crowds extremely. He only communicates with fixed people. He rejects and finds it difficult to accept new friends.

His father told me that Xiao Li was persuaded to drop out of school many times. The teacher said that he often could not control his emotions, which had a negative impact on the students around him, and it was hard to discipline!
Xiao Li once secretly told me: Facing the doubtful and pitiful eyes of his classmates, he was even more hurt, and he didn't want to be like this, but he couldn't control himself.

After that he was more moody and sensitive and hopeless about everything and I knew it wasn't him, he was kind.

He is sharp and fierce, but in fact this is his way of protecting himself. He is a scarred but kind-hearted child.

I checked a lot of people and consulted some people. I thought he had some kind of emotional disorder, and then I found out that it was bipolar disorder.

I took him to see a psychiatrist, and the old doctor said that it was a personality defect caused by family factors.The course of the disease has been going on for many years, and the treatment is very difficult, and the help of psychological counseling is not very helpful, so I can only rely on drugs.

He was only so young, yet his heart and brain were eroded by invisible pain, tortured all night, and he couldn't sleep well.

He kept telling me that his life was picked, so he cherished it very much.I didn't expect him to do this to save you this time.

Miss Gu, Xiao Li values ​​you more than his own life!He is sincere to you, I hope you cherish him!

In the bathroom of the hospital, Gu Ziyang lowered her head, covered her mouth with one hand, and closed her eyes tremblingly. The sadness made her burst into tears.

It turned out that the dazzling him was once so helpless and suffering.

After a long time, she washed her face, frowned, and looked in the mirror. She felt that she was not good-looking, nor was she the type to be lovable.

Su Li, you are such a fool, a blind fool.

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