In order to let employees relax physically and mentally in the busy and heavy work, Hongji Enterprise strengthens the interaction among employees and enhances their sense of intimacy and belonging.

After discussion by the company's leadership, it was unanimously decided to hold a grand Qixi Festival party on the day of Qixi Festival.

Every employee in the company and their family members are invited to the party, and they are not allowed to be absent unless there are special circumstances.

Dazzling lights were dazzling, red rose petals spread everywhere in the venue, pink balloons floated on the ceiling, and all the pillars in the hall were decorated with roses and heart-shaped patterns.

This resplendent and magnificent clubhouse covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters can accommodate thousands of people.Gu Ziyang followed Wang Jiao, Ye Wen and others into the hall, and found a middle seat to sit down.

Ye Wen said: "On weekdays, we are running around for life, and we don't have much time to enjoy it. Today, there should be a lot of high-level executives from Hongji. We must take good care of the life circle of these upper-class people!"

"Yes." Wang Jiao sighed: "It's great, I can relax a little bit today. Although the company's policies are strict, the benefits and treatment are really good!"

She clenched her fists as if making an oath, "I will hold Hongji's thigh tightly, Chairman Su's thigh tightly and never let go!"

Everyone around her was amused by her.

Employees from all sub-departments have arrived, and the atmosphere in the clubhouse is very lively. Many people are busy making introductions and handing out business cards.

Not long after, the door of the club opened, and Su Li walked in, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers, rigorous and elegant.

He glanced around the venue, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his face was sharp and stern, and his dark and deep eyes were full of noble aura that looked down on the world.

Seeing him walk in with a high-spirited appearance, everyone stopped talking, and the venue immediately fell silent.

"Wow, I'm not dreaming!" Wang Jiao raised her hand and pinched her face, "Ah, it will hurt!"

She said excitedly again: "Why is Su Dong here! How can he come!"

"Who knows! Doesn't he want to accompany his girlfriend on Qixi Festival!" Ye Wen was also very excited, "Don't tell me he doesn't have a girlfriend yet!"

"how could it be possible!"



I don't know who yelled first, and many people in the venue screamed, "Su Dong! Su Dong! Look here, look at me!"

"Look, the girl behind him is so pretty!" Wang Jiao said enviously, "Is she Dong Su's girlfriend?"

"Who knows, it's impossible, isn't there a boy behind him, could it be..."

Gu Ziyang looked up, and she had seen both a man and a woman following Su Li.

The boy is Su Li's good friend, he looks much prettier than the women, and his name is Liu Honglin.The girl was the woman who sat next to Su Li and served him food on Ji Hao's birthday last time.

Gu Ziyang withdrew his gaze and lowered his head, feeling a sour feeling spreading in his heart.

She can't forget it!Still can't forget!But she was the one who said it first!What qualifications does she have to ask others for anything!
"Wow, it's a good match. I'll take a picture and post it in the group."

As soon as Wang Jiao raised her phone, Ye Wen said, "Xiao Wang, you are really courageous, you haven't learned enough lessons!"

"Uh..." Wang Jiao suddenly remembered what she was warned about in the last meeting, and silently put down the phone again, "Forget it, let's not take pictures!"

She turned her head to look at Gu Ziyang, and saw that the expression on her face was a little indifferent, "What's wrong? Is there something unhappy?"

She shook her head, and saw Su Li nodded slightly to everyone, and sat in the chief seat in the first row.

His arrival caught all the staff by surprise, and the host didn't seem to have thought that he would come. He trotted down from the stage, bent down and talked to him in a low voice.

A few minutes later, the host returned to the stage with the manuscript.

Looking at the host on the stage with eyes in pairs, he said with a smile: "Dear relatives and friends, hello everyone, it's the annual Qixi Festival again, and I am very glad that I will host the "Qixi Dinner" of Hongji Enterprise for you this time. ".

Our activity this time is divided into the following sections. The first theme: meet a more beautiful you.

Let us break the secular concept, break the traditional culture, and give our marriage to Cupid, the God of love.Thousands of miles of marriage are linked by a thread, the years are silent, and true love is eternal.

First, we invite six men and six women to be randomly matched.Participants will receive the following rewards.

First Prize: A [-]-day trip for two to any country.Second Prize: Two laptops of any brand.Third Prize: Two mobile phones of any brand. (The above purchases will be reimbursed by the company)
Fourth prize: a set of high-end cosmetics, a men's handbag.Fifth prize: two shopping mall shopping cards.Sixth prize: a pair of dolls. "

As soon as the host finished speaking, heated discussions erupted from below, accompanied by loud shouts, "Me! Choose me! I want to participate!"

"Thank you for your enthusiastic registration. For the sake of fairness, the names of all the personnel are in the system. Let's select six men first. Come on, the big screen is rolling! Let's see who these six lucky people are? I shout 1, 2, 3, stop!"

The host on stage shouted: "1, 2, 3."

The employees in the audience shouted: "Stop!"

The name scrolling on the big screen stopped, and the host smiled and said, "Gao Yu, the first Assistant President of Hongji Enterprises! Come, Mr. Gao, please come to the stage."

Then the screen continued to scroll, and the hosts introduced one by one.

"Chairman Wu Zewu, the second shareholder of Hongji Company."

"The third Hongsen Group employee, Huazi."

"Qin Qing, the fourth department manager of Tianyi Group."

The big screen continued to scroll, and Wu Ze suddenly walked up to the host and asked, "Have you put Mr. Su on the list?"

The host was taken aback. He had communicated with the planner at that time, but he hadn't heard that Su Li was coming, so his name was naturally not included in the list.

Wu Ze understood when he saw the host's appearance, then took the microphone, looked at the employees in the audience, and said to the host, "Host, then you are so unfair! Everyone present should have Take a chance!"

The host scolded his mother in his heart, it was because you didn't notify in place, why are you still relying on me!Besides, these prizes were all taken out of Su Dong's pocket, would he care about them? !

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Wu Ze say, "You didn't list the sponsors of this event, did you?"

The host swallowed, and heard him say again: "Aren't sponsors human?"

Host: "..." He didn't say that!
He was only on stage to host, and he got a one-time payment, why did he throw such a big pot!

"Then what does Wu Dong mean?" The host can only smile.

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