Chen Fang was able to get out of bed by herself a few weeks ago and do some simple movements.

But she was eager to recover as soon as possible, and increased the intensity and time of exercise. When her family was away, she got out of bed alone, and wanted to stroll to the park diagonally opposite to do some repetitive exercises, but was taken away by a fast-moving car. I broke my leg.

It's nothing serious, just need to rest for a while.

Originally, Chen Fang had asked thousands of times not to tell Gu Ziyang, and not to hinder her work.

But after what happened to Gu Ziyang, he wanted to relax, so he took a week off and brought some things back to his hometown to visit his mother.

The door of my uncle's house was closed tightly, and he was evasive even when he made a phone call. I only learned about it from the neighbors.

She hurriedly took a taxi to the county hospital, where Gu Zihao was waiting for her at the door.

She grabbed her younger brother by the ear and cursed angrily, "You brat, why didn't you notify me of such a big incident!"

"Sister, you can't blame me for this. Mom told me not to tell you." Gu Zihao rubbed his pinched red earlobe, and pretended to be pitiful, "She is also worried that you will be distracted from work."

"You listen to everything Mom says? Why haven't you been so obedient?" Gu Ziyang glared at him, raised his feet to get on the elevator, but was dragged back by Gu Zihao.


"Sister, brother Xiao came with me." Gu Zihao leaned back slightly, for fear of being pulled by his ears and pinched his face again.

Gu Ziyang paused, "Why is he here?"

"It's like this. When my uncle called me, I was so anxious that I didn't know what to do. Their family didn't understand the law. After this happened, they could only listen to the villagers.

After Xiao Yun found out, he took the initiative to undertake all the communication with the perpetrators and negotiation of compensation. He ran to the hospital and the police station, and even helped advance the medical expenses. "

"You are such a big boy, why bother him with everything?" Gu Ziyang frowned, "How much medical expenses he gave, I will go to the bank to get it for him." Gu Ziyang flipped through the cards in his bag, and pulled Zihao outside go.

"Sister, don't worry about the money, don't worry. I don't know, I'll go to the place where the fee is charged and ask later."

Gu Ziyang could only put away the card, "Alright, I'll go see Mom first, you can ask now, return the money to him earlier, and bother him with everything, how embarrassing it is."

"When I received my uncle's call, Big Brother Xiao happened to be nearby. I said don't bother him. If he insists on coming, what can I do?" Gu Zihao followed behind her, muttering in a low voice.

"Gu Zihao, come here." Gu Ziyang stopped and waved at him.

Gu Zihao blinked, and took a step forward with a confused face, "What, what's wrong? Sis, why do I feel like you're going to hit me..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Ziyang pinched his face, and warned in a low voice: "Look at what you said, why did he insist on coming? He values ​​your friendship, so don't take it lightly. Nothing heavy."

Gu Zihao gritted his teeth in pain, and didn't forget to hum a few times, "That's not sure, what if they are looking at you."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his sister and smirked twice.

"Get out." Gu Ziyang smiled and wanted to hit him.

"Let's talk about business, talk about business." Gu Zihao raised his hand and conceded, "Sister, didn't I tell you some time ago? Brother Xiao's family has a relative in G City who is an authority in this regard.

Just before you came, brother Xiao had gone to the director to inquire about his mother's situation, and even called his relatives. His relatives said that it is best to go to their hospital for a specific examination. According to the examination situation, he will arrange follow-up treat. "

Gu Ziyang nodded, she had wanted to take her mother to G City a long time ago, but she was afraid that her aunt's family would be paranoid, this is indeed a good opportunity.

Just as I walked to the door of the ward, and was about to open the door, cheerful laughter came from inside the door.

She looked in from the small window, and Xiao Yun said something, which made Chen Fang laugh.

"It's true, auntie, the funniest thing is yet to come. Drink a glass of water first, and I'll continue telling you." After he handed Chen Fang a glass of water, he took a small knife and cut up the apple.

Then he continued to talk about the anecdotes around him, and even the nurse who was changing the water couldn't help but chuckle, "Auntie, this is your son, everyone says that your daughter is a little padded jacket, your son is much more caring than your daughter. "

"How can I be so lucky, that kid in my family is much more mischievous, but that Ni'er in my family knows what's hot and what's hot. I said don't tell her about it, but she knows it. Hey, it's not a big deal. Delay She worked."

"Auntie, just tell me if you have anything to do in the future, don't be polite to me, if you can help me, you will definitely help me."

Gu Ziyang stood outside the door, feeling sour and sweet in his heart, a sour feeling slowly rose.

"Sister, what are you doing standing at the door? Come in quickly." Suddenly, Gu Zihao twisted the doorknob from behind her, and gently pushed Gu Ziyang forward.

She raised her head to force back the moisture in the corners of her eyes, and entered the ward with Gu Zihao.

"Here we come." Xiao Yun turned his head and laughed, revealing a row of white teeth, looking youthful and energetic.

"Yeah." Gu Ziyang nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, it's really troublesome."

"No trouble, no trouble." Xiao Yun stood up, "You must be tired from driving, everyone sit down and talk."

Gu Ziyang sat on the edge of the bed, holding Chen Fang's hand, "Mom, don't hide anything from me in the future. If I don't come back this time, I don't know. How can you make me feel at ease!"

Chen Fang's eye circles were a little red, and she patted her hand, "Ni'er, Mom knows, I will definitely not hide it from you next time."

Gu Ziyang nodded, and repeated what Xiao Yun said.

Chen Fang asked worriedly, "Will it be too troublesome?"

"Auntie, don't worry, my uncle does this, and anyone can see it."

"Okay." Chen Fang hesitated to speak, "Yangyang, I..."

Xiao Yun could see that she had something to say to Gu Ziyang alone.

"Let's go out first." He put his arm around Gu Zihao's shoulder and said, "I've ordered lunch, let's see if I can see it."

After they left, Chen Fang asked, "Ni'er, going to a big city will definitely cost you a lot of medical expenses, right?"

Gu Ziyang knew that she was worried about this, "Mom, don't worry, it doesn't cost much, besides Xiao Yun's relatives, he will help if some medicines are covered by medical insurance."

"Well, when are we going? Did your aunt tell her?" Chen Fang wanted to say a few more words, but Chen Jianzhou and Zhang Feng opened the door and came in.

Seeing Gu Ziyang, Zhang Feng hurried forward, "Yangyang, look at this matter, I told Chen Fang earlier that if you want to exercise, you have to wait for your family to come back. No, something will happen if I'm not here!"

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