"No, it's okay. I have an uncle in my hometown who looks a bit like Driver Zhang, but I haven't seen him for many years. I think he may not be alone."

She lowered her eyes, trying to hide the expression on her face.

She has a record, why didn't she ask her to identify it, and she didn't hear any news.

This matter is important but has not been disclosed to the outside world. Who suppressed these news?Qian Quan is really a good thing.

Over the years, the mystery about Jiang He's body has never diminished in her mind with the passage of time. On the contrary, it has intensified. She wants to find an opportunity.

Lin Shuya was still smiling and saying something, Gu Ziyang suddenly remembered her coming-of-age feast, and suddenly a plan flashed in her mind, it was a crazy plan.

Sometimes it is easy for people to wrap themselves in a circle, and if there is no one to guide them, it is easy to sink deeper and deeper.

Su Li had a meeting all day and drove home. Recently, Hongji Enterprises had a problem with a project, and he had stayed up all night for two consecutive nights.

Waiting for the gap between the traffic lights, he buried his head on the steering wheel, and the car was full of exhaustion. He didn't want to show his flawed side, because people's emotions would be affected, and he would try his best to pack up his mood before going home.

When he circled the neighborhood and drove towards the basement, he looked up at the terrace. The light was still on in the room, and the slender figure of the girl was reflected on the glass window. He curled his lips, his heart full of comfort.

He had never paid attention to this before, and he couldn't imagine that there would be someone waiting for him to come home and cook for him.

But now it is different, there is a girl waiting for him to come home, will that girl jump into his arms the moment he opens the door, happy like a child.

He smiled slightly, even if it is impossible now, one day, it will be like this.

When he opened the door, the smell of rice came from the kitchen, and his mood instantly became relaxed and happy.

When he was about to get off work, he sent a message to the girl saying that he wanted to eat sweet and sour pork and pickled fish. Although he did not receive a reply, the dishes were ready when he returned home.

Filled with sweetness in his heart, he looked up and saw that the girl's head was lightly leaning against the side of the rocking chair, with a thin blanket covering her body, as if she was asleep.

After Su Li lightly changed his shoes, he stood at the bar and drank a few sips of water. Just as he put down the glass, the corner of his clothes got caught.

The girl didn't know when she walked behind him, she raised her head and asked him, "You're back?"

He put down his glass, "Well, have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for you. Are things going well at work?"

"It's going well, don't worry." Su Li put his chin against her hair, hugged her gently, and whispered, "Are you waiting for me to have dinner together?"

Although he concealed it very well, the thin bloodshot eyes can still make people feel tired at a glance. Gu Ziyang has a lot to say in his heart, but she is not used to being too intimate with Su Li.

Her face was slightly flushed, her eyes scanned the documents on the bar, and she remembered what was passed on by everyone a few days ago.

This time, Hongji Company has a big project, and all the preliminary work has been completed. As a result, the partners withdrew their capital midway, which made the project impossible to implement, and the negotiation failed, and they are now going through legal channels.

Su Li clearly separates public affairs from private affairs. Usually, any documents are processed in the company, and the documents are rarely brought back. This time the matter should be quite complicated.

"Is there anything I can do to help with the company's affairs?" Although she couldn't help Su Li with complicated matters, she could still help her. "I can help you……"

Before he finished speaking, he lightened up and was hugged by Su Li, "Barefoot again? If you are more exposed, you will catch a cold."

The girl was carried to the sofa, Su Li went to the entrance to get the shoes, sighed leisurely, knelt down and put them on for her, "I'm such an adult, I don't know how to take care of myself, just like a child. Don't let me call you child."

Su Li complained softly, "You sit down first, I'll get you a glass of water."

"Thank you." Gu Ziyang took the warm water, "Otherwise, let's eat first, I'll serve the rice, just wait a moment."

"Okay, I'll help you."

Gu Ziyang heated up the dishes again, you serve the rice for the two of you, and I heat the dishes. After a few minutes, three dishes and one soup were placed on the dinner table.

The two of them lived together for the past few days, and their eating tastes have changed for each other. Gu Ziyang also slowly tried some slightly spicy dishes, while Su Li also ate some sweet dishes.

He put a piece of sweet and sour pork tenderloin into his mouth, looked at Gu Ziyang's absent-minded look, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Gu Ziyang put down his chopsticks, nodded and asked, "Well, can I go to Lin Shuya's coming-of-age ceremony?"

Sure enough, as she expected, the corner of Su Li's mouth sank, and he resolutely vetoed: "No."

The day before yesterday, when Su Li received the invitation, he had already declined.

Lin Shuya said for a long time that he didn't answer, and Su Li didn't even answer her sister's call!
He doesn't like officialdom, but he can't get caught up in it, but some things can be avoided if they can be avoided.

What's more, at Lin Shuya's coming-of-age ceremony, her sister must be there, that woman is like a mad dog, how could he send a sheep to a tiger's mouth?
Gu Ziyang pursed his lips, "Su Li, why don't you want to take me there? Do you think I'll make a fool of myself?"

"Gu Ziyang!" Su Li's heart twitched suddenly, and he unconsciously raised his voice. He couldn't hear her talking about herself like that!
Wearing her wide pajamas on her slender body, she looked even wider. With a pain in her heart, Su Li's heart softened, suppressing her emotions, and whispered: "I won't go either, don't belittle yourself, in my heart you No worse than anyone."

"Su Li." The girl hugged her legs and buried her head, as obedient and docile as a kitten, "I want to go, shall we go together? Recently, Xiaoya and I get along very happily. I have no other intentions, just I want to wish her a happy birthday, okay?"

Her acting like a baby made Su Li's heart tremble. For Gu Ziyang's soft request, this man could not refuse, and never wanted to refuse.

Su Li kept comforting himself in his heart that he would be fine with him, but he still teased her, "Then please beg me."

Gu Ziyang's voice was soft and waxy, "Please."

"Why doesn't that sound like a begging tone?"

Su Li lowered his eyes, approached her, rubbed his big hand on her face, "coax me again."

Gu Ziyang blushed, and shrank back slightly, but Su Li moved faster, reached out to hold the back of her head, lowered his head and kissed her, then quickly let go, curling the corners of his mouth, "Master agreed, this is a reward."

Gu Ziyang said softly, "Su Li, thank you."

"Little fool." Su Li rubbed her hair, "Hurry up and eat, it's cold."

Lin Shutong, if you don't show up, I'm the only one who comes to you. Otherwise, how can I verify the facts?

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