I thought that after playing enough, I could return to the embrace of this man who loved her like life, but unfortunately she was wrong, Li Mo actually protected other women, for fear that she would hurt other women!

In his heart, what is he?A man-eating monster?
"Wu Na, have you lost your memory? We're already divorced." Li Mo's low growl stunned Gu Ziyang for a moment, and the man's gentle eyes were filled with anger, not only her, but even the onlookers were frightened!

When did they ever see Li Mo like this? On weekdays, he gives the impression of being refined and elegant.

People who have been with him say: Mr. Li has a gentle temperament, he treats people with humility and courtesy, and chatting with him makes people feel very comfortable.

Many people couldn't help but gasped. There were too many blockbusters today, which made it difficult for them to digest for a while.

The favorite target is already married, but fortunately divorced, a small number of girls pat their chests and feel that they still have a chance.

But this divorced woman is entangled again, is there any chance to get back together?
Wu Na's legs gave way and she almost fell to the ground. Yes, they are divorced.

Before the divorce, when they sat together to discuss, Wu Na made a suggestion, so as not to tell the four old people for the time being, so as not to make it difficult for both parents to accept, he also agreed.

When they just got divorced, although they didn't contact each other, Wu Na still knew from her mother's words that he never refused to ask Li Mo for major or minor matters at home.

In her heart, Li Mo must be selfish, and he must still want to get back together with her!

Big tears rolled down Wu Na's eyes, and she raised her hand to wipe them away. He didn't say anything loudly during the divorce, but now he is yelling at her?

Everyone looked at Wu Na's face, no one felt pity, but even more disgusted.

"Are you in love with her?" she sobbed softly.

"Everyone go to work." Li Mo waved his hand, not wanting to talk to Wu Na, turned around and walked to the office.

Wu Na's whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, Li Mo didn't even look at her, but his voice was soft to other women.

"Don't leave. Say everything clearly today. If you make it clear, go out and talk if it's inconvenient for you." She grabbed Li Mo's clothes.

Li Mo suddenly turned his head, "Go out, why?"

Wu Na seems to have forgotten that they have divorced long ago, and they are still messing around.

"Miss Wu, let you break into my office and talk nonsense for a long time. I have done my best. If you pester me and the company's employees again, I'm sorry."

He looked at Secretary Ye and motioned for security.

Ye Wen told him that the security guard was at the door, just waiting for a word from him.

After Wu Na saw his cruelty, she forced herself to calm down. With trembling hands, she tugged at the corner of his clothes and shook them gently, forcing big tears from her eyes.

This is her usual method. Li Mo would be very angry if she did something wrong in the past.

But every time she did this, Li Mo would soften his heart again, rubbing her head and telling her it was okay.

"Mo, I was wrong. I shouldn't have come. I just missed you. It's because of our friendship. Forgive me."

She kept apologizing and admitting her mistakes, but Li Mo seemed to have returned to the day when he saw the truth clearly.

That day, he received a call, and a woman on the phone cursed hoarsely, saying that his wife seduced her husband!

Of course he didn't believe it, but he couldn't resist the various deeds mentioned by the woman on the phone, which reminded him that Wu Na had indeed been socializing a lot recently, and she was avoiding him by calling and texting!
According to the information provided by the woman, he came to the airport, and he really saw the woman he loved for more than ten years holding the hand of an older man, talking and laughing.

His wife had an affair and was cuckolded. This plot happened in his life, and he was beaten so hard that he was stunned.

With things developing like this, should he fight the bald man?
However, he didn't do anything. If this woman doesn't love him, is he going to tie her up?What is there to do with a dead heart?
Seeing that he didn't answer, Wu Na thought that he was softening her heart, and said obediently: "We will be good in the future, don't separate again, you just think about the relationship you once had..."

"Love?" He suddenly interrupted her, laughing, "Miss Wu, my so-called affection for you was exhausted long ago when you wandered among different men.

I'm down, you kick me away, I succeed, you come back to me again, is it because in your Miss Wu's mind, I, Li Mo, are so despicable? "

The corner of Wu Na's mouth twitched, and she found that she was short of words.

Yes, she abandoned him, but it was not her fault.

This man promised her to let her live a good life, did he do it?

"No, Li Mo, I really love you, I don't think..."

Li Mo's throat seemed to let out a low laugh, "Miss Wu, I can't stand your love."

"Call them in." Li Mo looked at Ye Wen.

"Don't, don't..." Wu Na begged eagerly, she understood Li Mo's meaning, what he did was to tell her: There is really nothing to do between us.

The security guard hurried over from the corner, stood still and bowed respectfully to Li Mo, "Mr. Li."

Li Mo lowered his eyes and waved his hands. The security guard stepped forward to hold the struggling and insulting woman, and dragged her outside.

"Li Mo, Li Mo, you are so cruel." The voice faded away, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

Li Mo turned around and walked towards the office. When he was approaching the door, he suddenly stopped, turned around, looked at everyone, and spoke resolutely.

"She's my ex-wife. It's a joke for everyone. People's feelings have a shelf life. After the shelf life, it's broken if it's not suitable.

What happened today is my problem, and it will affect the company to a certain extent, and I will handle it properly. "His frankness makes people unable to chew their tongues.

Gu Ziyang returned to her seat, took off her glasses, and rubbed the center of her brows. What happened today will also affect her to a certain extent. She should avoid it, lest the rumors get worse.

But when this happened to Li Mo, he must have felt bad. It must have hurt him to tear open his own wound in front of so many people.

It turned out that the seemingly powerful man had also experienced such a sad thing.

She remembered Li Mo's lonely back when he turned and walked into the office, so she still sent him a message.

After Li Mo returned to the office, his mind was blank for a while, staring at the hourglass in a daze.

He thinks he is very strange, he clearly thinks that there is someone who should be hated, but this person is standing in front of you, telling you loudly with mixed truth and falsehood: I love you, I miss you.

But after venting your anger with a few sentences, you feel that you have wasted too much, and you should turn a deaf ear to this kind of person.

When the last drop of sand was drained from the hourglass, he came back to his senses and saw the phone flashing brightly, and several colleagues sent him comforting messages.

After expressing his thanks one by one, he finally apologized to Gu Ziyang. He never thought that his matter would affect her. He also told him to perform well tomorrow and prepare for the invitation to invite Liu Biao.

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