Gu Ziyang suddenly laughed lowly, with inexplicable sarcasm.pity?People's hearts are inherently cold, and she doesn't need sympathy.

The most terrifying thing in this world is not ghosts, but the human heart, which is jealous, aggressive, greedy, cannibalizes human flesh, drinks human blood, and behaves inhumanely.

"Even if you don't provoke others, others will come to you!" This juror is also an ignorant person, he only looks at the surface of things, and he talks about sympathy for others, which is really funny.

Xiao Yun had mixed feelings in his heart. Since his birth, the path had been planned, but he was not interested in the future planned for him by his parents.

Since he was a child, he has determined to be a good policeman and serve the people. He is unwilling to go into business, and he is unwilling to inherit his father's career.

As he grew older, his heart remained the same, and he insisted on entering the police academy, embarking on a path that was completely opposite to what his parents expected.

For this reason, he has a stiff relationship with his beloved parents, but neither of them backs down when it comes to work.

Because the contradictions have not been able to work together, he has the idea of ​​alienating his parents and renting a house by himself.

After moving away from home, relying on my own efforts, I finally realized my childhood dream.

In a fit of anger, his father also cut off his source of income, and he, who had been pampered since he was a child, was left alone.

He began to question his original intention and wanted to escape, shirk, and give up many times.

He has long been smoothed by reality, but because of a phone call from his mother the day before yesterday, he thought of resigning.

His father is old, and everyone in the company is eyeing him. Maybe he should take over and follow the route planned by his parents.

But he couldn't bear it, how could he just give up on the position that he finally obtained by relying on his own ability?
Gradually he became more and more irritable and confused, and he didn't know what he wanted to do in his heart and what he should do.

Xiao Yun put down his pen and looked squarely at the woman in front of him, and this woman also looked at him, without the slightest dodge or flinch in her eyes.

Her eyes are clean and her voice is very gentle. Could such an elegant and gentle woman be wronged?
He thought: Maybe this woman really offended some powerful person and blocked the way of others, so she fell to this point?

He secretly made up his mind that he would do his best to help more innocent people. Xiao Yun straightened his body and asked, "Can the client you just mentioned be contacted?"

Gu Ziyang shook his head, "His mobile phone is turned off, but our company has his address and work unit."

She thought: Even if she got in touch, that client would not tell the truth, she must have been bribed long ago.

Xiao Yun thought for a while and said, "If what you said is true, we will investigate with all our strength. You have to believe that the wicked will always be punished accordingly."

The policeman in front of him was handsome, sunny, with firm eyes. He leaned forward slightly and said softly, "Please trust the people's police."

"Thank you." Gu Ziyang was in a much better mood at this moment.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun showed a clean and beautiful smile, he wanted to say something more, "Bang!", the door of the interrogation room was kicked open forcefully.

The two were startled, and both looked towards the door.

Under the dim light, Gu Ziyang saw the man walking quickly, her heart beat faster, and she stood up unconsciously.

There was a lot of anxiety on the man's face, and the moment he saw her, he calmed down a little.

He took a step forward and hugged her in his arms, and said to himself, "It's fine, it's fine."

This was the first time Gu Ziyang saw this kind of expression on this man's face, anxious and panicked.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yun was startled and angry, "Is this kind of place anyone can just break into?!"

Su Li let go of Gu Ziyang, turned his head to look at Xiao Yun, and ignored him.

His eyes returned to the child again, and he looked her from head to toe, "Is there any injury?"

Gu Ziyang is still a little unresponsive at the moment, why is this man here?

Su Li saw that she was slightly standing on tiptoe with one foot, as if she was a little weak.

"What's wrong with this foot?" He frowned, bent down, and wanted to check.

"It's okay." Gu Ziyang felt uncomfortable, and shrank his right foot back.

"Don't move." Su Li pulled her feet and rolled up her trouser legs. His eyes fell on the ankles. After seeing them, he became even more angry, "Your feet are swollen, you should sit down."

He hooked a chair with his long legs and pushed the woman onto the chair.

"Idiot, don't tell me earlier, I want you to be useless!" Cursing at the door, several people hurried in one after another, Liu Quan, the interrogator, the little yellow hair and the big gold chain in the bar, the last two were handcuffed, Pushed in.

"Liu Ju, why are you here?" Xiao Yun felt bewildered and was about to get up and give up his seat.

Liu Quan pressed his shoulders down, dragged a chair and pushed it behind Su Li, "Director Su, calm down, sit down and say something."

"Bring ice! Call another doctor."

"What?" the interrogator asked tremblingly from the back, he couldn't figure out why he wanted ice cubes and a doctor!
"Bang!" Su Li stepped forward in two steps, grabbed the interrogator's collar, pulled it up forcefully and fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and asked, "Everyone is injured, didn't you see?"

Gu Ziyang was taken aback by his sudden action. The Su Li he saw a few days ago was calm and calm, and he was not surprised.

The current appearance reminded her of the time she spent with this man in the past. In fact, he has not changed, he is still arrogant and unruly in his bones.

"Yes, yes." The interrogator was so frightened that his face was pale and his hands and feet were limp.

"Not yet!" Liu Quan shouted angrily.

"Understood, I'll do it now." He ran out clutching his buttocks as if fleeing for his life, crying and scolding his mother in his heart. He thought he would get a promotion and raise his salary, but he never thought that now, he might not even have a job. Save.

Along the way, he gave himself a hard look, thinking so much, let's save his life first!
"Su Dong, you also know that I just came back from a business trip. This matter was not handled by me, but by my subordinates. I don't know the specifics..." Liu Quan made up his mind and prepared to die to the end. How can you admit it?How dare you admit it?

Su Li glanced at him indifferently, his whole body was imposing.

Liu Quan lowered his head, his face was blue and white, and his expression was embarrassing. He has completely lost his old face today!

Su Li didn't say anything, sat down, raised his chin slightly, and cast a sideways glance at Huang Mao, "Continue."

The yellow hair has been frightened silly!Trembling, I don't know what to do!
Liu Quan kicked Xiao Huangmao on the back resentfully, "I just asked about you, keep talking!"

Huang Mao woke up startled, and hurriedly complained: "Su Dong, this matter really has nothing to do with me, I am just a little Luo Luo, and I also follow orders.

I really didn't know that Miss Gu belonged to you. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have dared to give me 1 courage! "

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