The driver trapped in the cockpit couldn't help shaking his teeth when he saw Gu Bei dare to rush towards the car, he didn't dare to watch the scene of Gu Bei being crushed into a pulp!However, just like what Bai Mengxuan saw, the driver only saw two shadows for an instant, and then saw nothing.

The driver rubbed his eyes, and seemed convinced of his imminent death and said, "Could it be... this is my dying fantasy?"

Under the obstruction of the driver, Gu Bei not only did not back down, but instead urged the power of the gods to the extreme, the speed was like lightning: "The hand of the sun, fire all the power!"

The Sunshine Hand was instantly activated, and this pair of super strong nano gloves protected Gu Bei's hand like a shield!Look at me! "
At the same time, Gu Bei spewed out all the vitality in his body, and punched the right side of the mixer truck! "boom!"
The mixer seemed to be hit by tank fire, and the speeding car quickly moved to the left! "Click, click!"
The cement mixer hanging from the rear of the car sent out a terrifying arc, swinging towards Gu Bei like a giant's hand!Even Gu Bei was shocked by the accelerated swinging steel!But he did not head-on, but chose to jump to a high place.

At this time, the fool will resist! "Whizzing……"
I drove the mixer truck continuously to the left turn, and finally deviated from the direction of road repair, but it was about to fall into the ground!It's okay if the car is planted, just dig it out, but the driver in the cockpit is probably going to be crushed to death!Seeing this, Gu Bei yelled: "Shoufugou, look at you!"

""Give me!Hoo hoo! "

The sound of howling wolves came from Guocha Mountain!I saw the dog jumping on the cement tank like a yellow light, and then jumped into the driver's cab. The dog burrowed its head in and bit the driver's clothes tightly!get up!
With a panting snort, the driver was bitten by his steel teeth!
"Brother, go pick it up!"
The dog had a heart-to-heart conversation with Gu Bei, and before the mixer truck stuck its head on the ground, it threw the driver in Gu Bei's direction!Good job!
Gu Bei was in a good mood, and when he came to flatter his horse, he lifted the dragon into the sky and held the driver firmly in his hands! "Bang! Boom!

The giant mixer truck made a muffled sound as soon as it was planted in the ground, and a burst of muddy rain was stirred up and scattered all over the sky!Moreover, Gu Bei and Xiao Fugou also fell into the mud and rain at the same time! "..."
Bai Mengxuan and dozens of migrant workers in the countryside were dumbfounded when they saw a mixer truck that had been planted in the ground suddenly turned in front of them.

"We...we're alive!

Soon, the joy of surviving the catastrophe instantly occupied everyone's hearts, Bai Feng and the others couldn't help screaming up to the sky, tears of horror and excitement instantly shed!everything fine?Gu Bei put down the driver, his tone was full of confidence and determination, and he showed an omnipotent smile.

"No, no need..."
The driver didn't know how to rescue Gu Bei at all, he just felt his body float, float and sink, and fell into Gu Bei's embrace.

Gu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and smiled at the huffing dog: "Brother, I can't see that you silly dog ​​can still make sense at a critical moment!
Although the tracheitis dog's face was unhappy, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily: "Go, I'm obviously a magic dog, and I can do some good things when I'm with you in the future!"

"Gu Bei!"

Seeing the migrant workers and his father narrowly escaped death, Bai Mengxuan reacted immediately, hugged Gu Bei's neck, and burst into tears: "You, are you okay?" "It's okay, it's okay."

Gu Bei lit a cigarette slowly, seemingly relaxed, but in reality he was in a state of confusion: "Damn it, I was in danger just now, and almost killed dozens of brothers!"

"Thank you, you saved my dad and brother again!"
Bai Mengxuan was still very excited, she was so excited that she stuck to her body perfectly! "It's okay, but if you hold on tighter, something will happen."
Feeling the incomparable softness of Bai Mengxuan's pair of grapefruits, Gu Bei's heart finally settled down, and he joked with Bai Mengxuan again.

'what! '

After hearing the sound, Dugua and them also ran over quickly, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that although Gu Bei was covered in mud, he didn't think there was any serious problem.

Bai Mengxuan's father, Bai Feng, asked softly: "Gu Bei, just now you overturned the mixer truck and rescued the driver, right?" Gu Bei shook his head and smiled, "I saved people, but the mixer truck wasn't me. It was overturned, how can I have so much strength?"

Bai Feng pointed to a big fist on the front of the car on the right, and said in a low voice, "Don't you punch me?" Are you still unwilling to tell the truth in front of me?The mixer truck was running so fast and the road was so straight, how could it turn suddenly? "The other migrant workers nodded hurriedly: "The situation just now was too dangerous. I still feel a little scared when I think about it now. My back is so cold!"

Seeing the worried faces of the brothers, Gu Bei blamed himself very much, and secretly said with emotion: "If there is an awesome driver to drive, I guess this accident will not happen."

Both of them nodded, their eyes were full of uneasiness, and there was also a kind of expectation that the team could have one or even a few talented people.

Later, the Gubei Group will definitely have its own fleet, and the huge project they face will inevitably encounter very difficult road conditions.

It is very necessary to have a great driver as the leader of the team.

And this is exactly what the whole team is looking forward to.

The thrilling scene just happened and everyone's expectations have strengthened Gu Bei's determination to find an excellent driver to join the team.

Gu Bei gritted his teeth, and said loudly: "Then, for my next partner, let's find a good man!"

"Ding dong! Complete the deed of "Calling the Great People to Enlightenment"! At the same time, the system loyalty function of 18 Arhats made its debut again, and it seems that it is waiting for new partners to join.

Wu Mei asked softly: "Gu Bei, you know a lot. Is there any suitable person to accompany you? If not, I can find some for you at the racing track."

"Candidate?" Whether it's Gu Bei or the idiot, they quickly thought of the rich second generation's chairman of the Dragon Snake Race Association - the second-rate Li Haoran.

But please don't get me wrong, what they think of is the racing idol that Li Haoran admires so much - the code name. "

mysterious person
[Master, our next partner will not be the two guys like Li Haoran, right? ]
Gu Bei smiled and said: "A rich second generation like Li Haoran will definitely eat, drink and have fun. If he wants to be a truck driver in the engineering team, I can't give it to him, and he can't either!"

The idiot said in a low voice: "Brother Gu Bei, Li Haoran never said that there is a code name called '.

"The male driver is so skilled, he is known as the king of dragons and snakes?"With his help, our transportation work will be greatly guaranteed."

Gu Bei nodded and smiled: "Yes, to be able to crush Li Haoran and those rich second-generation drivers with Wuling Hongguang, his courage and driving skills must be very powerful!"

Lao Quan was a little worried: "It's just that I don't know.

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