
Seeing that the situation on his side was not good, Shangguan Muqian raised his eyebrows in anger!Some other special elders were also full of displeasure, and Shangguan Tingting couldn't help but shook his head.

Instead, Gu Bei smiled smugly: "Cutting constantly! The more you miss your opponent, the more likely you are to make mistakes, the higher your chances of winning, and the more you lean towards Laoquan and Jiaojiao."

Hearing Gu Bei's words, Wu Mei clenched her fist tightly and nodded vigorously: "Victory must belong to us!"

…Time has passed, and the aroma of the field is getting stronger and stronger. Whether it is Dong'an Chicken or Mapo Tofu, the main course has been completed, and it is about to enter the ingredients processing and pouring process.

This dish focuses on the three elements of "color, aroma, and taste". Among them, the "aroma" of the main dish has long been present, and now it is the "color" and "taste" of the ingredients.

It turned out that Shangguan Tingting opened a wooden box, which contained a very delicate package. Inside was a handful of green onions, golden shredded ginger, and a bunch of different colors, but at a glance, they were very high-end ingredients.

"Jiang Fuquan! In the front we are no equal, but in the end we are comparing the quality of our ingredients! When it comes to ingredients, you are doomed

Ouyang Yehua sneered, confident in the materials they presented.

Wu Mei scolded coldly: "Isn't it just the raw material? What's there to show off?" Seeing Wu Mei's doubts, Gu Bei smiled: "The selling price of Dong'an chicken is so high. In addition to the excellent varieties, more benefit from their carefully selected raw materials!Don’t look at those simple ingredients, in fact they are old and expensive.”

Wu Mei's face changed slightly, and she said worriedly: "Then...Brother Quan and Sister Jiaojiao should suffer, right?"

Gu Bei looked at Lao Quan, and saw Jiaojiao took out a large handful of prickly ash, chopped green onion and shredded ginger picked from Guocha Mountain. It is worth mentioning that Xu Xu made them all by himself.

"Our Fruit Tea Mountain eats pure mountain spring water, and the land is also pure and pollution-free. Most importantly, it is my license, and the fertilizer is my only one, the only one in the world!"

Hearing Gu Bei's triumphant explanation, Wu Mei couldn't help asking: "Gu Bei, what do you mean by this sentence?" The idiot said in a low voice: "The raw materials that are allowed to be planted are not only filled with Gu Bei's love, but more importantly Yes, the fertilizer used for irrigation is Gu Beige's boy urine...

"... "

Wu Mei couldn't help being a little silly: "Gu Bei, I thought there was something so special about it, so the raw material was raised with your urine?"

Gu Bei shook his head and smiled, because Gu Bei's body had already been tempered four times, and he would change his elixir to increase his strength if he had nothing to do. Whether it was saliva or urine in his body, or even the air he exhaled, there was a trace of aura of the elixir entwined.

Therefore, these materials are not compact, but also a high-grade ingredient with a special fragrance.

…After the raw materials are stir-fried in hot oil, they exude an attractive fragrance, and even the master Tie Yezi can't help but stand up: "Those raw materials are just ordinary things, but why are they so fragrant after being stir-fried?" What about it?" Seeing the master-level old Quan was also very surprised, Shangguan Tingting and Ouyang Yehua couldn't help but their hearts beat faster, and they instantly had doubts about the materials that the Shangguan family was proud of.

The patriarch of the Shangguan clan——Shangguan Muqian couldn't help clenching his fists, and took a sip coldly: "It seems that both Jiang Fuquan and He Jiao have made a lot of preparations to take revenge on our Shangguan clan!

That must be something good Mr. Gu brought to Jiang Fuquan and He Jiao!
Shangguan Wan'er gritted her teeth and knocked on the iron pot spoon by spoon! "" Don't worry, even if they have such good raw materials?Only Jiang Fuquan's cooking skills and his rare dried tofu can't beat us

Ouyang Yehua comforted himself, suppressed the anger in his heart, and sprinkled the cooked ingredients on the Dong'an chicken.

At this time, Xinxin Laoquan and Jiaojiao will also bring up the ingredients mixed with small pieces of beef, and gently pour them on the mapo tofu.

After the end, the two looked at each other, smiled and nodded: "It's done."

During the game, and at this time, a symbol of stillness was drawn.

"The last moment is finally here!"
At this moment, two plates of delicate and delicious dishes were emitting a unique aroma, and 12,000 audience members stood up one after another, watching the two dishes being delivered to the master chef Tie Yezi.

Even Shangguan Muqian couldn't help getting nervous! The tasting of "Tie Yezi" will directly lead to the outcome of the competition, and will also directly affect whether the Shangguan family's signature can be kept.

But Gu Bei didn't gain a firm foothold, but he was still smoking, as if he was in a paradise.

First, he observed the "color" and "aroma" of the dishes. In these two aspects, everyone scored 8 points, which was a tie.

"Now, I flip a coin to decide which dish to try first, and I try the second dish 15 minutes later.

This point also made Gu Bei feel quite pleasing to the eye.

When the result of the coin toss came out, Tie Yezi had to eat Guan Tingting's bitch's 'Dong'an Chicken' first.

Wu Mei frowned slightly, and her tone became tense: "Gu Bei, I remember you said that the most important thing in the tasting stage is the competition of 'taste', because once the taste buds are occupied, it is difficult to be driven away.

Then wouldn't Brother Quan and Jiaojiao suffer? "That's the way it is, but we are not afraid."

Gu Bei comforted gently: "Wu Mei, you have to trust the strength of Lao Quan and Jiao Jiao, 15 minutes is enough for Tie Yezi to get rid of the previous smell."

However, the people of the Shangguan family don't think so.

Because the taste of Dong'an chicken is spicy, the reaction of the taste buds will be quite strong, and its aroma of Hunan cuisine can roll three feet, and the body will also be dyed with a strong and spicy aroma.

"This time, you can really help me!"
Shangguan Tingting and Ouyang Yehua laughed happily. They have a great advantage in this dish test. This opportunity can defeat Lao Quan and He Jiao every second.

Try it out and get started now.

"Tie Yezi" lightly dipped the vegetable juice with his chopsticks, then picked up a Dong'an chicken, and put the main dish into his mouth under the eyes of everyone.

All right,"
The moment the chicken entered his mouth, Tie Yezi's eyes lit up slightly, he chewed it lightly, and nodded again and again.

"Masters all nod!"
Seeing that Tie Yezi seemed to have a positive attitude, Shangguan Tingting and Ouyang Yehua's faces were filled with pride and pride, and even Shangguan Muqian showed a rare smile.

Witnesses saw that members of Shangguan's family applauded one after another, with victorious expressions on their faces, waiting for Tie Yezi to name the champion.

Unexpectedly, Lao Quan and Jiao Jiao were not very uncomfortable, but seemed extraordinarily quiet.

15 minutes passed quickly.

Then, it's the turn of this mapo tofu!
Mr. Tie shook his palm lightly, with a scent in his nose: "It's really fragrant! Unexpectedly, after 15 minutes, its fragrance still maintains this level.

"Thank you for the compliment."

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