"In Zhang's store, they still sell exclusive products. From this point of view, he should not be short of money!"
"As for power, if you don't know what to do, it will be too abrupt to give the official position to one person, and you won't be able to convince the public!"

"It is estimated that other ministers will not agree, so when he has no merit, it is obviously not advisable to bestow an official.

"In this way, the only thing left is temptation!" Thinking of this, Zhao Guangyi felt that his idea was really good.

"Okay, that's it! Go back to the palace and choose two beautiful women to send over!" After thinking about the countermeasures, Zhao Guangyi thought he had a plan. He looked at Zhang Xuanyu with joy on his face.

Chen Jing on the side kept staring at Zhao Guangyi, watching his expression carefully.

Seeing that Zhao Guangyi's face darkened and then became happy again, he was a little confused.

However, he was very happy that today finally passed smoothly.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, are you selling these fireworks now?" Zhao Guangyi remembered that in the past, Concubine Liu Gui had to read the language of fireworks, and was going to take some back.

"My lord, one firework and one or two silver boxes.

"Oh?" Zhao Guangyi was stunned for a moment, wondering what happened to Xuan Yu?Why is there such a lack of knowledge?Usually, as long as you are interested in something, someone will send it to you immediately. Why is it not easy to use it here?Zhao Heng on the edge smiled wryly to himself, knowing that his father was too serious to him.

No wonder, "The land of the world, is it the land of the king!" He was spoiled by his subjects.

But what he didn't know was that Zhang Xuanyu was not an ordinary person. Even if this person possessed special skills, he would never take people like himself seriously.

While talking, Zhao Heng said: "Master Zhang, look, bring me ten boxes of fireworks! Take them back and put them away."
Zhang Xuanyu responded readily and asked Zhang Fu to prepare the fireworks. He was not worried that Zhao Heng would be charged, after all, Zhao Heng had seen through his cards.

After Zhao Heng's guards negotiated the payment with Zhang Fu, they left.

Seeing that his purpose had been achieved when he came, Zhao Guangyi left immediately.

And Zhang Xuanyu didn't hold them back, and sent them to the gate of the house before turning around and going to the living room.

On the way, Zhao Guangyi sent Chen Jing away, leaving Zhao Heng alone, and went to the palace together.

In the palace, Zhao Guangyi revealed his plan and planned to reward Zhang Xuanyu with two beauties.

Hearing this news, Zhao Heng was stunned for a moment, his face was puzzled, why did he go to Zhang Xuanyu's place, and wanted to reward the palace maid?Seeing Zhao Heng's expression, Zhao Guangyi smiled and explained a few words.

This is nothing more than feeling that Zhang Xuanyu possesses a unique skill and bestowed upon the maid, who can not only win over him, but also monitor his every movement.

Zhao Heng felt that it was still a bit inappropriate. Last time he was the only one who saw Zhang Xuanyu stabbing himself with a knife, but he was not injured at all.

At this moment, he didn't dare to hide anything, and told the story endlessly.

These words made Zhao Guangyi feel that Zhang Xuanyu was unusual, and also strengthened his determination to reward the court lady.

Therefore, there was a carriage, with his wishes, and two charming women, rushed to Zhang's house.

Zhang Xuanyu, who was about to go to sleep, was stopped by Zhang An, and only then did he realize that there was another person in the palace.

Reluctantly, he walked out of the gate and started to meet the little yellow gate.

When Xiao Huangmen saw Zhang Xuanyu, he prepared to read the imperial decree as usual.

But when he saw Zhang Xuanyu standing there, he didn't intend to kneel down to accept the order at all, so he couldn't help reminding:
Shopkeeper Zhang, it's time for you to kneel down and receive the order!Zhang Xuanyu was stunned for a moment, then knelt down to accept the order, what kind of rule is this?Immediately replied: "Go declare the decree, stop talking nonsense!" This sentence almost choked Xiao Huangmen to death, he had never seen such a bold person.

Xiao Huangmen shouted: "Bold, dare to despise the emperor!" He snapped off a big hat.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't read anymore, I'll go back to sleep! Xiao Huangmen was entangled, and he finally understood why Zhao Guangyi gave one more warning before he came.

Don't compete with Zhang Xuanyu, go back as soon as the decree is announced!Therefore, he finished reading out the decree with a face of reluctance, handed the imperial decree to Zhang Xuanyu, and prepared to leave.

After getting the will, Zhang Xuanyu handed it over to Zhang An who was on the edge.

" "Don't go, what is this writing, it's in the clouds and mist, it makes me dizzy."

"Xiao Huangmen was almost crying because of him, and he simply explained that the emperor rewarded his two sons-in-law.

Zhang Xuanyu stared blankly, how is this possible!It is impossible to explain how Zhao Guangyi rewarded the maid.

However, since it has been sent, can't it be sent back?With a flash from the corner of her eye, she saw Chen Yuanyuan and asked her to lead the two maids into the study first.

Moreover, I handed over one or two silver coins to Xiao Huangmen, so I can't let them go, and I won't get any.

After Xiao Huangmen was sent away, Zhang Xuanyu began to think.

"It's nothing to please, it's either sex or robbery!" What exactly does Zhao Guangyi want to do? "Zhang Xuanyu thought for a while, but still didn't understand it, so he didn't bother to think about it anymore.

So he wandered into the study.

Seeing Zhang Xuanyu coming, Chen Yuanyuan led two court ladies and saluted him.

Zhang Xuanyu asked Chen Yuanyuan to sleep first, ignoring her resentful little eyes.

When Chen Yuanyuan left, Zhang Xuanyu began to ask the two court ladies.

The two court ladies, Mi Hua and Mi Yue, are both over 18 years old, which made Zhang Xuanyu wonder if they gave them to him because they were old.

When talking, the most fearful thing is to suddenly quiet down.

And now, after asking about the basic situation of the two court ladies, there was silence in the study.

Zhang Xuanyu began to think, how should he sleep tonight?I can be regarded as Fang Gang's big girl, Zhao Guangyi sent two court ladies, the meaning is obvious, that is, to earn money to support the family.

It can't, that's the problem.

The scene was once embarrassing.

The nameless Zhang Xuanyu remembered a joke.

A man and a woman were sleeping on the same bed. The woman drew a line in the middle of the bed and said to the man, "If you dare to thread the line at night, you are a beast."

So when she got up the next morning, the woman found that the man had not crossed the line, so she said to the man: "You are not as good as a beast!" Zhang Xuanyu thought about it, and felt that he was not as good as a beast.

So he led the two court ladies into the bedroom.

That night, the house was full of spring, and Zhang Xuanyu finally ate a piece of meat under the deliberate greeting of the two maids. On the second day, Zhang Xuanyu got up much later than usual, and several domestic servants who knew it were silent.

Compared with Chen Yuanyuan, she had a look of resentment. She didn't understand why Zhang Xuanyu was able to take both maids into his room, but didn't move her at all.

Zhao Guangyi, who received the tip, was overjoyed when he learned that Zhang Xuanyu had taken the two maids for his own use, and felt that his strategy would work.

When Zhang Xuanyu woke up, Mi Hua and Mi Yue had already gotten up and were dressing up.

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