Lin Nian felt that there was one thing she was particularly envious of, and that was that she could always keep her original intentions. The so-called knowledge of the world but not the world was probably referring to herself. Such a person is really gentle from the heart.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Lin Nian felt that he and Lu Feiyu were very suitable.

"At that moment last night..."
Liu Wenwen rolled up her long hair by her ears a little embarrassedly, "He drank some wine, and then...

He was too embarrassed to tell the next story, and his face turned a little red.Mr. Lin and Gu Tian sat on the spot and looked at her without blinking, continuing to listen to the following story with great interest: "So, so what?

So I went to pick him up...he confessed to me.

After Liu Wen said this, his face turned a little rosy.


Gu Tian couldn't help but yelled, "Really? My God, this is really good news today, you haven't told us yet
"Didn't I always want to wait until we meet to tell you..."
So, you called me and I came over just to tell you guys about it," she smiled awkwardly.

Lin Nian also felt very happy: "Very good, Wen Wen, congratulations, your dream has finally come true.

Liu Wen nodded and said seriously: "Thank you year after year, year after year. If you hadn't been by my side to support me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to last long."

"How is it possible? You two were supposed to be together. It has nothing to do with me."

when shaking his head

"Oh, that's great, I'm so happy!

Gu Tian was all smiles, it seemed that her friends had already taken off their clothes, and she was happier than she took off herself.

"I'm glad too."
Liu Wen looked at her and smiled.

""Speaking of which, how long have you all liked him?Finally, you are alive today. "

"A little over four years.

Less than five years to go...I was actually ready to fight a ten-year fight.

But luckily he didn't make me wait that long, I'm afraid that when I get old, I won't be as good as those young girls anymore..."

Liu Wen told a joke humorously.

"Wonderful...over four years."
Gu Tian sighed, "What does it feel like to love someone for four years? I really envy you, I'm already 23 years old this year, and I haven't met anyone I like yet."

"You should ask, how does it feel to be with someone after liking someone for four years?"

Lin Nian smiled and said, "Why don't you put your mind on this yourself? How can you find someone you like? You are currently concentrating on your career..."

"Forget it, after all, making money is more important."
Gu Tian suddenly said, "I still feel that making money is more reliable than anything else."

""Look at you girl, you say every word, you want to get out of the singles for a while, fall in love for a while, and want to make money for a while, what do you think? "
"I still feel that the love I want should not be what I want, it should be unexpected, it should be sweet and beautiful, so I have been waiting."
Gu Tian smiled and said: "Of course, if I can really meet someone who I like so much, maybe I will chase him for so long and not give up."

In fact, she has been looking forward to love, but the love she wants may come more slowly.

Come on, tell me how he confessed his love to you, I can collect these materials and write them into my manuscript.

Considering the details of what happened last night, Gu Tian suddenly sent it over again.

Lin Nian was a little helpless: "You are too gossip!
"" This is not gossip, this is gossip, this is gossip, this is gossip, this is gossip.

Tell me now. "

Liu Wenwen bit her lip, and then slowly said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that during a social gathering, he drank a little too much, couldn't drive, couldn't find a replacement driver, and then he called me.

"So what?"

"So I drove to pick him up, and I sent him downstairs to his house, but he refused to get out of the car, maybe he did drink a little too much, and kept telling me that he had something to say.

So I asked him what he wanted to say…”

So he confessed. "
Gu Tian listened with gusto: "How can there be vernacular?"

"Do you want to hear this too?"
Liu Wenwen was really embarrassed to tell about that person's drunkenness last night.

"Of course you have to listen. This is the key link. If you don't listen to this, how can you do it? Speak quickly."
Gu Tian didn't flinch.

"He just said, very happy, I can be with him for many years... All his happy and unhappy times, I spent with him.

It turned out that he thought he was just a kind of dependence and habit to me, but once he saw me going out to dinner with a male classmate...

"Is he jealous!"
Gu Tian said.

Liu Wen nodded and said:

"Oh my god, what kind of god novel plot is this!"
Gu Tian said in surprise.

"So what, you accept him so easily?"
Gu Tian asked again.

Mr. Lin sighed.Can't you accept him or reject him?What are you thinking? "

"" Shouldn't you be conceited?It goes without saying that men often don't value things that are easy to get. "

Gu Tian scratched her head and laughed.

""You said that you haven't even been in a relationship, you haven't even had a crush, and you still have clothes that know how to look special.

Are you more experienced, or are we more experienced? "

Lin Yi couldn't help asking her.

I haven't eaten pork yet, and I haven't seen pigs running!
"But several of us have eaten pork. You have a person who has seen pigs run and talked to us!"

Suddenly, another lady's voice came from the door, coming straight to Gu Tian.

Gu Tian raised her head and saw Xiao Ya with bright eyes.

She still has long hair as soft as seaweed, high heels and a long skirt, perfect like a goddess.

Lin Nian smiled and said: "Xiao Ya, you are finally here. I think we can deal with this girl. Everyone can't beat her."

"This girl can't show her mercy, give her a little more sunshine, and she will become more brilliant."
Xiao Ya smiled, put the bag on the table, then walked over and sat down: "What are you talking about? What is pig running?"

"Why didn't you hear that you said I was bad when you came in?"
Gu Tian pouted, the boss was not happy.

"Sorry, wait until you get used to it, sorry, my little cutie..."
It was rare for Xiao Ya to coax her, and reached out to pinch her cheek: "Don't be angry!
"I don't mind, as long as you invite us to dinner tonight!"
Gu Tian didn't speak.

Tell me first, isn't what you said simple?

"Right, tell you a very important news!"

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