But now that he has voluntarily left, it means that she doesn't have to face the upcoming constraints.

There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

Lin Nian combed his hair into a high ponytail while facing the mirror, and constantly strengthened his psychological hints: I have no regrets, I have no regrets at all.

Let him go, I don't give a damn.

Little Yaoyao got up from the bed with a sleepy face, then walked over and hugged her thigh: "Mom."

Lin Nian bent down and stroked his little face: "Yaoyao, you should sleep a little longer. Now we are going on vacation, you need to sleep again."

Yaoyao hugged her neck coquettishly: "Mom sleeps together."

Lin Nian sighed, let her sleep now, in fact she really can't sleep.

I originally wanted to sleep at home on the first day of the holiday, but I started to suffer from insomnia last night. I thought I would wake up very late the next day, but I woke up just after seven o'clock.

She was about to close her eyes and continue to sleep, but she couldn't fall asleep again. She had no choice but to resign herself to her fate.

Unexpectedly, her son was also used to getting up early with her, so he woke up so early.

Thinking of this, she felt sorry for her son again.

For a child of his age, who doesn't sleep as long as he wants at home, and has been pampered since he was a child, but with her mother, he can only get up early every day.

Lin Qingnian said: "Mom is not sleepy, Yaoyao can sleep a little longer, mom will make you breakfast, and eat after you wake up."

"Yaoyao isn't sleepy either."
Xiao Yaoyao clearly looked sleepy, but insisted that she was not sleepy, she looked very cute and pitiful.

Lin Nian couldn't help laughing, pinched his little face, and immediately felt happy.

Now she feels that it is useless for her to think about whether those are useful or not. As long as her son is with her, that is enough.

Those things between men and women are not very attractive to her now.

She felt that as long as she had her son by her side, it was no big deal for her to stay single like this.

Lin Nian carried Yaoyao to wash up, then changed his son into a fashionable little dress, and prepared to take him out for breakfast.

Unexpectedly, the mother and son were just about to go out when the doorbell rang suddenly.

She wondered who had knocked so early, and went to answer it.

At this time, she saw a completely new Yan Tingchen standing outside the door.

He was wearing a plain white T-shirt and shorts, his hair was soft and fresh, and he looked very clean.

Holding the breakfast, he stood outside the door, smiling at her with his mouth bent.

Seeing him standing outside the door like this, Lin Nian didn't react for a moment, and was taken aback for a moment.

Yan Tingchen looked at her stupidly, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth: "What are you looking at? Don't you plan to let me in?"

Yaoyao had already heard his voice, ran out with those two short legs, and then grabbed his legs: "Uncle, uncle."

Yan Tingchen was still holding breakfast in one hand, then bent down again, picked up the child with only one hand, and looked at him lovingly: "Yaoyao woke up so early?"

"Yeah! Yaoyao and mom are going to have breakfast!"

Xiao Yaoyao couldn't help but put his arms around his neck, apparently seeing his arrival, he was very happy.

Yan Tingchen was very satisfied with the child's reaction, and couldn't help frowning and said, "Do you miss Uncle?"

Yaoyao nodded very very seriously, and finally seemed afraid that he would not believe it, so she hugged his neck without hesitation, kissed him hard on the cheek.

This kiss really stunned Yan Tingchen for a moment.

I didn't expect the little guy in my arms to make such a gesture. You must know that kissing is a very intimate gesture. He is so big, and he has never been so intimate with anyone except Lin Nian. been intimate.

In addition to his own cleanliness, it is also because he actually doesn't like to have too much intimate contact with people.

It may also be because he has a lack of maternal love since he was a child.

But he really didn't feel repulsed by making out with this little thing today.

When these two small lips kissed his cheek, he really felt that the whole world was emitting soft sunshine.

He froze for a moment, looked at the little guy, and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

"Uncle dear."
What Xiao Yaoyao said makes sense.

His mother once told him that kissing is a way of expressing love, and only when you like someone can you kiss him.

At this time, he felt that he liked the uncle in front of him very much, so he wanted to kiss his uncle and tell him that he liked him very much.

This little guy is almost two years old this year, but he really didn't take the initiative to kiss anyone except his mother.

The people in Lin Nian's office fell in love with this little guy every time they saw him, and tried every means to trick him into kissing them, but this little guy was educated deeply by his mother since he was a child, and he never wanted to kiss them.

But a very strange thing just happened this morning.

Yan Tingchen had never asked him for a kiss before, so he was so generous, hugged his neck very happily, and kissed him proactively.

If this scene was seen by people in Lin Nian's office, their eyeballs would probably pop out.

Even Lin Nian was very surprised at this moment, let alone them.

But there were too many things that surprised her in the past two days. Lin Nian had already experienced Yaoyao's acceptance of Yan Tingchen, so he accepted it quickly.

As soon as Lin Nian came to his senses, he hurried over to let Yan Tingchen in: "Come in, just put the things on the table."

So Yan Tingchen took breakfast in one hand, and walked into the room with his son in his other hand. His movements were very natural. He put the breakfast on the table with ease, and then played with his son again.

After closing the door, Lin Nian walked in and heaved a long sigh when he saw the father and son who were already playing together.

I really didn't expect that Yan Tingchen would take the initiative to come to her today. She thought that this person would be hurt by her all of a sudden, and he would not come back in a short time.

I didn't expect his self-healing ability to be so fast.

But... Lin Nian looked at this man's back and felt like an inflated balloon, lightly about to fly up.

In the morning light, she squinted her eyes and smiled slightly.

After finishing speaking, she turned around, went to the kitchen and arranged the breakfast he bought one by one, and then called two people, one big and one small, to come over for dinner.

In this way, the two went to wash their hands together. Yan Tingchen and Yaoyao also became very childish when they were together. The two of them had a good time while washing their hands. The whole room was filled with laughter. No wonder his son also liked him.

When the two had successfully washed their hands, they sat down at the dining table.

Yaoyao clings to him and asks him to feed him, so Lin Nian is happy to relax and only eats for himself.

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