Lin Nian was very satisfied.

Then she started cleaning the room again.

This afternoon, she rearranged the mess arranged by the father and son little by little.

When Yan Tingchen prepared the meal and went to call her, he found that the living room had become as clean and tidy as before, and the smell of roses was everywhere in the living room.

He smiled and said, "You brought the rose back."

"Well, what a waste to put it in my office, how comfortable it is to watch it at home."

Lin Nian said, "Could you not give me such a big bouquet of roses next time? What a waste."

This kind of subconscious words that she didn't even realize herself shows that she still expects the relationship between the two to continue to develop, and expects that he will send her flowers next time, but she doesn't want him to send herself such a big bouquet of roses again, because I think it's too wasteful.

She didn't realize this implicit meaning, but Yan Tingchen did.

Yan Tingchen stood there, couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth, and then said with a smile: "Okay, next time I'll give you the smaller one."

When we got here, Lin Nian didn't find anything wrong, so he went to the restaurant for dinner with him.

It wasn't until she sat down that she realized how ambiguous and unpretentious what she just said was. She blushed a little, then looked up at Yan Tingchen, but saw his calm expression.

So she herself didn't want to mention this matter again, and she didn't intend to explain it.

If he's mistaken... so be it.

It turns out that the rice he cooks is really delicious. It is true that he is more modest than what Aunt Zhou said before.

In the past two years, Lin Nian thought that he had honed his cooking skills, and the dishes he cooked were indeed pretty good, but now being with him is nothing short of a big deal.

This proves that Yan Tingchen only has things he doesn't want to do, and there is nothing he can't do.

When Lin Nian took a sip of the porridge in front of him, this thought became even stronger.

This bowl of porridge is sweet and soft, and after drinking it leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth. It is no different from Aunt Zhou's porridge in her memory.

To be honest, after she drank that mouthful of porridge, she wanted to cry immediately.

The smell was so familiar that it made her want to cry.

But she didn't cry, she just said with great admiration: "If I didn't see with my own eyes that this is the porridge you cooked, I really thought you had secretly brought Aunt Zhou to America."

Yan Tingchen smiled slightly: "Is it that exaggerated?"

"This tastes really good, just like what Aunt Zhou made."

Lin Nian took a spoonful of porridge, blew it, and brought it to his son's mouth: "Yaoyao, try it, this used to be my mother's favorite porridge."

Yaoyao opened his mouth and put a spoonful of porridge into his mouth, it looked delicious.

Lin Nian was also very satisfied, and turned to Yan Tingchen and said, "Yan Tingchen, can you tell me how to make this porridge, I want to learn too."

Yan Tingchen refused almost without thinking.

Lin Nian looked at him impatiently, and didn't understand why he refused so simply. The two of them were chatting just now, so why did they suddenly change their faces?This man changed his face too quickly, just like in June.

"Why not..."
Lin Nian frowned and said, "I just want to learn to cook for myself."

"If I say no, I won't."
He didn't even bother to explain.

Lin Nian groaned, bowed his head to eat, and stopped talking.

Lin Nian thought he wouldn't talk anymore, but he suddenly said, "It's enough that only one person in the family can cook."

Lin Nian paused while drinking the porridge, and looked up at him.

He looked at her seriously, not at all joking.

"If you want to drink this porridge, you can only stay by my side."

Childish as it was, he said it with the utmost seriousness.

I have your favorite things here, so you have to stay by my side obediently.

Lin Nian immediately understood what he meant, but she didn't speak. After hearing what he said, she was still drinking the porridge with her head down.

Yan Tingchen didn't say anything, just sat at the table and ate very quietly.

When eating, he always behaved well and seldom talked.

When the two were still together before, Lin Nian also had these habits brought up by him, but since she was no longer with him, she has returned to the original habit, and she should talk when eating, without any delay.

So her son also followed her example, and often talked while eating.

In fact, a child as young as Yaoyao should concentrate on eating when eating, as talking will affect digestion.

It's just that the child had two meals with Yan Tingchen in the past two days, and the child suddenly changed this habit, and hardly spoke while eating.

It can be seen that Yan Tingchen's ability to influence others is really strong.

In addition, he can also set a good example for the children, because his usual habits are really good.

Most people have some bad habits to some extent, but Lin Nian looked at this person from the beginning, and he couldn't find any bad habits.

Therefore, Yan Tingchen is really suitable to be a role model for children and to educate them.

Lin Nian sighed, he has been a little too strange recently, he would always inadvertently discover how good this man is, how excellent this man is.

And the reasons why I avoided him in the past will be left behind by me.

Soon, she will be captured by this man.

Despite her constant reminders to herself, the effect seemed really small.

The longer these two people were in contact, the more difficult it was for her to control herself.

At this moment, she suddenly regretted, regretted yesterday's momentary daze, regretted that she actually let him stay, regretted continuing to let Yaoyao accompany him today, regretting agreeing to let him cook this meal for herself.

At this time, she suddenly wanted to avoid him, avoid him, maybe it would not disturb her anymore.

Only by looking at everything rationally can you obey your heart and make choices that you will not regret.

At this moment, she was a little scared, she didn't dare to take that step easily, she was afraid.

Too much fear, too much worry.

As a result, she is now thinking left and right, and she dare not make a decision for a long time.

I am afraid that if I take a wrong step, I will never have a chance to regret it and step back.

Maybe the current Yan Tingchen has no way to understand her mood at all, so he will take every step as he is now, trying to urge her to make a decision.

But what she didn't know was that Yan Tingchen had actually restrained himself a lot.

He had suppressed many of his thoughts and impulses in order not to force her.

Lin Nian sighed and decided to eat quietly without saying anything.

After she had fed her son, she was almost finished eating. At this time, Yan Tingchen also got up to clear the table.

Lin Nian hurriedly stopped him and said, "No need, I'll just come."

"It's fine if I come, haven't you already been on duty for a day?"
Yan Tingchen said.

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