President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 34: The mastermind behind the scenes

But why do people always destroy her in the process of enjoying it?Has she ever suspected that there is something wrong with her recent character?
"Miss Lin, I was wrong. I shouldn't have provoked you. Don't let Mr. Yan attack my company again. I now know that your bedside wind is very strong. I must stay away from you in the future. When I see you, I will Take a detour, for the sake of my sincere apology, don't continue to blow the pillow, let us go..."
the girl cried.

"who are you?"

Lin Nian was taken aback by a girl who jumped out, and he had no time to react, so he was dragged to talk.

As a result, Lin Nian didn't see who the girl was, and didn't know what happened, so he let the girl pull her around with a dazed expression.

The little girl raised her weeping, pear-blossomed face with rain, and looked at her purely and innocently, as if she had done something immoral.

"Miss Lin, it's me. I shouldn't have disturbed you before. Your lord has a lot of things to do, and you can do anything to me. Don't let Mr. Yan disturb our company again."
Lin Nian finally found out that the girl was the chairman of Yan Tingchen's fan support organization, and then heard the girl crying, but there was not a single point in her words, so that he couldn't figure out what was going on, but there was something hidden in the words Maliciousness was heard by her.

Seeing this scene, the people around also stopped, pointing fingers at Lin Nian.

For some reason, they all thought that Lin Nian was bullying others again. Many people went to the forum and found out that this is how the person holding the phone took pictures of Lin Nian.

Lin Nian looked at the innocent white lotus face of the president, and didn't know who he learned from, so he thought for a while.

But what Lin Nian said was not very clear, and he didn't know how to respond.

"I don't know what you're talking about, please hold still, okay? I'm going to class."

Lin Nian's face was cold.

"What a big deal, why is this girl making others cry so sad?"
Passerby A said.

"You still don't know? That's Lin Nian! Come on!"
Passer-by B "kindly" reminded him.

"Oh! Lin Nian, who is violent on campus! The one who still threatens his classmates."

Passerby A remembered.

"She's been doing so much since she's been here, now it's time for us to go live! So exciting! Take a picture."
There are also people who watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal
"That girl, so sad, what the hell is going on? Someone just came to ask me."
"It seems that this girl provoked Lin Nian, and then Lin Nian blew the pillow, and the whole family followed her."
"Oh, this femme fatale is annoying."
Another colleague summed up the general situation of the matter.

At this time, several bodyguards suddenly rushed out from the crowd, and abruptly pulled the chairman and the girl out of Lin Nian.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, to trouble you. Her troubles are our responsibility. Leave it to us. You go to class."

The guard said to Lin Nian respectfully.

"What happened?"
Lin Nian frowned and asked the bodyguard.

"This matter is because the boss is thinking about your safety and your own good, but he didn't expect such a problem. Don't worry, there is nothing else."

After the speech, several burly men dragged the girl away.

Seeing this appearance, the people around them hurriedly moved for fear of getting into trouble.

Lin Nian stood there coldly, contemplating the development of the matter.

However, facing the pointing eyes of many passers-by, Lin Nian was a little displeased, and walked back to the classroom.

But unbeknownst to him, another rumor about her is creeping up.

On the school forum that day, there were new trends in the posts about Lin Nian.

"Lin Nian."
"Lin Nian came out to work again, but he was supported by President Yan Da! Just because the girl is President Yan's Fan Support Chairman, Second Miss Lin actually blows the pillow, embarrassing President Yan's girl's company."
"As expected of a scorpion's heart!"
At this time, the public opinion about Lin Nian on the Internet showed a backward trend, and it seemed that someone was deliberately guiding it.

Things are getting serious...

After this scene was posted, rumors and gossips swept the whole school in the morning. Lin Nian's campus life has not yet been on the right track, and her reputation has plummeted, and she was stepped into the quagmire.

Where Lin Nian walked, everyone stayed away, and it would be difficult for Lin Nian not to find out.

At this time, she was like living in a closed cage, surrounded by people.

I don't know what others are talking about, but I bear the condemnation of everyone.

Class was about to start, and everyone was ready for the break. Liu Liu secretly picked up Lin Nian's cell phone, and quietly pointed her to the forum messages displayed on the cell phone.

"School violence"
"threatened classmate"
"Bullying with power, with a scorpion's heart"
And the comments below are mostly vicious words, questioning Yan Tingchen's vision, criticizing Lin Nian's character, and can't even say a word or two of reason.

Some even clamored for Lin Nian to drop out of school.

Lin Nian, a student who has just transferred to another school, can't be attacked like this. Even if Yan Tingchen is famous, her reputation may be a bit hotter, but normal people know that she has Yan Tingchen, so she shouldn't be so arrogant and spread rumors unscrupulously.

Lin Nian knew that things couldn't be so simple, and she didn't believe that no one was agitating the rhythm behind her back to guide public opinion!For example, this morning, the chairperson gave up on herself. She was in a completely passive position and felt a sense of crisis surrounded by conspiracy.

Lin Nian was definitely angry, but she could only calmly analyze the strange things that happened around her recently.

The chairman's house was beaten by Yan Tingchen, she had a little self-knowledge, she would be far away from her, but she was still walking in front of her, still begging for mercy in public.

But when she begged for mercy, the meaning leaked out of every word made people feel that she was a sinister and bad woman.

Why is she doing this?Who is her confidence?Rumors spread everywhere on the school forum, and the most direct victim was myself. From the initial post, it was a normal discussion, but in the end I saw traces of being led.

In the recent violent threats, the original truth has been buried, and what is presented on the forum is what people behind the scenes want the public to see.

How's the effect?So what does he hope for?In the end, her bad reputation caused indignation, and she will be expelled from school.

Here is the picture Yan Tingchen wants to see, is it him?Although Yan Tingchen is domineering and autocratic, he doesn't bother to do such a thing, just like this time he dealt with the chairman of the fans, and he did it openly.

Talking about Yan Tingchen intervening in this matter without telling her, and going straight to his old hole, this approach made her disagree, just like selling her daughter with her parents directly with a project.

Cold Heart……

Lin Nian, who still retains his kind nature, probably couldn't understand Yan Tingchen's actions.

This is a kind of determination of "holding you tightly in my arms, and I will stand behind the ups and downs".

So who else can benefit from this event?

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