This point of view was naturally unexpected and was opposed by all.

When Lu Feiyu heard her say this, he even frowned and asked her: "Is that because of what I said that night? If it was because of these words, I will take back everything I said, and you will treat it as if I didn't Say, okay?"

Lin Nian could only comfort him helplessly: "How could I make such a big decision because of your words? In fact, I had such an idea a long time ago, but it was just a while ago, and I haven't gotten rid of my dependence on you. ... Now I have decided that I can no longer rely on you."

"However, have you ever thought about which one of us can be so relieved? It's fine if you are as usual, but now you still have a child in your stomach."

Of course Lu Feiyu would not agree.

Lin Nian shook his head: "I've already made up my mind, don't persuade me anymore."

Just like that, Lu Feiyu looked at him sitting in front, and slowly felt sad in his heart. Finally, he gave a wry smile and asked, "Did my liking for you bring you such a big burden?"

"It's not like that... Lu Feiyu."

Lin Nian really couldn't figure out how to persuade him.

She is not good at this kind of thing. Although she has lived two lives, she is really not proficient in matters between men and women.

"What about you? I've never understood how you think, but I'm not ignorant of it. You've always been like this, very thoughtful and decisive, and everyone around you has given you These advices, but once you decide, no one can change your mind."

"Actually, you know what I thought at the beginning? At first, I thought that as long as I could be by your side, it would be fine, but people's hearts are insatiable, and I am no exception. At that time, I thought I could be by your side I have been around for so long, and they say that love grows over time, maybe one day you will feel differently about me."

"Now it seems that I was wrong."

Lu Feiyu stopped looking at her and turned his eyes to the window, his thoughts seemed to drift away slowly.

During this period of time, Lin Nian didn't know what to say. She knew how he felt for her and was very grateful.

But such a thing must not be accepted just because of gratitude.

This kind of relationship between a man and a woman is the most difficult to explain clearly, and the most difficult to explain.

At the moment, she is not thinking about these things at all, all she has to do is think about how to make herself stronger and how to follow her goals.

Lu Feiyu is so good and so good, she knows she doesn't deserve him.

And this kind of liking is simply not something that one's own reason can decide.

If reason could determine emotion, there wouldn't be so many idiots in this world.

In fact, she also knew that if she was with him, she would not have so many troubles.

He will definitely become her most considerate boyfriend, but so what, these things can't even convince yourself, how can you convince others?

If you can really make the person you like like you, then all the pain will disappear.

Elder Lin sighed, people always say how painful and sad it is to like someone who doesn't like you, but maybe no one has ever thought about being liked by someone you don't like, and seeing him sad, The depression in my heart is also uncomfortable.

I wish I could share the pain for him, but there is nothing I can do.

Seeing him sad for himself made him feel even more sad.

At such a moment, she felt that she really shouldn't exist.

I made an irreparable mistake.

In order not to make this kind of mistake again in the future, she should really leave here far away, and if she can, then don't come back.

Lu Feiyu seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Finally he glanced at her, fell silent, stood up, and said, "I know that I can't change what you decide. If this is what you want, I won't bother you."

Hearing what he said, Lin Nian suddenly felt sad for some reason: "You will definitely meet someone who is a thousand times stronger than me."

Lu Feiyu laughed at himself and said, "I hope so."

Lu Feiyu didn't stay any longer, but left after saying goodbye to her.

He walks crisply, like a stubborn and proud man, but he wants you to stay.

Lin Nian didn't go to see him off either, but just quietly watched his back as he left.

There are too many people to meet in life, some people will only accompany you for a while, and few people can accompany you to the end of the road.

During this process, people will keep coming in and people will keep leaving, and these will definitely be experienced.

Life is always losing, since you can only keep so much, you can't leave everything you want to keep, so you have to learn to enjoy the loss and learn to be alone when no one is with you Lick the wound.

Looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, Lin Nian smiled silently.

That's called "growth".

When Lin Nian told Yan Tingchen of his decision, he also encountered unprecedented and fierce opposition.

When talking to her, he almost suppressed his anger: "I can agree to whatever you want, but this is not enough."

Lin Nian was a little angry: "Why not? When I went abroad, I just wanted to go alone, just to avoid these domestic lives. Don't you know? I will meet with you again and contact you again. what's the function?"

"What do you think you can do by yourself? At least you still need my help."

He doesn't listen to her at all.

Lin Nian couldn't continue talking with him. The two of them were in his car, and after going to pick up the clothes that Lin Nian gave them, they were just about to go back to the hotel.

After Lin Nian heard what he said, he had no choice but to turn around and leave.

She slammed the car door loudly.

After putting on her clothes, she stood on the side of the road and started to take a taxi.

Yan Tingchen sat in the driver's cab and looked at her standing on the side of the road to stop the car, and was very angry.

The two of them always quarreled because they couldn't talk about one thing.

And Lin Nian seemed very unwilling to talk to him most of the time, as long as there was a sign of a quarrel, she would definitely turn around and leave.

Sometimes Yan Tingchen didn't even have a chance to explain.

He looked at Lin Nian who was still blocking the car not far away, and felt a faint headache.

But there was no way, and he couldn't let her go back by herself.

So, he got out of the car and walked towards her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Nian saw him coming, he turned his head and left without taking a taxi. It seemed that he just wanted to avoid him.

Yan Tingchen had no choice but to reach out and hold her: "Stop making trouble."

Lin Nian couldn't break free, and said angrily: "Who made trouble with you. I will take a taxi back by myself, don't drag me."

"I send you."

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