A few days ago, Lin Zi sneaked to the back mountain of the orphanage. There was a tree on the back mountain of the orphanage, and the tree was full of huge fruits.

It's just that it seemed immature at that time, Lin Nian decided to pick it and eat it in a few days.

Now that there are so many important people in the orphanage, these teachers should have no time to take care of the children, which is giving her the opportunity to sneak out of the back mountain.

It's already time to eat, but because of the arrival of this big man, they don't know when their canteen will be open.

Lin Nian was hungry, so she decided to go to the back mountain to pick fruit to eat.

For days, she had been thinking about those fruits.

When the teacher led the children back to the classroom, all the children ran back to the classroom, and she was the only one who, without the teacher's attention, turned a corner and ran to the back of the classroom before entering the classroom.

However, she didn't know at the time that the scene of her escape happened to fall into the eyes of this boy dressed like a little prince.

When Lu Feiyu saw her running away, he reached out and pulled his father's clothes: "Dad, I'm a little bored, can I go around by myself?
Lu Anhong agreed, and Lu Feiyu immediately chased in the direction where Lin Nian was escaping.

Lin Nian ran to a place not far behind the mountain and felt that someone was following him.

Feeling something was wrong, she stopped and turned her head to look, but saw no one.

Since Lu Feiyu was hiding, Lin Nian did not find him.

Now that the orphanage is overcrowded, how can the teacher notice that someone has escaped?Besides, even if someone noticed her running away, how could they just follow quietly?

Lin Nian didn't think about it anymore, and ran up the mountain directly.

And Lu Feiyu has been following her like this, and has been following her destination, under a few big fruit trees.

Lu Feiyu was still by Lin Nian's side.

Lin Nian looked back inadvertently, and saw his exquisite suit trousers and smooth leather shoes.


Lin Nian asked cautiously.

Lu Feiyu came out and said, "What are you doing here alone?"

"What's the matter with you? Who told you to come with me?"

Seeing him, Lin Nian was suddenly a little worried.

Had she disappeared by herself, the teachers might not have noticed.But now that he has come with her, those grown-ups will soon find out that he is gone, and when he comes back, won't she suffer?What on earth is this guy trying to do?
"Why are you following me?"

"I saw you sneaking away, so I followed you. If I don't follow you, what if something happens to you? A girl shouldn't be on this kind of mountain."

From a young age, Lu Feiyu has been thoroughly educated to be a little gentleman, knowing how to protect the girl under any circumstances, and think of the girl's safety first.

"Can you handle it?"

Because Lin Nian has lived in an orphanage all year round, he has developed the habit of wearing a thorn when he talks to anyone.

"You go back with me, otherwise, those teachers will find you missing, how worried should they be?"

Lu Feiyu wanted to convince her.

Of course Lin Nian refused: "If I go back, will I starve to death? The restaurant is not open yet, so of course I have to find something to eat by myself."

Lu Feiyu was a little surprised: "Haven't you eaten yet?"

"It's not that I don't want to eat, but that I have nothing to eat."

Lin Nian curled his lips and said, "It's not all because of your arrival."

Lu Feiyu didn't understand: "Why? Why don't you have anything to eat when we are here? Dad and I are here to do charity, and we will give you a lot of money for the dean, and you can take it in the future..."

"You are giving the dean money, not us."

Lin Nian didn't bother to wave his hand anymore and continued talking to him.

Turning my head, I saw the big fruit trees behind me. They all grew very tall, and their fruits also grew very tall.

Those fruits were still green a few days ago, now they look ripe.

How does this fruit taste?
Lin Nian's stomach growled.

Lu Feiyu was a little annoyed: "Have you really not eaten yet? It's already past lunch time."

"Since I have finished eating, why do I still run up the mountain?"

Lin Nian became impatient: "Don't follow me anymore, go back quickly, okay? If the teacher finds out, I will be beaten."

What made Lu Feiyu even more unbelievable was: "Those teachers seem so kind, how could they hit someone?"

"You are a rich son, how do you know the situation of the orphanage?"

Lin Nian didn't explain anything to him at all, she was still thinking about how to knock down the fruits around the tree.

In the end, Lin Nian got a long branch from nowhere, and tiptoed to reach the fruits of those trees.

Fortunately, she really gave enough of these fruits. When the first fruit fell to the ground, Lin Nian made her first surprise call.

Immediately she threw the branch aside, and went to fetch the fruit.

He didn't wash it much, just wiped it with the new clothes on his body, put it to his mouth, and took a bite.

Lu Feiyu looked aside and couldn't help asking: "Are you sure these fruits are edible?"

Lin Nian turned to look at him blankly: "Why can't you eat it?"

"Didn't the teacher teach you when you were in class? There are many things in the wilderness that you cannot eat casually."

Lu Feiyu said.

Lin Nian waved his hand and said, "This is not a wilderness."

Lu Feiyu didn't say anything.

The fruit was actually very sweet, and Lin Nian quickly finished eating the fruit. After eating, she still felt a little hungry, so she picked up another long branch to reach the fruit.

Seeing him like this, Lu Feiyu immediately showed his gentlemanly demeanor, took the branch from Lin Nian, and ate fruit for her.

Lu Feiyu's is older than hers, so he is much taller than hers, so he has reached many big fruits.

For some reason, he looked proficient and knocked down a few fruits in a short while.

Lin Nian was amused by him now, and told him more: "Try it too, this fruit is really delicious."

Lu Feiyu didn't refuse her, took a piece of fruit, wiped it on the corner of his clothes like her, and began to put it in his mouth.

The fruit was really sweet, and Lu Feiyu quickly ate up the fruit.

Lin Nian gave him another one, but he waved his hands and refused to eat any more: "This kind of food is not tasty, so don't eat it."

Lin Nian curled his lips and said, "You rich and powerful children have so many things to do."

"How do you know? Did you often sneak out before?"

Lu Feiyu found the stone and sat beside her.

When he first arrived at this place, he was curious about everything.

Lin Nian had a better impression of him than before, and he was less harsh towards him: "Last time I sneaked here, and when I found these fruits, they were not yet ripe. I guess they should be almost ripe today. So I ran over here. Your good fortune is not bad."

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