President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 314 Going to the Supermarket

She loses her temper easily these days.

While driving the car, Yan Tingchen glanced at her like this from time to time, feeling satisfied and peaceful in his heart.

No matter how noisy or busy outside the window, the silence inside the car always has a soothing power.

The two walked into the supermarket together, and Yan Tingchen pushed up the shopping cart consciously again and followed her.

All of this seems to have become a small tacit understanding between the two people.

Lin Nian bought some noodles and weighed some eggs, then the two of them wandered to the vegetable area and began to pick out some vegetables.

When a grocery shopping aunt saw Lin Nian and Yan Tingchen shopping, she couldn't help but praised: "You two young couples are really good.

When you walked over just now, I thought you two were really a good match. "

Yan Tingchen was tall, thin and handsome.

Although Lin Nian is pregnant now, his limbs are still slender.

Although no makeup was applied on her face, her own skin was white and shiny, her eyebrows were delicate, and she looked extremely pure.

Seen from a distance, the two are indeed quite right.

Just talking about what Auntie Selling Vegetables said made Lin Nian feel a little embarrassed.

To be honest, the relationship between her and Yan Tingchen is indeed a bit delicate.

This couple is far from that level if they are a couple, or they are not a couple, but now she is still pregnant with his child.

After getting along for a long time, the tacit understanding between two people is obviously no longer that simple.

Lin Nian herself was also very distressed. She knew that she shouldn't continue to have such an ambiguous affair with him now, but she often found that she couldn't control herself.

And every time Yan Tingchen came, he never did anything out of bounds.

He just talked to her normally, ate meals, and took a walk with her, and he didn't even say a single sarcastic word. If he really wanted to reject him who was thousands of miles away, he would appear hypocritical.

Lin Nian also felt very sad about this.

Hearing what the vegetable seller said, she hurriedly opened her mouth to explain, but the man behind him was a step ahead of him, with a formulaic smile, nodded and said, "Thank you."

It is equivalent to acknowledging the words of Aunt Selling Vegetables in disguise.

The unspoken words were swallowed deeply by Lin Nian again.

When he walked out of the vegetable area, Lin Nian couldn't help turning his head and glaring at him: "Why did you say that just now, and you didn't explain clearly, it's obviously not that relationship."

"Then what do you want her to think of you? A potbellied person who goes shopping with others?"

Yan Tingchen knew a long time ago that she would ask such a question, so he had already thought up a set of excuses.

Of course Lin Nian had nothing to say, turned around and left, ignoring him.

The two returned to the hotel, Lin Nian washed his hands, and then started to get busy, but was stopped by Yan Tingchen.

"You don't want to go."

"You are pregnant now, you shouldn't be asked to do so much. Sit down and rest."

Lin realized that he really didn't understand Yan Tingchen's thoughts at all. He said at the beginning that he wanted to eat the noodles he made, and then he said that there were no ingredients. He accompanied him to the supermarket to buy so many ingredients and came back. Then he told him Himself, let her sit down and rest.

She really wanted to knock his head open to see what he was thinking.

"Not only have you never eaten, but I haven't even eaten. If you don't cook now, let's drink the wind?"

Lin Nian couldn't help but hate him.

Yan Tingchen took a disposable apron from her hand, and then put his hand on himself naturally: "Can't I do it?
His actions really surprised Lin Nian: "What are you doing?"

"Cooking, otherwise what else can I do."

He was not at all surprised by his actions.

"Cook? Can you do it? Stop kidding."

Lin Nian teased him.

Yan Tingchen grabbed her wrist and said to her seriously: "I'm not joking with you, I really plan to cook."

"But you don't know how to cook, don't you know it's shameful to waste it? I bought all the ingredients back, so don't make trouble..."

Lin Nian withdrew his hand to take off the disposable apron on his body.

Yan Tingchen held her hand again: "Who told you I can't cook anymore?"

"Does it need to be said? I have been with you for such a long time, don't you know?"

Lin Nian really felt a little crying, who knows what kind of fume this person has today.

"I don't know how to cook, so can't I learn to cook? At this time, my aunt Zhou taught me a lot at home."

Yan Tingchen walked into the kitchen while talking to himself.

Lin Nian really didn't believe what he said at all, but judging by his appearance, he seemed really stubborn, and he really didn't know how to do it well.

Yan Tingchen ignored him, went to the kitchen, took out the freshly bought vegetables from the bag, and began to carefully pick them out.

Picking dishes feels that this matter can still be done well by himself, and he has no technical content, and they have chosen together before.

So Lin Nian moved a stool, sat at the door of the kitchen, and patiently watched him choose dishes.

Now she just wants to see what other tricks this man can pull off.

When Yan Tingchen saw him sitting on the kitchen door with a stool and staring at him, he felt very satisfied immediately, and said, "Then you can chat with me over there."

"I'm not chatting with you. I'm here to watch you. I'm afraid that if you burn this kitchen down, I will lose money."

Lin Nian pouted.

Yan Tingchen laughed and said, "If I really burn the kitchen down, can't I still pay for you?"

"That's too troublesome. Can you cook? Don't do anything wrong in places where you don't know how to do it."

Lin Nian sighed.

"Why don't you just sit down and watch me make it, I'm afraid you'll burn the kitchen down."

Yan Tingchen remained motionless.

Of course, in the end, although Yan Tingchen knew how to cook, he really didn't know how to cook.

Lin Nian couldn't help standing up from the stool several times to help, but he drove them away.

So Lin Nian could only teach him outside the kitchen: "Turn on the range hood first—"

"Add water, add water!"

"Don't serve the food yet, wait for the water to boil before serving!"

"Hey, don't put so much salt, my God, how can this thing be eaten!"

"You cracked that egg into frangipani, I don't like poached eggs."

"Don't do this, don't do this, hey!"

Although it did have a few twists and turns, it ended up making the meal.

When Yan Tingchen brought the two bowls of noodles to the table, Lin Nian really felt that he might as well let him do it himself, it was more tiring than doing it himself.

The point is that she didn't dare to move her chopsticks when she saw the appearance of the two bowls of noodles.

He put so much salt just now, she thought, as if he had killed the salt seller.

Thinking of this, she was a little scared. She could guarantee that she would never be able to eat this bowl of noodles.

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