President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 304 Rekindling the Dream

Lin Nian doesn't have so many scruples, as long as he has a car, he can let himself go back.

They stopped by and came to Yan Tingchen's villa, packed up some clothes and daily necessities of Lin Qianqian, and took them to the car.

Aunt Zhou was very sad to pack up like this, she took Lin Nian's hand and asked, "You packed up everything, do you really plan to never come back?"

Lin Nian smiled and said, "Who knows what will happen in the future? It's more important to live in the present."


Aunt Zhou went to Yan Tingchen again: "Master, why did you ask Miss Lin Nian to move all the things away? You can't agree, if that's the case, how do you expect her to come back? Go tell her to stop! "

In fact, Yan Tingchen really didn't want her to take the things away, but he knew that it was meaningless for him to stop her now, and he had already promised that he would respect everything about her.

So I just sighed and said, "Aunt Zhou, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Although Aunt Zhou was very anxious, looking at the situation in front of her, she also knew that she was absolutely unable to help, so she could only let them go.

Lin Nian returned to the small hotel where she used to live. Although the hotel she lived in now was not as luxurious as the one Yan Tingchen owned before, she was actually quite satisfied with her stay.

Although the internal facilities are not perfect, they can be regarded as small and well-equipped.

Because she had promised Xiao Ya not to leave until her birthday was over, she would probably stay in this hotel for a few more days.

And yesterday's conversation with Yan Tingchen obviously failed.

Although she knew exactly what she wanted and how to do it, she didn't know why she was so easily persuaded by him when talking about it with her.

There was only one reason. He said it so simply, but it shook the long-held thought in his heart.

But he did talk about his heart, she really didn't want her child not to be fully loved after birth.

Therefore, between now and her birthday, she also plans to think about her thoughts carefully and figure out what she really wants.

She thought she would be depressed these days, but she was really wrong.

Maybe it happened too suddenly, and it was too scary. These people hardly dared to let her be alone anymore, and they needed someone to accompany her all the time.

So the good idea of ​​letting myself live quietly for a while was completely shattered.

But there is also an unexpected result, that is, every time Xiao Ya and Liu Wenwen come to her, she will have a particularly strong feeling that she must stick to her dream.

Since Liu Wenwen and Xiao Ya's academic achievements are all there, every time they talk about their dreams, they are very confident.

Xiao Ya knew very well that she wanted to be admitted to the Conservatory of Music and stick to her dream of music.

Liu Wen wanted to study finance.

Perhaps it was also because of the upcoming college entrance examination, and now they were also starting to think about the university they were going to apply for. When they came to Lin Nian, they couldn't help but want to talk to her.

Every time Lin Nian saw the ray of light from the eyes of the two of them, he would be deeply attracted by them, and he would feel a deep sense of yearning in his heart.

She is a person with dreams, so she knows how attractive the fun and desire of pursuing dreams is.

Moreover, what makes her feel very sad is that she is so far away from her dream, and she wants to pursue her dream, but at the moment she is powerless.

There are not many opportunities left for her. Maybe if she misses this opportunity, she will never have it again.

Standing at the crossroads of such a choice, she has never felt so sad. Should she stay for the sake of the child, or should she firmly take the child away from home, go to a distant place, and pursue her dream?Although she is confused, she also knows her inner desire very clearly.

In the dead of night, tossing and turning, she touched her belly that had gradually bulged, her thoughts were in a mess, densely packed, and she was about to burst out of the sky.

But she is still receiving stimulation from Liu Wenwen and Xiao Ya, and even Gu Tian has started to study hard recently.

Whenever she came to Lin Nian, it was the same. For the first time, she would bring her own practice questions to do, and then she would ask Lin Nian for help when she encountered problems that could not be solved.

Lin Nian would sometimes do nothing, sitting on the sofa at one side and looking at these three different girls. These three girls of the same age were struggling for their dreams seriously. She looked at them so quietly, but felt that she was far away from them. So close, yet so far away, completely like people from two worlds.

Although it was good to continue like this, she finally made up her mind.

She wants to be selfish once, and wants to live seriously for herself once.

In her previous life, she had completely lost herself, until the end, she still had no self, but in her first rebirth, she didn't want to be as useless as before, she wanted to change herself.

The people around are so good, she doesn't want to be a person who doesn't fit in with her surroundings.

Why can't she be one of so many excellent people?Why can't I give it a go even though I have a dream?As the chicken soup for the soul says, there is always someone who will succeed, but why can't it be her?How do you know you can't do it if you don't stick to it?Why do you always want to give up, one day you will look back and thank yourself for persisting today.

In the dead of night, she gently stroked her belly and murmured to herself: "Son, I'm sorry. Mom just wants to be selfish once, please forgive mom this time. I promise to give you the best love in the world, but this It’s up to me to do it.”

"Although I stay with your dad, maybe I don't need to think about it at all. But you know what? Mom really doesn't want that. Do you know mom's dream, mom will never give up, and I want to use this sentence too Let me tell you, when you grow up, if you have your own dream, please be like your current mother and never give up."

"You sure don't blame mom, do you?"

"I believe that my child must be a well-behaved and sensible child."
For some reason, the more she talked, the more she felt a little sad, and the more she talked, the more she felt sorry for the child in her stomach.

But the experience of these days has made the burning dream in her heart start to rekindle, and ignited a raging flame, which will never be extinguished again.

That hot dream, whenever you want to give up, it will burn you up in the middle of the night.

She stroked her belly, spoke softly, and fell asleep unknowingly.

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