President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 288 Love and Hate Entanglement Difficult to Choose

There was no expression on his face, but there was a trace of almost destructive anger in his eyes. He walked over to look at Chen Changchun and Lin Zihan, and then at Lin Nian who was standing peacefully over there, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

But he looked at Chen Changchun and Lin Zihan mockingly, and said indifferently: "Are you two very impatient?
This sentence speaks of arrogance, but just coming out of his mouth, it makes people feel very believable.

This is Yan Tingchen, what he wants to do, there is nothing he can't do.

No one dared to provoke him so boldly, Chen Changchun and Lin Zihan took the lead.

Lin Zihan was already frightened the moment she saw him, she never thought that the person who came would be Yan Tingchen.

No one can be calm at this moment, but Yan Tingchen can make her mess up at this moment.

She blushed and said, "Tingchen..."

Yan Tingchen glanced at her coldly, and said, "I really shouldn't be soft-hearted for someone like you.

Lin Zihan fell silent for a moment, what does "someone like you" mean?
The disgust in her tone didn't even hide it, and she was hurt.

Yan Tingchen took a few steps forward, wanting to see Lin Nian, Chen Changchun immediately ran to Lin Nian's side.

Lin Nian hid subconsciously, but the guards had already firmly grasped her arm, and she couldn't help but bend down in pain and said, "Brother, take it easy."

It was late at night, and Chen Changchun came to her, hugged her other arm, and smiled at Yan Tingchen: "Boss Yan, don't mess around.

Yan Tingchen stopped immediately, with a serious face: "What do you want to do?
"What I do depends entirely on my mood."
Chen Changchun almost fell into madness, "So Mr. Yan, don't force me, and don't be impulsive.

"You let her go, this time I will let you go." Yan Tingchen said expressionlessly.

"Haha, Mr. Yan, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me now? Just drag her to a distance of five steps, and we can walk the whole distance together." Chen Changchun raised his hand and pinched Lin Nian's neck .

Lin Nian shook her head and opened her eyes wide. She never thought that Chen Changchun would have such thoughts.

She thought that the arrival of the police and Yan Tingchen would calm them down, but she didn't expect that this would drive them into a hurry, and Chen Changchun had the idea of ​​dying with her.

Yan Tingchen, however, has been standing firmly on the spot, seeing him suddenly curl the corner of his mouth coldly: "Of course things will become easier when you die, but what about the people you care about?"

These words made Chen Changchun almost unable to move and breathless.

Yan Tingchen continued: "Your parents have devoted their entire lives to your career, but as long as I move my finger, I can guarantee that if anything goes wrong with Lin Nian today, your parents will never have a good life from now on." up.

No matter how crazy Chen Changchun was for Lin Zihan, his filial piety remained unchanged.

Yan Tingchen was as motionless as Mount Tai, as if everything was under his control: "You have desperately protected this woman."

Facing Lin Zihan, who was already sluggish, he suddenly said, "Don't you think she's living a terrible life? As long as you dare to touch Lin Nian once, I'll make Lin Zihan's life worse than death."

"How dare you!" Chen Changchun shouted excitedly.

"You can try it if you don't believe me." Yan Tingchen put his hands in his pockets and stood upright. His confident and calm demeanor gave him a kind of comforting power.

Seeing him like this, Lin Nian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She really didn't expect that the person who came to save her would be Yan Tingchen.

But after thinking about it, this seemed to be expected. Apart from him, it was difficult for others to find her in such a short period of time.

Just as she was thinking about it, Yan Tingchen heard someone else's footsteps again.

On the road, besides the policemen wearing police uniforms and holding weapons, there were also Gu Lie, Gu Tian and Xiao Ya.

It turned out that Gu Lie and his party lost their way halfway, and when they ran into the police who came, they followed them.

Gu Tian, ​​when you saw Lin Nian now, you immediately yelled: "God, how are you doing now? How are you all?
Lin Nian couldn't speak, but shook his head to comfort her.

Gu Tian immediately began to scold Chen Changchun and Lin Zihan: "You two are really capable of tossing around? What made this happen? Isn't one class enough?"

At this time, the police uncle came to stop Gu Tian, ​​and said to Chen Changchun who was standing on the edge of the cliff: "Let go of the hostages, surrender.

When Chen Changchun saw the police coming, his eyes were already red. He knew that he couldn't turn back now, so he simply pulled Lin Nian's arm and started to retreat, biting the bullet and retreating to the edge of the cliff.

This move shocked everyone, and the police uncle immediately stopped him: "Don't be impulsive, we can have a good talk."

"Talk about what? What is there to talk about?"

Chen Changchun said: "I have nothing left, I did this today just to let this woman die!"

"Let her die, what use are you for!"
Xiao Ya stood behind Gu Lie, her face was very calm, without Gu Tian's panic at all.

"Do you think this can protect Lin Zihan? Chen Changchun, you are wrong."

"You and Lin Nian jumped from here today, everyone will not let Lin Zihan go, this matter will once again set off a storm of public opinion on the Internet, Lin Zihan's situation will not improve at all, she will only be scolded by those netizens worse."

"She doesn't want to live a good life all her life. She will always be a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats!"

Lin Zihan's face paled upon hearing these words, and Chen Changchun's expression also changed.

Xiao Ya smiled, and then said: "Do you think you are helping her? Do you think you are loving her? That is just hurting her!" "You think others are not good enough for her, everyone is framing her huh, but what about you? If you even kill someone for her, then she is an accomplice!"

Chen Changchun was so angry that his neck turned red immediately, and the veins on his neck were throbbing, he said angrily: "Nonsense!
"Am I talking nonsense? Ask Lin Zihan, isn't she here? You ask her if she wants to hide in darkness forever for the rest of her life?" Xiao Ya's eyes revealed a confident light.

Chen Changchun subconsciously turned her head to look at Lin Zihan. She was standing not far from him, and she also turned her head to look at him at this moment, with a bit of sadness in her eyes, and slowly shook her head to him.

Chen Changchun almost closed his eyes in despair, no matter when, he will always be the one who was abandoned.

Even at such a critical juncture, Lin Zihan was unwilling to stand on the same side with him.

As long as that person is there... Chen Changchun looked at Yan Tingchen who was still standing indifferently, and for the first time showed jealousy and hatred in his eyes.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Lin Zihan knew that the plan of the two of them was going to fail again. Although she was unwilling, she had no choice now.

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