President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 281 Scheduling and Monitoring

Gu Lie quickly followed Lin Nian's cell phone.

Just when the mobile phone was thrown into the trash can at the end of the fast food street, Yan Tingchen, wearing a dark blue suit, started digging through the trash can expressionlessly.

When he found the phone, many people had already gathered around him.

Some people even secretly took pictures on their mobile phones, and the pictures they took were all whispers.

Yan Tingchen's face was ugly, and his eyes were gloomy while pinching Lin Nian's mobile phone, almost killing him.

Considering the seriousness of the matter, Gu Lie coughed lightly, stepped forward to pull him and said: "Leave the phone here, she is definitely not here, not far away, let's go first."

The two of them went back to Yan Tingchen's house, Yan Tingchen took a shower and changed, and then started calling again.

Liaise with various police officers, adjust various surveillance equipment, and ask several of his bodyguards to find them.

When he was on the phone, he sat on the sofa in silence, showing a gloomy demeanor.

Gu Lie talked to him, but he ignored him.

He sat for a while, could hardly sit any longer, and went out again with the car keys.

Gu Lie pulled him and said, "Where are you going?"

Yan Tingchen dumped him, his voice was ugly: "Of course I went to find her!"

"Do you know where he is? Are you going to find her?"

Considering this, he frowned and said, "When surveillance comes, do you think I can sit still?"

"You didn't hear what those two people said, and you don't know what happened!"

"When did I see you in such a hurry? I know how serious it is..."

"do not know!"

The veins on Yan Tingchen's forehead were throbbing, "She's pregnant, do you know? These days, she has offended those people, do you know what she will go through? If Qian Wu..."

He thought of this possibility, and endless panic burst from the bottom of his heart.

He knew better than anyone how inhuman Qian Wu was. If Qian Wu really took Lin Nian away this time, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

He didn't want to stay any longer, and turned to drive.

Gu Lie was helpless and could only follow him when Yan Tingchen's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Yan, I have already sent you the surveillance video you asked for."


Yan Tingchen closed the door again and went back to get the computer.

Gu Lie was also relieved, to be honest, he was not in a hurry, but now if the two of them went out to look for it, they would really find no place, it would be a waste of time.

He knew that Yan Tingchen's worries were groundless, so now he had to regain his sanity.

Yan Tingchen was unusually silent. When he looked at the monitor, because the two of them only knew the general direction where Lin Nian was taken away, they were not really sure where it was.

Therefore, there are a lot of monitors transferred this time, and the number is too large. It is really difficult for the two of them to find them.

All right!Lin Nian called Yan Tingchen when the accident happened, so the two knew the exact time.

They pushed the time forward by an hour, and in this hour, they found Lin Nian.

Now that she's out on the street, she's sure to be caught on camera.

The next step is to continue to observe her course of action.

In such a case, the workload is not small.

As time went by, Yan Tingchen's face became more and more gloomy.

Finally, Gu Lie's eyes widened and he said, "I found it!"

Yan Tingchen immediately looked at his computer, and sure enough, he saw Lin Nian in casual clothes turning a corner in the street.

When Lin Nian woke up, he found himself in an abandoned warehouse.

There was dust everywhere, and various wastes were scattered all over the ground.

Her hands and feet were bound and she was thrown in a corner.

The mouth is still stuck to the tape.

She is very calm, her life is like filming a TV series, exciting all day long!
She even encountered kidnapping. She really decided to buy a lottery ticket. What if she won 500 million yuan?Although she thinks so, she is not without qualms about her current situation.

She looked down at herself, her lower abdomen was slightly protruding, and she calmed down a little after she was sure that she had no discomfort.

No matter what happens, as long as her children are still silently accompanying her.

After being safe for the time being, she re-examined the surrounding environment.

The warehouse looked abandoned, dusty all around and giant cobwebs in the corners.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that she is no longer in the city center.

In the city center, it is absolutely impossible to have such an abandoned warehouse, after all, it is also a place where every inch of land is expensive.

So where is she now?She remembered that it was about 04:30 p.m. when she went out. She walked from the hotel to the snack street, and then walked around the snack street for a while, and then concluded that it was around [-]:[-] when she was knocked out.

From the high window, she could see the faint light outside.

It was evident that it was summer now, and the days were long, and it could be concluded that it was about seven o'clock.

From 04:30 to [-]:[-], more than two hours later, when she was knocked out and taken away, it happened to be the rush hour in the urban area, so traffic jams were inevitable.

It doesn't look like she's far from the city center.

So where?Lin Nian's head turned quickly, not far from the urban area, but relatively deserted... Her eyes widened.

Further north to the city center, there is a sparsely populated power plant.

There is a low mountain there, but there is no scenery here, and there are no important traffic routes, and no one usually comes and goes.

If she guessed right, she should be here by now, right?Now she doesn't understand what the person who kidnapped her wants to do. If it's extorting money, it's okay.

But if the people who kidnapped her were the few people she had offended during this period... Then her safety might not be guaranteed.

Once again, I blamed myself for being stupid, for actually daring to go out and walk alone in such a secluded alley in such a turmoil.

Isn't that a waste of effort to give others a chance?Thinking of it like this, she was really a little scared. Although it was summer, there was still a thin layer of cold sweat on her back.

Before she passed out, she made a call with her mobile phone, but she didn't know whether the call was connected, or someone answered it, and whether she found anything unusual.

And she is staying in this corner now, with no belongings like her side. It is obvious that her bag has been taken away by the hijackers, and her mobile phone is probably lost.

It was clear that there was no sound around her, no one.

Holding on to the base of the wall, she stood up slowly, and because her legs were tied together, she could only jump forward gently.

But because she still has a child in her belly, she dare not dance too vigorously.

Jumping around the corner, she found the warehouse door locked.

Not only were the windows all around were sealed, but all the windows were also sealed, and now it was impossible to escape from this warehouse with her strength.

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