"Then go and go through the formalities with her! You put away your things and ask the driver to pick you up later."

Lin Zhiguo said.

Mother Lin sighed: "I think this incident hit her hard...

"She did it herself!"

Lin Zhiguo dismissed this, and when he mentioned it, he became furious: "Let me tell you, you can't get used to her when you go home this time!"

"She probably really knew she was wrong, and now she has nothing to say. For some reason, she slept until noon, didn't talk, and ate little. I was still very surprised. Before going to bed last night, she suddenly said something to me. Said to be discharged from the hospital!"

"Hmm! I probably figured it out!"

For Lin Zihan, Lin Zhiguo was still a little angry.

Mother Lin also understood what he meant, and didn't say much: "Okay, you are busy! I will go through the formalities with her."

After hanging up the phone, Mother Lin went back and said a few words to Lin Zihan, and then went to go through the discharge procedures.

The hospital was a little surprised when they heard that they were going through the discharge procedures, but more people knew the truth about Lin Zihan's condition, so the procedures went smoothly.

After completing the formalities, I went back to the ward to pack my things. Lin Zihan lived here for a long time, and there were a lot of things.

There was not much communication between mother and daughter, and it took a while to pack things up.

During this period, Lin Zhiguo called to inquire, and said that the driver he arranged had arrived at the hospital, and Lin's mother asked him to come up and help with the things.

After this incident, Lin Zihan's personality also changed a lot.

For example, according to her previous personality, she would never do it by herself, let alone let her carry things downstairs by herself.

It's just that this time she saw a lot of things, so she cleaned up herself. After the driver took some things, she took off the rest of the heavier ones and went downstairs.

After returning to Lin's house, Lin Zihan locked herself in her room.

Her room was always cleaned, so it was no different than when she left.

Staying alone in the ward, she didn't know what to think, as if Mother Lin could see that she was in a bad mood, so she didn't bother her anymore.

When she recovered, she received a phone call.

At first I thought it was Qian Wu calling, but it was obvious that she was overthinking.

The caller is Chen Changchun.

"I heard you were discharged from the hospital?" There was some anxiety in his tone.

Lin Zihan really didn't understand what he was going to do when he called at this time. He left the hospital in a hurry at that time, and he still vividly remembers it.

Lin Zihan thought that after going through this incident, he would not contact her again, but he did not expect that he would call her again today.

She sighed wearily: "How do you know I've been discharged from the hospital? You asked someone to watch me?"

To her surprise, Chen Changchun said in an awkward tone, "No, don't think too much... I just hope to know about your situation at any time."

But Lin Zihan had no intention of bothering with him about these trivial matters at this time, and sat on the bed alone, with almost no anger in her eyes, "Why are you calling?"

"Let me ask why you were discharged from the hospital suddenly? Did something happen?"

he asked.


Lin Zihan suddenly cried out.


Chen Changchun was confused.

"Why are you so stupid? It's all true, why are you calling me?"

Lin Zihan never thought that one day she would say such words, but her mood at this moment was hard to describe.

Hearing Chen Changchun's voice on the other end of the phone, Lin Zihan suddenly wanted to wake up this idiot.

Before that, he didn't dare to do things for her and worked hard for her, but now for some reason, he was suddenly very angry with what he had done to her.

"Chen Changchun, can you not be so stupid? Don't insist on it anymore, I can't like you. No matter how good you are to me, I won't be with you."

Lin Zihan said: "Then don't be stupid, don't do anything for me anymore. No matter what happens to me from now on, just leave me alone and live your life well."

In fact, Chen Changchun is a very good person. He has studied very well since he was a child, and he is also loved by his teachers.

As far as doing business is concerned, although he doesn't have particularly outstanding talents, he can at least manage the family business well.

If it wasn't because he liked her, his life would have been perfect and smooth.

Even if he is a playboy, he is much happier than liking her.

If calculated in this way, Lin Zihan really ruined his life.

Therefore, she wants to wake herself up now.

She, Lin Zihan, could have had a very perfect life, she was both beautiful and smart, her life could have been glamorous, but now it is almost ruined.

Therefore, looking at Chen Changchun's obsession now, she also seemed to see her own paranoia.

She tried to pull him.

Despite her suspicious times, no one came to pull her.

"what are you talking about?"

Obviously, Chen Changchun didn't expect her to say that.

"I've made it very clear, don't contact me in the future, if you call again, I won't answer, that's it!"

hang up the phone.

Chen Changchun said: "Zihan! Don't hang up!"

Lin Zihan sighed, "What's wrong?"

"I don't understand what you mean, I like you, this is my own business. You have no right to interfere with me, I want to help you, this is my own business. I don't know why you said that suddenly, but no matter what you say I won't give up on anything. I will help you with this, not to make you like me, but to make you happy! Don't you understand? "

In fact, Chen Changchun is different from her, his love for her is not because he wants to possess her.

Instead, try to do whatever it takes to make her happy!

If she is willing to be with him, of course it is the best, even if she is not, then he has nothing to regret, he is satisfied when he sees her happy.

But Lin Zihan is different.

She likes Yan Tingchen just because she wants him, and she absolutely doesn't allow him to like others or be with others.

As long as she saw him with someone else, she would make that person disappear.

The preferences of the two of them are completely different things.

Lin Zihan didn't realize this until then, and she smiled sadly.

During this time, she must have realized how twisted and perverted her kindness was, but she knew that she couldn't control herself at all.

Since she was born in a poor family, she has been favored by the people around her, which has created her current character, but things have reached this point, and she has no medicine to regret.

"Changchun, why can't I be like you, why can't I like others with your mood?"

she whispered.

Chen Changchun remained silent: "Zihan, people are different..."

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