Suddenly, he didn't want to stay with her anymore, and he felt that if he stayed any longer, if he stayed with her, he would go crazy.

He didn't dare to imagine this scene anymore.

I am afraid that such a picture will follow him like a nightmare for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, he stood up and hurriedly said to Lin Zihan: "Zihan, since everything is arranged properly, the things I promised will be done, so I'll go first."

Hearing these words, Lin Zihan looked back at her and said with a hint of mockery in her eyes, "Do you want to leave?

"I have something to do!" He said awkwardly.

"Okay, go get busy!"

Miss Lin smiled.

But Chen Changchun didn't dare to look up at her smile at all, and turned and left immediately after hearing her answer.

Lin Zihan from behind looked at him with disdain, and sneered in her heart.

With his guts, he was worthy of her.

…What Lin Zihan didn't know was that when she left the operating room on her front foot, earth-shaking changes took place on her back foot in the operating room.

The doctor mixed the anesthetic, and then walked step by step to Lin Nian who was lying on the operating table.

However, the weak-looking little nurse behind him suddenly took out a folded towel from the pocket of her isolation gown, covered the doctor's mouth briskly, and turned her back to her.

Before the doctor was ready, the anesthetic in his hand fell to the ground. He was suddenly covered with a towel, and took a few breaths in horror. The anesthetic on it was immediately inhaled into his lungs.

When he realized this, he immediately held his breath, but it was too late.

The woman behind her was too strong to be underestimated, and she covered his mouth so hard that he couldn't break free for a while.

Later, he inhaled the anesthetic, and gradually felt weakness in his limbs, and he couldn't get rid of her.

After a while, his legs went limp, his eyes rolled, and he fell beside the operating table.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Zhang didn't take it lightly, so he squatted down and patted the doctor's face, and then continued to cover his mouth and nose with a towel.

All of this was done, and her heart was already pounding.

At this time, the door of the operating room opened.

The male doctor who followed Xiao Zhang trotted in, appearing in a hurry as if he was afraid that something uncontrollable would happen in this operating room.

His eyes widened completely when he saw the fallen doctor.

"You two, have you solved it yet?"

he asked.

"Could it be that I'm still waiting for you to come?"

Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes, "When you come, the day lily will be cold!"

"Isn't it because I wasted some time, and ran over as soon as I finished my work, which frightened me!"

said the doctor.


Xiao Zhang said disdainfully: "Okay, hurry up!"

"it is good!"

Once the doctor agreed, he turned around and looked for the cameras he had installed before, and removed them.

The two cameras have worked flawlessly and they are no longer needed.

Putting it here again will only expose its flaws and be found out.

Like Xiao Zhang, he hurried to the operating table and shouted: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin? Are you okay?"

Lin Nian slowly opened his eyes when he heard that he was being called.

Because he was lying on the operating table, and the light above it was very dazzling, she half-closed her eyes and said lazily: "Mmm!"

Seeing that she was fine, Xiao Zhang was relieved for the most part.

But looking at her lazy and nonchalant look, I couldn't help but feel funny.

This person's psychological quality is really extraordinary. The onlookers were so frightened that their hearts would jump out. They didn't expect her client to be so calm.

Lin Nian got off the operating table, glanced at the doctor lying there, curled his lips, couldn't help kicking him and said, "It makes you want to kill me!"

Xiao Zhang: "..."
Men: "..."

Lin Nian turned his head suspiciously and said, "Can't I kick him?"

"Of course you can kick him!"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "It's just that Ms. Lin doesn't have time to kick him now, you'd better leave quickly, this place is too dangerous, or Lin Zihan will find something wrong after a while, and it will be broken when she comes back."

Lin Nian very much agreed with her statement, how crazy Lin Zihan is, she can be said to have realized today, if she finds out that her plan has failed, it is difficult to guarantee how crazy she will be.

I don't know if she was really holding a knife to kill her.

Thinking of this incident, Lin Nian immediately felt goosebumps, raised his head and asked her, "Will you follow me?"

"We can't go with you, it's easy to doubt, we still have a lot of things to do."

Xiao Zhang said: "Mr. Lin, don't take the elevator, go directly downstairs through the safe passage, so as not to be discovered. Mr. Lu's car is waiting for you at the entrance of the hospital. He wants me to tell you that it is the same one that sent you last time." car."

Lin Nian suddenly remembered that when he escaped from the hospital last time, Lu Feiyu was also here.

Can't help smiling.

Seeing that she was still in the mood to laugh here, Xiao Zhang couldn't help urging: "Miss Lin, don't dawdle, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Lin Nian nodded, knowing the seriousness of the situation, he hurriedly put away the smile on his lips, strode to the door of the operating room, and opened the door.

She carefully looked to the left and right, and after confirming that there was no one there, she hurried out to find a safe passage.

In fact, she didn't feel much in the operating room just now, but now she felt very nervous when she ran out of the operating room.

The whole heart in the chest is beating non-stop, because the whole floor is very quiet.

As Lin Zihan said, there was no one on the whole floor.

It is precisely because of this that it appears even more empty and terrifying.

Now she is very concerned about her footsteps, because she doesn't know where Lin Zihan is and whether her footsteps will attract her attention.

The upstairs is so empty, the sound of footsteps can be heard far, far away.

Once this crazy woman finds out, she will go completely crazy for what she has done!
Lin Nian held his clothes tightly, cautiously, and tried his best to move quickly.

If you don't pass a room, you have to bend over and run there, for fear that Lin Zihan, the lunatic, will be sitting inside.

The fire exit was so unfriendly to her that she had to walk almost the entire corridor to get there.

But if Lin Zihan hadn't left and was still on this floor, then she might be found out.

Lin Nian had only walked for a short while, and a thin layer of sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

Just as she was about to approach the fire exit, she suddenly heard a door open behind her.

Then came the sound of footsteps.

Lin Nian was startled, and felt a chill behind his back.

And she didn't dare to look back, she hurriedly pushed open the door of the safety exit, flashed by, and ran in.

As she ran to the fire exit, she quickly grabbed the banister and started running down.

My heart was pounding, and I was sweating sticky all over my body.

But she didn't dare to run too fast, and she still had the child in her stomach in her heart.

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